Top Diablo 4 Druid Builds for Season 5: Comprehensive Tier List

Druids in Diablo 4 represent a unique class that harnesses the power of animal spirits and acts as formidable forces of nature in their own right. This article will explore the best Druid builds for Season 5 and categorize them in a tier list.

Although the Season of the Infernal Hordes hasn’t particularly elevated the Druid class compared to others, a well-constructed build can still enable your Druid to defeat waves of foes using the strength of nature.

It’s important for players to keep in mind that the meta can shift frequently; what is effective now may not remain so as the season progresses. However, the strongest Druid builds tend to hold their ground unless Blizzard implements significant nerfs.

From leveling to endgame and PvP scenarios, here are the top Druid builds ranked in a tier list for Season 5 of Diablo 4. Further down, you’ll find additional insights regarding each build and their specific strengths in different contexts.

Diablo 4 two druids side by side

Are Druids good in Season 5?

Not particularly. While playing a Druid remains enjoyable, Season 5 has not favored this class, placing them at C-tier for Leveling and PvP, while they rank B-tier for endgame content.

This suggests that while the class can still be potent for seasoned players, reaching the endgame may prove more challenging. Additionally, PvP is generally less favorable for Druids this season. The Lightning Storm build is currently their most effective setup, but the Necromancer appears to be a safer option at this time. Nevertheless, if you enjoy playing as a Druid, there’s no need for disappointment—just understand that this isn’t the Druid’s prime season.

Best Druid Leveling Builds

Tier Build
S Lightning Storm, Pulverize
A Companion
B Landslide, Boulder
C Tornado, Hurricane

Best Leveling Build – Lightning Storm

Players utilizing a Druid this season should consider the Lightning Storm Druid build while leveling. This build emphasizes the Lightning Storm Core skill, which unleashes a crackling lightning storm inflicting significant AoE damage.

Paired with skills such as Trample and Wind Shear, your Druid can become Unstoppable while dealing piercing wind damage to nearby foes. Additionally, companions like Wolves and Ravens can assist in inflicting various kinds of damage.

The recent Season 5 patch strengthened Lightning Storm, increasing its damage from 40% to 74%. This transformation turns Lightning Storm into a formidable challenge for opponents, although the drawback of needing to remain stationary during channeling can limit its effectiveness in endgame scenarios.

This issue is common among Druids; the leveling journey can feel tedious, often requiring players to transition to different builds post-leveling. Both Landslide and Boulder are not recommended for leveling due to their low damage output until equipped with appropriate items.

Best Druid PvP Builds

Tier Build
S Boulder, Lightning Storm
A Pulverize, Landslide
B Wind Shear, Companion
C Hurricane

Best PvP Build – Boulder

When engaging in PvP action within the Fields of Hatred, your Druid build should focus on the Boulder Druid. This build centers on the Boulder skill, synergizing well with the Hurricane ability to unleash a tornado of boulders.

These two skills combined with Shred and Rabies can enable your Werewolf Druid to deal substantial damage to enemy players in melee combat. Furthermore, the Earthen Bulwark provides a defensive barrier against incoming damage.

This season, the Boulder skill saw a significant buff, increasing weapon damage from 46% to 70%, making the Boulder Druid an excellent choice for overcoming player opponents in the Fields of Hatred.

That said, Boulder can struggle with longer-range engagements, while Lightning Storm proves to be a reliable alternative.

Although channeling Lightning Storm does require you to remain stationary, the overwhelming damage output generated during channeling creates a substantial DPS barrier for opponents to overcome. In PvP, this build prioritizes proper positioning over mechanical skill, though it may not be as effective in PvE endgame content.

Best Druid Endgame Builds

Tier Build
S Landslide, Boulder
A Companion, Wind Shear
B Pulverize, Lightning Storm
C Hurricane

Best Endgame Build – Landslide

For endgame play in Season 5, consider trying out the Landslide Druid build. This build has become a standout choice for higher levels ever since the Landslide skill was buffed from 37.5% to 70% damage per hit.

Alongside Landslide, skills like Storm Strike and Blood Howl can rapidly dispatch groups of enemies.

This build balances offense and defense, utilizing Earthen Bulwark for protection and Poison Creeper for damage over time effects. Landslide excels at both AoE and focused damage during challenging endgame activities.

While the Boulder Druid also ranks S-tier, it is slightly more inconsistent due to the skill’s challenges when aligning enemies for optimal burst damage. For an engaging challenge, consider the Landslide build.

Blizzard Entertainment

Overall, Season 5 has provided several buffs to Druids, enhancing their competitive positioning among the available classes. While we might not rank your preferred build as high as you’d wish, every Druid build can excel based on the player’s enjoyment of it.

