Top Deadlock Vindicta Build: Essential Abilities and Item Guide

Vindicta is one of Deadlock’s few long-range specialists, making her an excellent option for players who aim to eliminate enemies from a distance. However, achieving success with her requires a well-thought-out build to ensure you can snowball and, more critically, survive in the game.

Vindicta boasts some of the highest damage potential in Deadlock, and her ability to soar above her foes makes her particularly challenging to counter. But be cautious; that distance doesn’t guarantee safety.

This guide will delve into the best strategies to play Vindicta and how to counter the tactics employed by her opponents. While she appears to be straightforward, Vindicta can be one of the most challenging characters to master while also being a formidable carry.

As the player base continues to grow daily, there will be a greater number of players who are well-versed in countering her.

Here’s the optimal build for Vindicta in Deadlock, along with the items you should focus on and the best way to level her abilities.

Vindicta’s Best Abilities in Deadlock

Below is the recommended starting and max order for Vindicta’s abilities. While there is a path that is objectively superior for maxing, it only works if you play to her strengths. Although she seems like an easy character for beginners, mastering her requires getting ahead early—very early.

Here’s the recommended starting and maxing order:

  • Ability Starting Path: 1>3>2
    • Note: You can opt for 3>1>2 if you’re confident in your abilities, but starting with Stake is a wise choice for newcomers who wish to avoid being rushed down in lane.
  • Ability Max Path: 4>2>1>3
    • Note: Try not to invest in other abilities until your ultimate is maxed. Reserve those points, even in the early game when you have access to them. Also, maxing Crow Familiar before Stake is beneficial if you require anti-heal.

Assassinate is Vindicta’s cornerstone ability. It features multiple charges, making it ideal for equipping with Quicksilver Reload. The execute damage is particularly effective against low-health targets, and the fixed bonus souls per kill enhances her advantages. In the early stages of Deadlock, kills are of lesser value, but they become increasingly rewarding as the match progresses.

While other characters gain 300-500 souls per kill early on, Vindicta can earn nearly 1500. A single victorious confrontation can propel you far ahead, unlike any other character in Deadlock. If you prefer a less risky sniper, consider choosing Grey Talon. However, if you’re opting for Vindicta, be prepared to embrace risks to secure a lead.

Regarding her other abilities, Stake serves as a superb crowd control tool that you should save for executing her ultimate if possible. Use Flight to catch enemies off guard and poke them down in lane, while Crow Familiar excels at shredding tanks and provides valuable anti-heal when needed.

Deadlock Vindicta Abilities Explained

Here’s a quick rundown of Vindicta’s abilities for those unfamiliar:

  • 1: Stake
    • Throws a stake that tethers enemies to the point where it lands, restricting their movement to the tether’s length.
      • Level 1: +0.75 Tether duration
      • Level 2: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 3: Tethered enemies are disarmed
  • 2: Flight
    • Leaps into the air and flies. While in flight, your weapon inflicts additional spirit damage.
      • Level 1: +50% base ammo while flying
      • Level 2: -15 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +12 spirit damage per bullet
  • 3: Crow Familiar
    • Your crow familiar deals impact damage and inflicts a bleed effect that drains 3% of the target’s current health per second.
      • Level 1: Crow Ricochets up to 2 times towards other enemies within 15 meters
      • Level 2: -17 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +3% bleed and suppresses healing by -40%
  • 4: Assassinate
    • Utilize your scoped rifle to fire a powerful shot over extended distances. Damage begins at a partial level and charges fully after 1 second of being scoped. Deals bonus damage to enemies with less than 50% health. Securing a kill with Assassinate awards 250 bonus souls.
      • Level 1: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +140 bonus damage
      • Level 3: +600 souls per assassination

Optimal Build for Vindicta: Items Breakdown

This section categorizes items into four groups: early-game, mid-game, late-game luxury items, and situational options.

The first three categories are straightforward, although it’s acceptable to acquire a late-game item early if you accumulate enough souls. This strategy may prove advantageous in specific scenarios. The variability in Vindicta’s Assassinate complicates the explanation of her build path compared to other characters.

No build is definitively correct for any character in Deadlock; this is especially true for Vindicta. Nevertheless, the following will provide a solid foundation to start with.

