Top 20 Best Maps Ranked in Party Animals

One of the standout features of Party Animals is its enhanced maps. Whether you play on a console or PC, you’ve likely marveled at the vibrant and meticulously designed environments. Compared to other similar games, such as Gang Beasts and Human Fall Flat, these maps are unequivocally superior. But which maps offer the most fun, and which can be rather frustrating? In this article, we’ll categorize all the Party Animals maps, evaluating the best and those in need of improvement.

Top Last Stand Maps in Party Animals

A crab with a microphone in Party Animals

The Last Stand mode serves as the quintessential gameplay experience in Party Animals. Your aim is to be the final adorable (or scaly) character standing. The diversity of these maps is exceptional, featuring roaring rivers, crumbling icebergs, sinking ships, wind tunnels, and much more.

There’s ample opportunity for collateral damage and creative ways to knock out your friends using the environment. Currently, the Last Stand maps are widely considered the best, showcasing the game’s potential. Below, we present our rankings for Last Stand maps in Party Animals:

  1. Ice Breaker: This stage features an entirely icy surface that disintegrates as the match progresses, urging timid players to adopt a more aggressive stance. Its emphasis on environmental dynamics, particularly the slippery ground, makes it a compelling venue.
  2. Gator Valley: Just from the trailer, it’s clear this stage is a winner. Gator Valley has a bridge over rushing waters, with planks falling away as the game unfolds. Its chaotic nature earns it a high rank.
  3. Wind Tunnel: If you don’t find joy in tossing your friends into danger on this map, when’s the fun? The Wind Tunnel incorporates a suction effect that draws players in, augmented by walls and levers that can eventually break.
  4. Broken Arrow: Occurring inside an airplane, this stage presents the thrill of impending doom. The propellers beckon players with a tempting dare to toss others into them, making it a blast.
  5. Typhoon: This map, set in a sinking submarine, effectively pressures players to engage in combat.
  6. Winter is Coming: This stage offers creativity lacking in other games. Here, players compete in a bonfire-laden area, which gradually darkens as bonfires extinguish one by one.
  7. Ichiban: Set in ruins, this map introduces an oddly rising green gas, compelling players to eliminate each other before the gas consumes the battlefield.
  8. Blackhole Lab: True to its name, this stage features a black hole that appears mid-game, indiscriminately absorbing unsuspecting animals.
  9. Beat-Up Bridge: A classic though somewhat simplistic map, this features a dilapidated bridge where players must strategize to throw opponents off before it collapses.

Top Team Score and Arcade Maps in Party Animals

Animals fighting on a wooden bridge

Whether it’s gathering candy, tossing bombs, or engaging in popular sports, the Team Score maps are quite enjoyable. Typically, in modes like these, I would brace myself for irritation, reminiscent of Fall Guys‘ competitive mode.

However, in Party Animals, that hasn’t been my experience. Perhaps I’m simply too captivated by the charming characters. Regardless, here’s our ranking of the stages available in Arcade and Team Score modes:

  1. Final Destination: A nostalgic favorite, this stage consists of a subway station where players must avoid being flattened by passing trains.
  2. Winter Cabin: This massive and intricately detailed map allows players to navigate the entire area, including the tops of stools and tables, all while maintaining a cozy atmosphere despite the ongoing chaos.
  3. Lollipop Factory: Collecting candy to win is the prime objective here, complemented by the numerous chances to pummel your rivals in a factory setting.
  4. Trebuchet: This exciting map stands out for its fun factor, as players can launch bombs at opponents from a trebuchet, with the occasional player becoming the projectile.
  5. Beast Football: This zany take on football is particularly enjoyable, with sloped sides promoting a brisk pace to avoid drawn-out matches.
  6. Buzz Ball: This stage introduces a unique twist to fuzzy basketball: the ball shocks players if held by too many, making for an exhilarating experience.
  7. Fluffy Redemption: Hilariously featuring two trains running parallel, players must choose to disrupt the opposing team from storing coal or assist their own to win.
  8. Into The Game: A meta gaming stage where players connect to consoles to score points on a pixelated screen—a refreshing change of pace in Party Animals for longer play sessions.
  9. Beast Soccer: The soccer experience in Party Animals may not be groundbreaking, but the oversized ball is easy to control and adds to the fun.
  10. Safely Afloat: This game elevates the sport-inspired fun, requiring players to get a box safe to their side, allowing for the option to hinder opponents while achieving team goals.
  11. Beast Hockey: An entertaining stage, albeit with the annoyance of a large icy hockey puck that can easily knock players out, causing minor frustration—all is forgiven as they bounce back.


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