Top 10 Sasuke Moments in Naruto Anime

Sasuke Uchiha, a prominent figure in the Naruto series, is renowned for his captivating story that has captured the hearts of fans. Initially portrayed as a skilled yet detached ninja, Sasuke’s ultimate goal was to seek vengeance against his brother, Itachi, for the murder of their family. Along his journey, he crossed paths with Naruto and learned valuable lessons on the importance of strength and friendship.

As the story progresses, Sasuke becomes embroiled in unforgettable battles, including his confrontations with Itachi and Naruto. Yet, at its core, Sasuke’s journey is one of self-discovery and emotional turmoil. His experiences in Naruto are not only thrilling, but also poignant tales of finding his true identity and sense of belonging.

10. Sasuke’s First Feature in Naruto Shippuden

Sasuke’s first introduction in Shippuden | Source: IMDb

During the initial arc of Naruto Shippuden, known as the Sasuke retrieval mission, numerous events took place, such as Naruto’s tailed beast manifestation while battling Orochimaru. When the transformation was eventually reversed, Naruto was left significantly weakened.

After facing numerous challenges, Naruto and his team finally found Orochimaru’s secret hideout and came face to face with Sasuke. His aura was powerful and distant, indicating his increased strength. He declared his intentions to not return to the leaf village.

Afterward, he demonstrates his dominance in battle by raising his arm to use Thunderclap. However, Orochimaru intervenes and they both flee, leaving Naruto and Sakura feeling hopeless.

9. Introduction to Naruto and Sasuke

Naruto and Sasuke
Naruto and Sasuke being the bestest of Buddies | Source: IMDb

In the realm of anime, this introduction is often hailed as one of the most comical. Among their peers, Sasuke was renowned for his exceptional ninjutsu abilities, while Naruto was known as the least skilled.

Despite the classroom’s infatuation with Sasuke’s appearance, Naruto continued to scowl at him, unable to comprehend what made him so remarkable. In a fit of exaggerated theatrics, Naruto perched on Sasuke’s desk, only to be abruptly knocked off by Shikamaru, resulting in an unexpected kiss. Given their fierce competition, this moment became even more iconic and comical.

Naruto and Sasuke’s Battle Against Haku

This particular battle served as a reminder to Sasuke of the significance of friendships. Despite his typically aloof and unfeeling attitude, he bravely stepped in front of Naruto to shield him from Haku’s lethal Ice Prison jutsu, ultimately taking a hit from the ice. When Naruto inquires about Sasuke’s selfless act, he simply states that his body reacted on instinct, demonstrating his strong desire to safeguard his companions and prioritize their well-being over his own.

Naruto and Sasuke
Sasuke defends Naruto against Haku | Source: Fandom

The gesture that Naruto had made left a lasting impact on him, deepening their friendship. This bond between them was so strong that even when Sasuke succumbed to hatred and departed from the village, Naruto never gave up on the hope of bringing him back to the Leaf Village. He was convinced that their connection was unbreakable.

Sasuke vs Gaara

Sasuke vs Gaara
Sasuke vs Gaara | Source: Fandom

The Chunin exams witnessed one of the most thrilling battles as the strongest genin from the sand village, Gaara, faced off against Sasuke, the most powerful genin from the leaf village. The fight began with Sasuke launching rapid attacks on Gaara, leaving him with little time to respond. This proved to be tiring for Gaara, who then resorted to his signature move of encasing himself in a hardened sand shield, making it nearly impossible for Sasuke to penetrate his defense.

At this moment, Sasuke creates space between himself and Gaara in order to ready himself for an attack. He then uses his Chidori to pierce through Gaara’s sandwall, shocking the audience as this jutsu is typically only used by Kakashi. This results in Gaara receiving his first ever injury from Sasuke’s Chidori, causing him to panic and transform into his tailed beast form. This marked the end of their intense battle.

6. Sasuke Reunites with Itachi

Itachi Baibai
Itachi bids Farewell to Sasuke | Source: Fandom

The scene in Naruto Shippuden was filled with intense emotion. Despite the Reanimation Jutsu being a despicable technique that dishonors the deceased, it proved to be a double-edged sword for its caster, Kabuto. This was because Itachi was able to break free from its mind control and join forces with Sasuke to defeat Kabuto.

Despite Sasuke’s lifelong hatred for Itachi, he softened towards him after discovering the truth. Kabuto proved to be a formidable foe with his numerous jutsu, but the Uchiha brothers’ bond and strength ultimately prevailed, leading to the undoing of the reanimation jutsu. The battle ended with a heart-wrenching goodbye from Sasuke to Itachi.

