Top Diablo 4 Necromancer Bone Spear Build for Season 6

Top Diablo 4 Necromancer Bone Spear Build for Season 6

In Diablo 4’s Season 6, the Necromancer reigns supreme in the current meta, with the Bone Spear build standing out as the most formidable choice. This guide will walk you through crafting this build for both leveling and endgame scenarios, while also assessing its viability in PvP battles.

The Bone Spear Necromancer centers around utilizing this iconic skill as the primary method of attack, enhanced by various supplementary abilities and equipment that amplify its damage. Classified as an A-tier build in this meta cycle, it is perfect for players who are fans of the Priests of Rathma.

Next, we’ll delve into optimizing the Bone Spear build for endgame performance, highlighting the essential skills, gear, Aspects, and Glyphs to pursue throughout your journey. Additionally, we’ll evaluate the effectiveness of the Bone Spear Necro for players engaged in PvP combat this season.

Necromancer in endgame
Blizzard Entertainment / dexerto

The Bone Spear Necromancer harnesses the power of lethal bone magic.

Optimal Bone Spear Leveling Build for Diablo 4 Season 6

As you progress through the campaign or the latest Season 6 content, adhere to this specific order when selecting skills:

Level Skill
1 Reap
2 Decompose
3 Bone Spear
4 Bone Spear
5 Enhanced Bone Spear
6 Paranormal Bone Spear
7 Bone Spear
8 Bone Spear
9 Bone Spear
10 Blood Mist
11 Grim Harvest
12 Iron Maiden
13 Enhanced Iron Maiden
14 Amplify Damage
15 Amplify Damage
16 Amplify Damage
17 Corpse Tendrils
18 Unliving Energy
19 Imperfectly Balanced
20 Imperfectly Balanced
21 Imperfectly Balanced
22 Bone Storm
23 Prime Bone Storm
24 Supreme Bone Storm
25 Fueled by Death
26 Fueled by Death
27 Grim Harvest
28 Death’s Approach
29 Death’s Approach
30 Death’s Approach
31 Skeletal Mage Mastery
32 Skeletal Mage Mastery
33 Skeletal Mage Mastery
34 Ossified Essence
35 Unliving Energy
36 Unliving Energy
37 Hewed Flesh
38 Hewed Flesh
39 Hewed Flesh
40 Hellbent Commander
41 Hellbent Commander
42 Hellbent Commander
43 Necrotic Carapace
44 Fueled by Death
45 Golem Mastery
46 Skeletal Warrior Mastery
47 Skeletal Warrior Mastery
48 Inspiring Leader
49 Inspiring Leader
Renown 1 Inspiring Leader
Renown 2 Serration
Renown 3 Serration
Renown 4 Serration
Renown 5 Compound Fracture
Renown 6 Compound Fracture
Renown 7 Compound Fracture
Renown 8 Evulsion
Renown 9 Evulsion
Renown 10 Evulsion

These selected skills will aid in developing a robust Bone Spear build. Be mindful of unlocking the necessary Renown points to access the additional ten skills, so if it’s easier for you, consider leveling Evulsion, Compound Fracture, and Serration before focusing on minion Mastery skills.

The skills outlined will enhance your Bone Spear’s capabilities, establishing it as your prime offensive skill and diminishing cooldown times. Although you can always utilize Reap and Decompose to regenerate Essence in dire situations, this will become increasingly unnecessary as your character levels it up.

Ideal Book of the Dead Configuration for Leveling

When leveraging the Necromancer’s distinctive Book of the Dead abilities within a Bone Spear build, consider the following options:

  • Skeletal Warriors – Skirmishers
  • Skeletal Mages – Cold
  • Golems – Iron

This particular Book of the Dead setup is optimal for this build, allowing your Skirmisher Skeletal Warriors to engage in close-quarters combat while your Mages provide long-range support with Cold Magic. The chilling effect will slow opponents, leaving them vulnerable while your minions, Golem, and yourself deal damage.

The choice of an Iron Golem for this setup grants added protection for your Mages and yourself from countless encounters with mobs and elite enemies, allowing you to unleash concentrated attacks.

While minions serve as valuable allies during leveling, their utility diminishes as you transition to endgame, where you can maximize damage output by sacrificing them, particularly within this build.