Early Game Items

Monster Rounds can be beneficial if you struggle with ammo management and need assistance maintaining pressure in the lane. While Vindicta does not require it as much as heroes with lower early damage like Haze or Wraith, it still serves as a useful training aid. The Headshot Booster should be acquired after obtaining High-Velocity Mag.

Extra Health and Healing Rite are your prime defensive choices. If Vindicta engages the enemy too closely in the early game, her chances of survival diminish significantly. Aim to focus on damage and poke rather than defense.

Both Extra Stamina and Sprint Boots facilitate mobility and escape from threats, and you may upgrade them later. You can activate Flight for a quick speed boost, cancel it, and then air dash to maintain that increased speed like a “super jump.” Prioritizing Stamina first can help you utilize this tactic more effectively.

Extra Charge is an essential early-game item; however, it can wait for upgrades for some time. Just ensure you purchase it once you have access to your ultimate ability.

Mid Game Items

Mid Game Items

If you have enough kills to obtain it early on, Glass Cannon should be your top priority to kickstart your momentum. You will quickly eliminate targets if you can fully stack the extra weapon damage. If you don’t secure an early lead, Long Range is a reliable alternative, while Active Reload offers sustainability and effectively doubles your ammo output when using Flight.

Warp Stone, usually categorized under situational items, is vital for Vindicta. You can use it while in Flight without interrupting the ability or losing the bonus damage.

If you face item slot issues and lack Flex slots, consider selling Headshot Booster or Monster Rounds. However, retain High-Velocity Mag for a while longer.

Bullet Lifesteal provides solid sustain if you find yourself overwhelmed with Active Reload. Also, Superior Stamina is critical for enhancing dash speed and jump distance. For tank options, Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor work effectively due to Vindicta predominantly participating in extended trades.

Among these, Quicksilver Reload is the sole must-have spirit item, helping you secure that final bullet needed for a kill. Equip it on Assassinate, nail a fast scope on your target, and finish them off with a full magazine.

Late Game/Luxury Items

Late Game Luxury Items

If you want to cement your lead, Lucky Shot is your best bet. If Glass Cannon carries too much risk or you have already secured it, Lucky Shot is an excellent alternative. Vampiric Burst will provide additional ammo and lifesteal, while Crippling Headshot is particularly effective against tanky characters.

Leech is beneficial for extra sustain if you’re struggling with significant anti-heal. Fortitude is arguably your best sustain option if dives are minimal, offering bonus HP regen during extended trades. Consider purchasing Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor for added defense. Soul Rebirth is an excellent choice if you are carrying the team and concerned that one death may jeopardize the game.

Ethereal Shift is bordering on situational but serves as a strong counter-dive tool, making it valuable in most matches. Boundless Spirit can significantly boost your spirit damage, while Magic Carpet is frequently overlooked but effective in unexpected scenarios.

Situational Items

Situational Items

These items serve specific purposes, and we’ll break each one down individually:

  • Toxic Bullets: If you require anti-heal before maxing your third ability, this serves as your top anti-heal option.
  • Sharpshooter: This is an upgrade of Long Range, but its high zoom level can be more of a hindrance than a benefit. Be cautious when considering this upgrade.
  • Silencer: This option is excellent against agile characters like Lash, preventing their escape, or for ensuring a character like Wraith cannot use their CC abilities on you.
  • Enduring Speed: This is somewhat optional for Vindicta and typically only worth it if you are consistently rotating.
  • Divine Barrier: If you find yourself heavily behind and unable to afford other defensive items, purchase this as a last resort to attempt a recovery.
  • Reactive Barrier: Ideal against teams that rely on heavy crowd control, offering good tank capabilities.
  • Unstoppable: Select this item against certain team compositions that focus on diving you, as it may be essential. However, it is also highly expensive. Only purchase this if it is critical to avoid being completely CC locked.
  • Curse: This item is valuable against heavy carry characters trying to dive you. Whether it be Haze, Mo & Krill, Lash, or others, it can buy you valuable time to inflict damage while allowing teammates to assist in peeling. Only acquire it if it is necessary, as Curse is costly.

That’s the optimal way to build and play Vindicta in Deadlock!

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