5. Sasuke vs Itachi

Itachi vs Sasuke
Itachi’s last moments in the anime | Source: Fandom

Sasuke harbored a deep animosity towards Itachi throughout the series. He dedicated endless days to honing his strength and tirelessly training, all with the goal of avenging his loved ones who were killed by Itachi. Despite being no match for Itachi at first, Sasuke persevered and eventually emerged victorious in a fierce confrontation. As a result of this battle, Sasuke gained the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Towards the end, this battle took an emotional turn as Sasuke discovered that Itachi was battling a life-threatening illness, relying on medication to survive. This revelation sparked a major emotional outburst and significant character growth for Sasuke, who had harbored hatred towards his brother. Learning that Itachi had intentionally orchestrated his own death at Sasuke’s hands added to the intensity of the situation.

4. Sasuke’s First Encounter with Sakura

Sasuke reassures Sakura | Source: Fandom

Despite Sasuke’s repeated attempts to kill Sakura or brutally reject her, no one who has watched Naruto could deny Sakura’s obsessive pursuit of him. Her love for him was unstoppable and it was clear to all who saw it.

As Naruto Shippuden comes to a close, Sasuke prepares to depart from the village. Sakura expresses her desire to join him, but Sasuke declines. Seeing her disappointment, he assures her that he will return and affectionately taps her forehead, a humorous display of the Uchiha brothers’ love.

Sasuke vs Danzo

Danzo’s arm of Sharingans | Source: IMDb

This fight can be considered one of the most captivating and strategic battles in history, as it demonstrates the vast growth of Sasuke as a shinobi. From mastering the Susanoo to acquiring a new summoning jutsu, this fight highlights the significant leap in his abilities.

Despite Danzo’s formidable strength, Sasuke had to utilize all of his abilities to defeat him in their intense battle. Danzo continuously activated the forbidden visual jutsu – Izanagi – by using all of the Sharingan embedded in his arm. However, Sasuke was able to outsmart Danzo by utilizing his Amaterasu and anticipating his every move. Eventually, Tobi and Sasuke were able to corner Danzo, who resorted to self-detonation as a final attempt to take them down with him.

Naruto vs Sasuke: Battle At Final Valley Part 1

Naruto and Sasuke
Sasuke and Naruto at the Final Valley | Source: Fandom

As Sasuke’s desire for power intensifies, he comes to understand that he must make sacrifices in order to obtain it. Driven by this thirst for power, he departs from the village in search of Orochimaru, who offers to strengthen him if Sasuke agrees to join forces with him.

Despite successfully overpowering Sakura’s attempt to stop him from leaving, Naruto’s interference with his plans resulted in a massive battle in the Final Valley. It was during this fight that we witnessed the clash between Naruto’s Rasengan and Sasuke’s Chidori, as they both unleashed their ultimate jutsu. However, Naruto’s use of Kurama’s power caused him to lose control and ultimately, Sasuke was able to emerge victorious. This serves as a reminder that Sasuke’s thirst for strength outweighs his loyalty to Team 7.

Naruto vs Sasuke: Battle At Final Valley Part 2

Naruto vs Sasuke
Naruto vs Sasuke | Source: IMDb

After facing numerous challenges and mastering new techniques, the ninja rivals once again confront each other at the very place where their rivalry began: The Final Valley. As they make their way towards each other from opposite ends of the Valley, their progress reflects their evolution, with the initial hand-to-hand combat giving way to a strategic aerial battle involving Sasuke’s full body Susano’o and Naruto’s Tailed Beast mode. Sasuke ultimately unleashes his ultimate move, Indra’s arrow, after absorbing all the chakra from the tailed beasts he had previously sealed. In response, Naruto enters his Sage of Six Paths mode and counters with two Rasenshuriken, successfully deflecting the immense bolt of lightning.

As the battle reached its climax, Naruto and Sasuke unleashed their trademark abilities: the Rasengan and Chidori. The two powerful attacks collided, resulting in a destructive explosion that left both of their arms severely damaged.

About Naruto

Naruto is a popular manga series created by Masashi Kishimoto. It was first published on September 21, 1999, and ran until November 10, 2014, in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump. The series has a total of 72 tankōbon volumes.

Part II of the anime series, known as Naruto Shippuden, continues the story of an older Naruto as he tries to rescue his friend Sasuke and also confront the looming danger posed by the criminal group Akatsuki, who have set their sights on him for their larger plan.

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