Bone Spear
Blizzard Entertainment / dexerto

Bone Spear is one of the first skills acquired during the leveling phase.

Recommended Leveling Rotation

  • Summon Minions – If not already summoned
  • Iron Maiden
  • Corpse Tendrils
  • Blood Mist
  • Bone Storm
  • Bone Spear – Main Ability
  • Reap – For Close Encounters

To begin, cast Corpse Tendrils to stun the enemies, increasing your chances of generating extra corpses to bolster your minion force. Then, unleash your primary attacks with Blood Mist for significant damage from safety once your minions join the fray.

After this, utilize your most formidable skills, Bone Storm and Bone Spear. After activating Bone Storm, unleash a barrage of Bone Spears against your adversaries. You can revert to using Reap and Decompose if needed.

By this time, Corpse Tendrils would have worn off, so re-cast it for generating even more corpses, stunning surviving foes, and possibly reapplying poison.

Of course, find a rotation that suits you best; however, the aforementioned method combines skills into a powerful offensive strategy effectively.

Top Legendary Aspects

Legendary Aspects become increasingly beneficial in the endgame iteration of the Bone Spear build. However, certain Aspects can be collected while progressing toward level 50 or during the story mode. Below are the notable ones:

Aspect Effect Dungeon Region
Splintering Bone Spear renders enemies vulnerable Guulrahm Slums Dry Steppes
Grasping Veins Enhances critical hit chance for Corpse Tendrils Corrupted Grotto I develop
Disobedience Increases defense from your minion’s damage Halls of the Damned I develop

Ultimate Bone Spear Endgame Build for Diablo 4 Season 6

Upon reaching the endgame in Season 6 by completing the main questline, attaining level 50, and unlocking the Paragon Board, you’ll want to respec to the endgame variant of the Bone Spear Necromancer build. This variation closely resembles the leveling strategy, with distinct differences in points distribution as outlined below.

Initially, you’ll need to change both your active and passive abilities. You will have 50 skill points available, alongside any Renown points you’ve unlocked, to allocate to the following skills:

Active Skill Upgrades Points Assigned
Reap 1
Decompose 1
Bone Spear Enhanced, Paranormal 5
Blood Mist Enhanced, Ghastly 2
Decrepify Enhanced, Abhorrent 5
Corpse Explosion 1
Corpse Tendrils Enhanced, Plagued 1
Bone Storm Enhanced, Supreme 1
Bone Spear
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Bone Spear delivers rapid strikes and inflicts considerable damage.

Next, apply the following Passive Skills:

Passive Skill Assigned Points
Unliving Energy 3
Hewed Flesh 3
Grim Harvest 1
Fueled by Death 3
Imperfectly Balanced 3
Amplify Damage 3
Death’s Approach 3
Memento Mori 3
Serration 1
Compound Fracture 3
Necrotic Carapace 2
Evulsion 3
Stand Alone 3
Rapid Ossification 3
Ossified Essence 1

The focus of this build continues to be on Bone Spear as the primary offense, but it no longer relies on minions, opting instead for enhanced support spells and direct attacks.

Additionally, we have replaced Iron Maiden with Decrepify, enabling you to slow your foes effectively and gain an advantage for executing your attacks, trapping enemies within a kill zone.

Optimal Endgame Book of the Dead Setup

In the endgame realm, the configuration of your Book of the Dead skills shifts significantly, focusing on the Sacrifice of all minions to enhance your personal power drastically. This build minimizes the need for minions, prioritizing your own damage output through sacrifices.

  • Skeletal Warriors – Sacrifice
  • Skeletal Mages – Sacrifice
  • Golems – Sacrifice

Alternatively, if you prefer utilizing minions, you are welcome to do so, but this may reduce your individual power as a Necromancer.

Best Endgame Skill Rotation

For endgame encounters, implement the following skill rotation when engaging in battle:

  • Decrepify
  • Blood Mist
  • Corpse Tendrils
  • Bone Storm
  • Bone Spear
  • Corpse Explosion

Begin the attack sequence by casting Decrepify to hinder enemies, followed by employing Blood Mist, Corpse Tendrils, and Bone Storm. This strategy will likely debuff many foes, making them susceptible to your Bone Spear onslaught.

