Top Overwatch 2 DPS Characters Ranked: Season 12 Tier List

Overwatch 2’s meta continuously evolves, especially within the DPS category, offering players a diverse selection of Heroes. To help navigate this landscape, we’ve created the ultimate Overwatch 2 DPS tier list for Season 12.

Whether you’re just starting out, a casual gamer, or a veteran, this tier list serves as your comprehensive guide to achieving victory in the battlefield. Let’s explore our carefully curated list of top Overwatch 2 DPS heroes.

Our evaluations reference data from Overbuff as well as our insights on the meta’s performance, outlining how various DPS heroes measure up against each other.

Overwatch 2 DPS Tier List

Tier Heroes
S Tracer, Sojourn
A Pharah, Cassidy, Ashe, Sombra, Venture
B Reaper, Soldier 76, Echo, Mei, Widowmaker, Genji, Bastion
C Hanzo, Torbjorn, Symmetra
D Junkrat

Tiers Explained

Here’s a detailed breakdown of what qualifies each character for their respective positions in the Overwatch 2 DPS tier list:

  • S Tier: The most powerful DPS heroes available, generally good picks regardless of team composition or opponents.
  • A Tier: Strong heroes typically favored, though they can be countered and may not always fit every situation.
  • B Tier: Good options, but can be countered easily and are often effective only in certain team compositions.
  • C Tier: Useful in specific scenarios, but can be easily negated by other heroes.
  • D Tier: May have scenarios where they are effective but are generally overshadowed by stronger DPS options.

Ranking Methodology for the Tier List

The ranking is straightforward and does not solely reflect the meta in high-level play or professional matches (although it is influenced by them). Instead, we focused on how accessible each hero is for the average player aiming to climb the ranks.

This is particularly clear in the S and A tiers. According to Overbuff, Tracer and Sojourn may not have the highest pick and win rates among A tier heroes, but mastering them is critical for advancement. They are consistently seen as safe picks.

Tracer and Sojourn from Overwatch 2 in splash art

Tracer and Sojourn remain top picks for the average Overwatch player.

As a flex DPS, Tracer consistently stays relevant in the meta, making her mastery crucial for climbing the ranks. Sojourn is also a strong choice for hitscan DPS, as her movement abilities provide ample flexibility and can be impactful once learned. Additionally, she transitions well into other hitscan roles.

If you enjoy watching high-level streamers or professional Overwatch, you may notice a varied meta, with many teams incorporating a mix of S and A tier heroes.

Heroes like Ashe and Cassidy are popular hitscan choices with excellent pick and win rates due to their high damage output and survivability. However, climbing the ranks with them might be challenging for casual players, as they demand a higher level of mechanical aim compared to Sojourn.

Pharah, Sombra, and Venture are all versatile flex DPS options that fit well in various compositions across different maps. Sombra excels in dive strategies, Venture is effective in brawl and rush compositions, while Pharah shines in poke compositions given the current meta.

Despite not leading in pick or win rates, these three heroes remain solid choices for average players.

S Tier


Overwatch 2 Tracer in Pride Midtown map

Even without any changes in Season 12, Tracer remains a must-pick on many maps. She’s exceptional at harassing backlines, crucial for targeting enemy Tracers in fights, and a fantastic choice for dive compositions, making her valuable in any team setup.


Sojourn in OW2

Although Sojourn received some balance adjustments in Season 12, these changes effectively translated to buffs, as she can now charge her Railgun shots more quickly, making her significantly more lethal.

A Tier


Pharah in Overwatch 2

Pharah’s recent performances have been impressive, and she continues to be a valuable flex DPS choice in Season 12. If there’s no hitscan hero targeting her, her high damage output and self-sustainability pose a considerable threat.


OW2 Cassidy
Blizzard Entertainment

Amidst a meta dominated by Tracer, Cassidy serves as a reliable means to deter annoying Tracers from infiltrating your backline with his Flashbang. While his Grenade isn’t as overbearing as in the past, it remains an effective counter to dive heroes and a strong option in brawly matchups.


A screenshot featuring Ashe in Overwatch 2.