Our Tiers Explained

  • S: The best
  • A: Very good
  • B: May perform well in specific scenarios
  • C: Best to avoid unless they appeal to you

With each new season in Diablo 4, players can expect varying degrees of changes across classes and builds. Our rankings reflect the current meta, although the top-tier builds typically remain stable over time.

All Druid Class Rankings in Diablo 4 Season 5 Explained

Pulverize Druid

Diablo 4 druid in cold forest

The Pulverize Druid build is a solid choice for leveling and PvP, but it is less effective for endgame play. These Druids utilize the Pulverize Core skill, which delivers AoE damage through a ground slam.

A key component of this build is the Shockwave Aspect, which generates a shockwave with the Pulverize ability, extending damage to targets in its path. It’s a suitable build for tanky players looking to engage in melee combat, but it does struggle against powerful bosses.

Overall, it excels at mobbing and leveling but falls short when facing endgame bosses.

Landslide Druid

The Landslide Druid stands out as a reliable build during endgame, while also being adept at PvP and leveling phases. It’s complemented by gear like the Earthbreaker ring (which allows Landslide to leave Tectonic Spikes) and Vasily’s Prayer (boosting Earth skill fortification).

This build boasts excellent survivability with Blood Howl healing you and Earthen Bulwark providing a protective Barrier. Furthermore, it is highly effective against bosses and elite foes, making it ideal for tackling the new Infernal Hordes.

Although it may not be the most statistically powerful build, its ease of use, consistency, and effectiveness merit consideration.

Boulder Druid

Boulder Druids focus on immense AoE damage and strong survivability, with the visual flair of floating, spinning rocks. The highlight of this build occurs when your Boulders whirl amidst your Hurricane to cause chaos among enemy hordes.

This season, a notable buff raised the Boulder skill’s weapon damage from 46% to 70%, enhancing the viability of this build. However, it largely depends on obtaining the right gear, such as the Dolmen Stone Amulet and Vasily’s Prayer, which makes the Boulder Druid rewarding when executed properly.

Be mindful that using Boulder effectively has a learning curve, requiring practice to direct the damage where you need it to go. Additionally, the leveling phase can be slower for Boulder builds, as other options perform better. Gear and aspects are crucial for this build’s success, significantly lowering its effectiveness when lacking them.

Diablo 4 Druid accompanied by wolves

Companion Druid

The Companion Druid build emphasizes your powerful allies, such as Wolves and Ravens, that assist in damage-dealing while you focus on your skills. It serves as an excellent build for leveling and endgame use but tends to underperform in PvP situations.

In conjunction with your animal companions, you benefit from high defense due to Earthen Bulwark and possess substantial AoE damage capabilities with skills like Pulverize. The Companion Druid offers a comprehensive experience for animal enthusiasts, making the leveling process smoothly enjoyable.

Hurricane Druid

While Hurricane Druids might not be the most recommended build for the class, they can still provide enjoyment if executed correctly. This build revolves around the Hurricane skill and the Maul Basic skill for significant melee damage, complemented by Wolf companions.

With various AoE capabilities, the Hurricane Druid can efficiently dispatch large groups of enemies. However, it demands quite a bit of optimal gear, such as Locran’s Talisman (which increases Critical Strike Chance) and Tibault’s Will (which boosts damage while Unstoppable).

Nonetheless, as an AoE build, it shares the same limitations as the Pulverize Druid when tackling bosses, but even more pronounced. While Hurricane can be fun, it ranks as one of the weaker options for endgame content.

Lightning Storm Druid

The Lightning Storm Druid build takes full advantage of the Lightning Storm ability to deliver extraordinary AoE damage, especially when combined with Unsung Ascetic’s Wrap (which causes Lightning Storm strikes to double hit).

Although not the most preferred build for endgame, it proves impressive during leveling and PvP phases. Lightning Storm can be paired with skills such as Trample and Debilitating Roar, enhancing your Fortification and making you Unstoppable.

This build ensures a solid mix of substantial damage with adequate defenses, making it functional for nearly any content you wish to tackle.

Wind Shear Druid

Lastly, the Wind Shear Druid build is more suited for endgame and PvP than leveling, but it still delivers remarkable impact with the Wind Shear skill, which applies Vulnerable status to enemies.

Alongside Wind Shear, this build incorporates skills like Pulverize and Debilitating Roar, contributing to Overpowered and Fortified effects. If you’re interested in maximizing your damage output while maintaining survivability, the Wind Shear build is highly recommended.

Now that you’re informed about the best Druid builds in Season 5 of Diablo 4, don’t forget to check out the builds for Sorcerer, Necromancer, Rogue, and Barbarian as well.


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