Conclude the rotation with Corpse Explosion to detonate the remnants of your enemies, turning them into deadly bombs for additional damage against their allies. Repeat this streamlined process, and feel free to adjust for smaller mobs as needed. Using Blood Mist in an opportunistic manner will help too.

Although you have access to Reap and Decompose, they primarily serve to ensure smooth transition between skill chains during leveling. You’ll find limited space to use them actively within a larger skill selection setup.

Bone Spear
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Be aware that Bone Spear and Bone Spirit are distinct skills.

Best Legendary Aspects for the Endgame

Having reached the endgame status, you will unlock an expanded array of Legendary Aspects to enhance your build, infusing your main skills with unique powers. While some Aspects will repeat from your leveling build, recognize that additional options have become available. Check out where and how to obtain them:

Aspect Effect Dungeon Region Gamble Obols
Grasping Veins Boosts critical hit chance for Corpse Tendrils Corrupted Grotto I develop
Splintering Bone Spear causes enemies to be vulnerable Guulrahn Slums Dry Steppes
Disobedience Increases defense based on your minion’s damage output Halls of the Damned I develop
Torment Critical hits with Bone skills enhance Essence regeneration Black Asylum Fractured Peaks
Great Feast Amplifies minion damage Focus
Serration Ossified Essence fortifies critical strikes Focus
Concussive Strikes Attacks have a 20% chance to daze enemies Focus
Shielding Storm Bone Storm generates a barrier Pants
Hardened Bones You and your minions gain damage absorption Pants
Metamorphosis Evasion triggers Unstoppable for 2.5 seconds Boots

Don’t forget, you can also detach these Aspects from their original items and reapply them onto another item of your choice.

Exploring the Paragon Board

Upon reaching level 50, you’ll shift from acquiring skill points to gaining Paragon points. This progression system differs significantly, requiring you to select upgrades across a variety of boards that offer unique buffs.

Every path on the Paragon Board is unique; however, targeting various Glyphs will start enhancing your Bone Spear Necromancer in critical ways that benefit your overall build strategy.

Refer to the section below to discover which Glyphs to prioritize initially.

Top Glyphs to Acquire

Level 15

  • Grave Keeper
  • Corporeal
  • Control
  • Essence
  • Sacrificial
  • Exploit
  • Amplify

Level 21

  • Essence
  • Control
  • Exploit
  • Amplify
  • Corporeal
  • Sacrificial
  • Grave Keeper

After reaching Paragon Level 15, aim to secure the Glyphs mentioned above. As you accumulate Paragon points, more Glyph options will unlock, but prioritizing these will ensure you remain on the optimal path for the Necromancer Bone Spear build.

Bone Spear
Blizzard Entertainment / dexerto

The endgame variant of the build minimizes reliance on minions.

Essential Endgame Item Setup for Bone Spear Build

Item Socket Item Category Effect
Deathless Visage Ruby for extra health Helmet Bone Spear leaves behind exploring echoes
Runic Mail of Shielding Storm Ruby for extra health Chest Armor Bone Storm has a chance to generate a Barrier
Splintering Runic Gloves Ruby for extra health Gloves Bone Spear renders enemies vulnerable
Runic Leggings of Hardened Bones Ruby for extra health Pants Boosts Minion damage
Runic Cleats of Metamorphosis Ruby for extra health Boots Enhances Skeleton Priest damage
Spinal of the Great Feast 2x Emeralds for poison damage Main Hand Chance to double-cast Bone Spear
Choker of Serration Diamond for additional attack power Amulet Boosts Evulsion and Compound Fracture
Ring of Torment Diamond for additional attack power Ring 1 Enhances Torment
Loop of Grasping Veins Diamond for additional attack power Ring 2 Enhances Grasping Veins

Tracking down this specific set will take time, but obtaining it will significantly enhance your endgame performance. However, feel free to experiment with gear as needed; this setup provides a solid foundation for maximizing your effectiveness.

Alternative Non-Necromancer Build for PvP

The great news for players considering the Necromancer Bone Spear build for PvP is that it remains unchanged from the endgame configuration discussed earlier. This build has achieved an A-tier rating in this PvP season; while it’s not the absolute best, it remains deadly and an excellent option for engaging other players.


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