For poke compositions, Ashe stands out as an excellent pick. In skilled hands, she can become a lethal hitscan, capable of executing devastating dynamite shots on enemies and benefiting from the DPS passive. However, be cautious as she remains vulnerable to dives from Tracers or Winstons.


Overwatch 2 Sombra rework unveiled

Sombra has received buffs in Season 12, reinforcing her position as a solid DPS choice. While not always the best option, she excels against troublesome Widowmakers, Zenyattas, or even Mauga.


A screenshot featuring Venture from Overwatch 2.

As Season 12 unfolds, Venture has carved a niche as a must-pick character in brawl compositions. While they may not be the fastest hero, they excel in close-range combat, easily dispatching foes. However, they can struggle against poke comps on particular maps.

B Tier


Reaper in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Despite not receiving any buffs in Season 12, Reaper remains a premier tank buster in Overwatch. While he struggles against certain compositions—especially poke-focused ones—he is still a reliable choice against brawl comps, fitting nicely into Season 12’s brawl-centric meta.

Soldier 76

Soldier 76 pose in Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Similar to Sojourn, Soldier 76 operates as a front-to-back DPS dealing substantial damage. In recent seasons, his projectiles are easier to land, enabling him to engage troublesome Pharahs and Mercys from elevated positions. However, he lacks the one-shot kill potential and mobility of Sojourn, placing him lower on the tier list.


Echo in Overwatch 2

Echo performs well at high-level play, but for the majority of players, she is challenging to master. While she boasts fantastic mobility and damage output, her ultimate ability can be high-impact if utilized properly. Unfortunately, her complexity means that inexperienced players might struggle to yield significant results, thus justifying her B Tier placement.


Mei in Overwatch 2

Mei’s effectiveness is highly situational. She can be a formidable choice in rush and brawl compositions, easily blocking tanks with her wall abilities. However, her performance is potentially limited on wide maps like Junkertown or Circuit Royale, where her impact may diminish.


OW2 Widowmaker
Blizzard Entertainment

Widowmaker had a resurgence in prior seasons, but in Season 12, she functions more as a niche pick on specific maps like Havana or Circuit Royale, falling prey to dive heroes such as Winston. Moreover, her performance is highly player-dependent; attaining proficiency with Widowmaker requires considerable skill.


Genji Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Genji has always held a strange position in the game’s meta. While he may not be in the hard meta, he can still pair effectively with Tracer for dive compositions. He can be countered by heroes like Brigitte and Symmetra. Yet, if you can adapt and collaborate with teammates effectively, Genji can shine even in the current brawl and poke meta.


Overwatch 2 Bastion redesign

In Season 12, Bastion remains a reasonable option. He can unleash massive burst damage, but his lack of versatility means he excels only when supported by healers. Yet, if strategized right against specific enemy compositions, he can become an unstoppable force.

C Tier


OW2 Hanzo arrow hitbox
Blizzard Entertainment

Typically, Hanzo is regarded as a less effective version of Widowmaker. While he can still excel in poke-centric maps, it raises the question of why one should not just choose Widow, whose shot accuracy is significantly higher? Although Season 12 saw a return of his one-shot potential due to health adjustments for agile heroes, it may not be enough to elevate him within the meta.


Overwatch 2 Torbjorn

Torbjorn has always been somewhat niche in Overwatch 2. While he can efficiently counter dives, the brawl and poke meta currently makes it challenging for him to shine. However, against an agile threat like Tracer or Sombra, he can still serve as a valuable pocket pick.


Overwatch 2 Symmetra win header image

Symmetra remains an unconventional choice within Overwatch 2. Her turrets are useful for fortifying points, especially on Control maps. Yet, her utility overall is quite limited in various other modes, as her primary fire’s range is relatively short and her poke damage leaves much to be desired. Still, she can effectively function against specific dive DPS if played correctly.

D Tier


Junkrat in Overwatch 2

Many players consider Junkrat to be weak. His projectiles require considerable skill to wield, and although his one-shot potential received a boost from Season 12’s health nerfs regarding high mobility heroes, his kit’s complexity makes it hard to endorse him. However, if you are persistently devoted to mastering him, you can certainly make him work well, albeit he ranks among the weaker heroes.


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