Top Demon Hunter Builds for Diablo Immortal Season 31

The Demon Hunter stands out as the premier dexterity user in the Diablo series. In this article, we’ll explore the top Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter builds for Season 31.

Initially introduced in Diablo 3, the Demon Hunter class embodies a blend of skills from Diablo 1’s Rogue and the Assassin and Amazon classes of Diablo 2. They showcase the ultimate rogue archetype, combining speed with deadly traps while dual-wielding crossbows to swiftly eliminate foes. The Demon Hunter is a shadowy figure, skirting the line between hero and villain, driven by a singular goal: to hunt down and eradicate the minions of Diablo by any means necessary. This character class makes a return in Diablo Immortal, a mobile and PC game. Below, we unveil the finest Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal for Season 31 and guide you on assembling them.

Demon Hunter gameplay
Blizzard Entertainment

The Demon Hunter is one of the fastest character classes and excels at ranged combat.

Is the Demon Hunter Right for Me?

The Demon Hunter appeals to players who enjoy roguish characters in fantasy RPGs, favoring skill and dexterity to defeat foes over brute strength or magic. This class thrives on speed, tactical gameplay, and ranged combat, making it ideal for those who prefer a strategic approach to battles.

Players who enjoyed the Rogue in the original Diablo are likely to feel drawn to the Demon Hunter, which retains facets of Diablo 2’s Amazon and Assassin class, particularly regarding trap-setting and an emphasis on ranged attacks. Although it’s feasible to construct a melee-focused Demon Hunter, the class performs best in Diablo Immortal utilizing its dual crossbows.

The Demon Hunter differs from the Monk or Crusader, who embody moral righteousness. Instead, the Demon Hunter is willing to get their hands dirty and engage in anti-heroism if it further their objectives. With the fate of the world at stake, if this resonates with you, then perhaps you and the Demon Hunter are destined to team up.

Is the Demon Hunter Good This Season?

In Season 31 of Diablo Immortal, the Demon Hunter is a mixed bag. They achieve an S rank in PVE but only a B rank in PVP.

This indicates that, for the time being, the Demon Hunter excels at defeating demons but struggles against other players.

Best Demon Hunter Build in Diablo Immortal (Season 31)

First on the list is the top PVE Demon Hunter build for Diablo Immortal Season 31: the Crossbow Shot Demon Hunter build. This build utilizes the skill of the same name along with various others. Here’s how to set it up:


As you level your Demon Hunter for the Crossbow Shot build, keep in mind that attributes differ in Diablo Immortal compared to Diablo 3. Dexterity does not exist in this game, leading to a different strategy.

For optimal results, concentrate your points primarily on Strength and Fortitude to enhance your Demon Hunter’s damage output while ensuring they can withstand attacks. Additionally, Vitality is crucial for survival, so prioritize this attribute as well.

You may also invest points in Willpower to boost your Potency and Resistances, but focus mainly on the above attributes, largely neglecting Intelligence.


For the Crossbow Shot build, your Demon Hunter should primarily rely on the Crossbow Shot skill, which is available from level one, allowing you to use it right from the start.

Additionally, your secondary skill, Multishot, becomes available at level one as well, letting you experiment with both skills for dealing with groups or solo enemies.

Unlock Rain of Vengeance at level three to diversify your skill set, and don’t forget to acquire Daring Swing at level 15 for increased versatility.

Continue to try different skills until you reach level 41, when you can unlock Impale for substantial damage. Finally, unlock Vengeance at level 50 to complete your arsenal. These skills should significantly aid in taking down tougher enemies while your earlier skills assist in eliminating average demons.


Selecting the right gear can significantly enhance your Demon Hunter’s abilities, so aim to equip the following items:

  • Head: Cowl of Focused Hatred
  • Chest: Heart of Vengeance
  • Shoulders: Hailstone Shoulders
  • Legs: Coff’s Unrelenting Fury
  • Main Weapon: Flamespite
  • Off-Hand Weapon: The Hungerer

In terms of rings, amulets, and additional gear, focus on acquiring the War Rags of Shal’baas, as this will enhance your Crossbow Shot and other skills, maximizing your damage potential.

Demon Hunter male
Blizzard Entertainment

The trademark look of the Demon Hunter features dual crossbows.

Diablo Immortal PVP Demon Hunter Build

If you plan to engage in PVP as a Demon Hunter, the Multishot build is recommended. This choice will enhance your effectiveness as a player hunter, although it’s worth noting that the Demon Hunter ranks among the weakest PVP classes in Season 31.

In this build, continue utilizing the same skills, but prioritize Multishot over Crossbow Shot while maintaining mobility. Although you are not entirely defenseless, you’ll be vulnerable if a Crusader, Monk, or Barbarian closes in, yet you can dominate from a distance.

Your Multishot will effectively handle a Necromancer’s minions, allowing for strategic kills. Additionally, Wizards can prove to be a challenge at range, so consider acquiring buffs against elemental damage.

When it comes to gear for this PVP build, aim to equip the following:

  • Head: Boundless Ingenuity
  • Chest: Heart of Vengeance
  • Shoulders: Hailstone Shoulders
  • Legs: Coff’s Unrelenting Fury
  • Main Weapon: Breath of Winter
  • Off-Hand Weapon: The Hungerer
  • Set: War Rags of Shal’baas

For further insights regarding this build, check out this resource.

In conclusion, these are the best Demon Hunter builds in Diablo Immortal for Season 31.


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