Top Counter Strategies for Every Tank Hero in Overwatch 2

Top Counter Strategies for Every Tank Hero in Overwatch 2

The mid-Season 11 patch for Overwatch 2 introduced significant buffs to Tanks, leaving players challenged to effectively counter them – particularly with Mauga‘s exceptional survivability.

In this guide, we will discuss how to effectively counter all Tanks in Overwatch 2, strategies for dealing with counters if you’re playing as a Tank, and which Heroes Tanks are strong against.

Counter Strategies for Every Tank in Overwatch 2

Tank Hero Counters
D.Va Tank: Doomfist, Roadhog, Zarya
DPS: Reaper, Symmetra
Support: Brigitte, Moira
Doomfist Tank: Roadhog, Orisa
DPS: Cassidy, Mei, Pharah
Support: Ana, Brigitte, Lucio
Junker Queen Tank: Wrecking Ball, Sigma, Orisa
DPS: Cassidy, Soldier 76, Pharah
Support: Ana, Baptiste
Mountain Tank: D.Va, Sigma
DPS: Bastion, Genji, Venture
Support: Ana, Kiriko
Idol Tank: D.Va, Zarya
DPS: Echo, Pharah, Sombra
Support: Ana, Kiriko, Zenyatta
Ramattra Tank: Doomfist
DPS: Bastion, Sombra, Tracer
Support: Ana, Kiriko, Zenyatta
Reinhardt Tank: Ramattra, Mauga
DPS: Mei, Pharah, Reaper
Support: Ana, Brigitte, Illari
Roadhog Tank: Junker Queen, Orisa
DPS: Pharah, Reaper, Sombra
Support: Ana
Sigma Tank: Zarya
DPS: Sombra, Symmetra, Tracer
Support: Lúcio, Moira
Winston Tank: Roadhog
DPS: Mei, Cassidy, Reaper
Support: Ana, Brigitte
Wrecking Ball Tank: Roadhog
DPS: Mei, Torbjorn, Sombra
Support: Ana, Brigitte
Zarya Tank: Reinhardt
DPS: Ashe, Echo, Pharah
Support: Zenyatta, Lucio

Detailed Counter Strategies for Overwatch 2 Heroes


  • Tank: Reinhardt, Roadhog, Zarya
  • DPS: Reaper, Symmetra
  • Support: Brigitte, Moira

Heroes that can disable D.Va’s Defense Matrix render her defenseless, and some counters can exploit her slower movement when her Boosters are in cooldown. Sombra can hack her abilities, making her an easy target, while Roadhog‘s Chain Hook is particularly effective since D.Va is unable to escape.

Zarya serves as D.Va’s main counter, as she cannot defend against Zarya’s powerful beam damage, leading to D.Va being quickly eliminated from her mech.

D.Va in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Zarya is a strong counter to D.Va.


  • Tank: Roadhog, Orisa
  • DPS: Cassidy, Mei, Pharah
  • Support: Ana, Brigitte, Lucio

Doomfist’s effectiveness relies on his high mobility, making any Hero that can hinder this a strong counter. Both Roadhog‘s hook and Orisa‘s Javelin are effective against him, in addition to Ana‘s sleep, Lucio‘s boop, and Cassidy‘s grenade.

Mei is particularly effective against Doomfist, as she can slow him and use her wall to restrict his movement.

Doomfist in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Stun Heroes are essential to counter Doomfist.

Junker Queen

  • Tank: Wrecking Ball, Sigma, Orisa
  • DPS: Cassidy, Soldier 76, Pharah
  • Support: Ana, Baptiste

To counter Junker Queen, use Heroes that can interrupt her combos or negate her Adrenaline Rush. Without a shield, abilities like Ana‘s anti-nade completely shut down her healing from Commanding Shout.

Junker Queen excels at close range, so employing ranged characters who can damage her from a distance—like Soldier 76 or Cassidy—is advantageous. Pharah also excels against her because Junker Queen lacks any effective aerial countermeasure.

Junker Queen in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Employ Heroes that can disrupt Junker Queen’s abilities effectively.


  • Tank: D.Va, Sigma
  • DPS: Bastion, Genji, Venture
  • Support: Ana, Kiriko

Mauga‘s Cardiac Overdrive ability allows him to outheal various strong attacks as long as he is dealing damage. Hence, using high-DPS Heroes like Bastion or Genji is crucial to rapidly lower his health.

Ana serves as one of his main counters due to her anti-nade, negating the healing he can receive. Additionally, D.Va and Sigma are effective picks as they can absorb his projectile damage.

Mauga in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Mauga struggles to survive when denied healing.


  • Tank: D.Va, Zarya
  • DPS: Echo, Pharah, Shadow
  • Support: Ana, Kiriko, Zenyatta

Orisa specializes in deflecting projectiles and shielding herself, making her a tough target for many DPS. However, her slower attacks render her vulnerable to nimble Heroes, such as Echo and Pharah. Zarya can deal significant damage to Orisa, even when her Javelin is active, and can quickly take her down.

Orisa in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Zarya and Symmetra can bypass Orisa’s defenses effectively.


  • Tank: Doomfist
  • DPS: Bastion, Symmetra, Tracer
  • Support: Ana, Kiriko, Zenyatta

Similar to Orisa and Sigma, Ramattra boasts a combination of high burst damage and resilient defensive abilities, but he struggles with mobility. Therefore, Heroes that can quickly maneuver around him or push him away work well as counters.

