Top 5 Overwatch 2 team compositions for Genji

Genji, the swift and lethal cyborg ninja, has captivated Overwatch 2 players with his exceptional mobility and deadly precision. As a result, they eagerly look forward to the new possibilities and team compositions that will enhance his gameplay. The character performs well with a variety of lineups, but there are only a few compositions that can really push him to the top.

In this article, we will explore the five best Overwatch 2 team compositions for Genji that can maximize his potential on the battlefield, enabling him take out enemies with relative ease.

Best team compositions for Genji in Overwatch 2

1) Winston + Cassidy + Mercy + Zenyatta

Tank: Winston

Damage: Zenyatta, Cassidy

Support: Mercy, Zenyatta

This aggressive composition’s intended playstyle revolves around swiftly diving into the enemy backline, disrupting their formation, and eliminating priority targets. Genji excels in this composition due to his exceptional mobility and burst damage.

To create a successful dive lineup, combine Genji with heroes like Winston, Cassidy, and Mercy. Winston and Cassidy provide initiation and disruption, while Mercy ensures swift healing and damage boost. Zenyatta or even Tracer is also an excellent choice to bolster damage output and secure kills.

2) Sigma + Soldier 76 + Widowmaker + Zenyatta

Tank: Sigma

Damage: Widowmaker

Support: Zenyatta, Baptiste

In Overwatch 2, Genji can flourish in compositions that leverage the presence of a sniper. This particular roster centers around the coordination of long-range damage, while Genji capitalizes on opportune moments to strike.

With proper positioning and timing, Genji can dive into the enemy backline, while Soldier 76 and Widowmaker deliver devastating long-range damage. Zenyatta or Baptiste’s supportive abilities enhance team sustain, while heroes like Sigma or Orisa provide additional shield protection to maintain sniper positioning.

3) Reinhardt + Zarya + Ana + Lucio

Tank: Reinhardt

Damage: Zarya

Support: Ana, Lucio

In this composition the synergy between Genji’s Dragonblade and Ana’s Nano Boost creates an unstoppable force on the battlefield. When Nano Boosted, the ninja gains increased movement speed and damage resistance, transforming him into a relentless killing machine.

To optimize this composition, pair him with Ana and other heroes that can facilitate his engagement, such as Zarya or Reinhardt, and Lucio. Zarya’s Graviton Surge can draw in enemies, allowing Genji to unleash his Dragonblade with devastating effect. On the other hand, Reinhardt’s Earthshatter sets up easy targets for the ninja’s swift strikes. Lucio’s soundwave can act as an extra punch to these devastating combos.

4) Wrecking Ball + Pharah + Junkrat + Baptiste

Tank: Wrecking Ball

Damage: Junkrat

Support: Baptiste, Zenyatta

In scenarios where the enemy team sets up a strong defensive line, this composition can provide the necessary tools for Genji to dismantle their defenses. His mobility and verticality make him a valuable asset to bypass barriers and disrupt backline supports.

Combine him with heroes like Pharah, Junkrat, or Ashe to rain down damage from different angles. Supports like Baptiste or Zenyatta help sustain the team and provide crucial utility, while a tank like Wrecking Ball or Roadhog can create chaos and displace enemy positions.

5) Reinhardt + Mei + Lucio + Brigitte

Tank: Reinhardt

Damage: Mei

Support: Lucio, Brigitte

This composition revolves around safeguarding Genji as he unleashes his Dragonblade. It is built to provide him with the necessary support and survivability to maximize his potential. Pair him with heroes like Brigitte and Lucio to grant him armor and increased movement speed.

Reinhardt’s shield provides cover during Dragonblade execution, while heroes like Mei or Cassidy can provide crowd control to hinder the enemy’s ability to respond. This composition emphasizes team coordination and disciplined engagement to ensure the ninja’s success.

Genji’s agility, precision, and deadly blade strikes make him a formidable force in Overwatch 2. The top five team compositions explored in this article highlight the diverse strategies and hero synergies that can amplify his impact on the battlefield.

Whether it’s diving into the enemy backline, collaborating with snipers, capitalizing on Nano Boost, breaking through enemy defenses, or receiving strong protection, Genji shines in a variety of team compositions in Overwatch 2.

Remember, effective communication, coordination, and teamwork are crucial in executing these lineups successfully. Genji thrives when supported by his teammates, and his impact on the battlefield can be truly game-changing. So, gather your team, master the blade, and unleash the power of Genji in Overwatch 2.

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