Doomfist stands out as a top counter, using his mobility to push Ramattra away from critical areas and diminishing the effectiveness of his ultimate, which is one of Ramattra’s stronger abilities.

Ramattra in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Ramattra is vulnerable to high mobility Heroes.


  • Tank: Ramattra, Mt
  • DPS: Mei, Pharah, Reaper
  • Support: Ana, Brigitte, Illari

Reinhardt has difficulties against Heroes who can deliver high burst damage from a distance, such as Pharah and Junkrat. Staying away from Reinhardt, especially in aerial engagements, makes him very ineffective as he cannot reach airborne Heroes.

Reinhardt in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

High-burst damage dealers are effective against Reinhardt.


  • Tank: Junker Queen, Orisa
  • DPS: Pharah, Reaper, Sombra
  • Support: Ana

Roadhog’s resilience allows him to endure extensive damage, so utilizing Heroes that can mitigate this survivability effectively counteracts his lockdown abilities.

Junker Queen and Ana are excellent counters for Roadhog, with Junker Queen’s Ultimate and Ana’s anti-nade both disrupting his healing capabilities. Additionally, using DPS with high burst damage, like Pharah or Reaper, can quickly reduce his health.

Roadhog in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Ana is a vital counter for Roadhog due to her anti-nade ability.


  • Tank: Zarya
  • DPS: Sombra, Symmetra, Tracer
  • Support: Lucio, Moira

Due to his limited mobility, Sigma is countered effectively by fast-paced characters like Tracer who can evade his attacks. Sombra is another strong choice, as she can disable his abilities, making him a target.

Like D.Va, Sigma struggles against beam damage, making Symmetra and Zarya excellent counters. Sigma can also struggle against Symmetra’s turrets, which can effectively trap him.

Sigma in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Symmetra can effectively counter Sigma.


  • Tank: Roadhog
  • DPS: Mei, Cassidy, Reaper
  • Support: Ana, Brigitte

Winston has the largest hitbox in the game, making him susceptible to significant damage from characters like Reaper and Roadhog. He also relies on agility to maximize his effectiveness, allowing Ana‘s sleep or Roadhog‘s hook to create openings against him.

Reaper emerges as his toughest counter due to his ability to deal massive damage from close range. Additionally, Mei can restrict his movement and control space with her walls.

Winston in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Reaper is Winston’s premier counter due to his high damage output.

Wrecking Ball

  • Tank: Roadhog
  • DPS: Mei, Torbjorn, Shadow
  • Support: Ana, Brigitte

Wrecking Ball typically utilizes mobility to acquire positional advantage, so deploying characters like Mei, Roadhog, and Ana can inhibit his mobility effectively.

Using sleep or hooks can disable Wrecking Ball from grappling, and Mei’s slowing abilities can hinder his escape routes. Her walls are also pivotal for limiting his mobility around obstacles.

Wrecking Ball in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Sombra proves effective against Wrecking Ball.


  • Tank: Reinhardt
  • DPS: Ashe, Echo, Pharah
  • Support: Zenyatta, Lucio

While Zarya lacks mobility, she effectively absorbs damage and can output exceptionally high DPS. She proves particularly effective against Heroes like D.Va and Sigma, who cannot defend themselves against her beam.

However, her overall lack of mobility makes her susceptible to ranged characters like Ashe and Echo. Reinhardt serves as a strong counter to Zarya, as his shield blocks her damage, allowing him to engage her closely.

Zarya in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Zarya’s significant weakness is her mobility.

Strategies to Handle Tank Counters

To combat Heroes that counter you as a Tank in Overwatch 2, your best approach is to adapt your playstyle based on their counters or switch your Hero.

For instance, if you recognize that Reaper poses a threat as you play Winston, consider maintaining your distance. With Winston’s significant mobility, you should manage your cooldowns effectively to avoid confrontation.

Alternatively, if a certain counter proves too effective, consider switching to a Tank that can better handle your opposition.

Top Tank Picks Against All Heroes in OW2

  • D.Va: Pharah, Bastion, Orisa
  • Doomfist: Ramattra, Wrecking Ball, Genji
  • Junker Queen: Roadhog, Mauga, Zenyatta
  • Mauga: Reinhardt, Winston, Cassidy
  • Orisa: Wrecking Ball, Ana, Mei
  • Ramattra: Reinhardt, Pharah, Brigitte
  • Reinhardt: Zarya, D.Va, Brigitte
  • Roadhog: Wrecking Ball, Winston, Lucio
  • Sigma: Doomfist, Bastion, Reaper
  • Winston: Genji, Widowmaker, Ana
  • Wrecking Ball: Zenyatta, Widowmaker, Cassidy
  • Zarya: D.Va, Sigma, Orisa

If you’re curious about which Heroes Tanks can effectively counter themselves, refer to the list above. This offers guidance on which Heroes are more manageable for the respective Tank you’re utilizing.

Overwatch 2 boasts a vast array of Heroes, and mastering the intricacies of counters can be complex. Nevertheless, understanding these fundamentals is a great starting point for improving your gameplay and increasing your chances of victory in Competitive matches.


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