Top Shotguns in Destiny 2 for PvE and PvP

Shotguns have proven to be a formidable ally in Destiny 2, providing players with the capability to eliminate enemies at close range with a single powerful blast that can deplete their shields in a single shot.

Not all shotguns are created equal, as some possess unique abilities and features that make them superior to others. These special attributes offer various advantages to the user.

To discover the specific shotguns and prioritize acquiring them, we have created a comprehensive list of the top Destiny 2 shotguns currently available and the ideal game mode to use them in.

Top Shotguns for PvE

1. Tractor Cannon

Tractor Cannon exotic shotgun from Destiny 2.


  • Impact: 65
  • Range: 10
  • Stability: 80
  • Handling: 40
  • Reload Speed: 15

The initial shotgun featured on our list is likely the most well-rounded option for PvE gameplay, as it possesses the Repulsor Force capability. This emits a pulse that not only repels enemies, but also hinders their abilities and exposes them to incoming attacks.

Moreover, its Scientific Method ability grants exceptional mobility and handling, activating these benefits upon inflicting damage on an opponent. This makes it highly effective in all types of combat scenarios and allows for domination of any target. While it excels in PvP, its strongest qualities truly shine in PvE.

The Legend of Acrius

Legend of Acrius exotic shotgun from destiny 2.


  • Impact: 85
  • Range: 100
  • Stability: 80
  • Handling: 10
  • Reload Speed: 20

The weapon’s penetration is quite remarkable, emitting Arc energy that inflicts significant damage and can pierce through enemy shields, resulting in a faster depletion of a target’s health compared to other weapons. This makes it especially effective against larger enemies, as it can swiftly drain their health in one shot.

Moreover, it includes the Long March feature, which provides an extended radar for a better understanding of other players’ locations and their proximity to you on a map.

3. The Fourth Horseman

Screenshot of Destiny 2 shotgun


  • Impact: 80
  • Range: 22
  • Stability: 19
  • Handling: 28
  • Reload Speed: 36

The Fourth Horseman is equipped with Thunderer, enabling it to be fired fully automatic and increasing its rate of fire. Additionally, each successive shot will deal more damage, though with a slightly wider spread. However, the spread is hardly noticeable when engaging in close combat.

The high rate of fire of this powerful gun can save your life when you’re caught off guard by an enemy. It allows you to fire off way more shots than you would be able to with any other weapon.


Destiny 2 Heritage


  • Impact: 70
  • Range: 68
  • Stability: 43
  • Handling: 70
  • Reload Speed: 45

By utilizing Final Blows, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of the Heritage shotgun in Destiny 2. When executing elemental versions of these, the next shot of the shotgun will be enhanced in damage. Additionally, the shotgun will automatically reload itself, ensuring that you always have a steady supply of ammunition at your disposal.

Additionally, its exceptional handling and manageable recoil enable you to efficiently land a greater number of shots compared to misses. This can prove to be crucial in situations where you are overwhelmed by foes and must quickly fire multiple shots in succession.

Best Shotguns for PvP

1. Duality

Destiny 2: Beyond Light Duality Exotic shotgun


  • Impact: 80
  • Range: 70
  • Stability: 45
  • Handling: 60
  • Reload Speed: 1

In PvP, Duality is highly effective for dealing damage whether firing from the hip or aiming down the sights. The shooting mechanism varies between the two, but both are capable of inflicting significant damage. Nonetheless, if you manage to hit your target with the single slug while aiming down the sights, it can prove to be devastating.

The package also includes On Black Wings, providing a stacking damage and reload speed boost whenever you achieve pellet final blows. In addition, landing precision hits will further extend the duration of this buff, making it a valuable asset in any combat situation.

The Chaperone

Destiny 2 Chaperone Exotic Shotgun


  • Impact: 75
  • Range: 100
  • Stability: 20
  • Handling: 80
  • Reload Speed: 30

The Chaperone is a highly accurate shotgun equipped with the Precision Slug ability, enabling you to fire a single slug directly at your target. This makes it an effective weapon for hitting enemies with precision and offers superior accuracy compared to other shotguns.

The Chaperone’s Roadborn ability also grants handling, range, and Precision damage after a Precision kill. With its high accuracy, achieving Precision kills is easier than you may anticipate.

3. Conditional Finality

conditional finality exotic shotgun from destiny 2.


  • Impact: 80
  • Range: 35
  • Stability: 20
  • Handling: 60
  • Reload Speed: 66

Your shots with this weapon will alternate between Stasis and Solar, starting with Stasis and then repeating the sequence. If you are able to hit the target with most of your Stasis pellets, they will be frozen, while hitting them with most of the Solar pellets will ignite them. Both of these statuses are highly potent and can greatly impact the outcome of the battle in your favor.

This combination is highly effective as it allows you to freeze and set your target on fire, effectively immobilizing them. This makes PvP encounters much simpler, as you can quickly defeat the enemy before they have a chance to retaliate.

4. Lord of Wolves

Destiny 2 Lord of Wolves


  • Impact: 68
  • Range: 20
  • Stability: 39
  • Handling: 40
  • Reload Speed: 80

Similar to The Fourth Horseman, this shotgun has the ability to function as a fully automatic weapon, allowing you to fire off shots rapidly with its Release the Wolves perk. Additionally, it boasts a Shrapnel Launcher that unleashes a powerful burst of Solar energy, making it a formidable choice for close range combat.

The ability to burstfire allows for more flexibility in aiming, as even one successful shot can result in taking down your target. This can be extremely beneficial in combat situations in Destiny 2, where just a few shots can inflict significant damage.

Astral Horizon

Destiny 2 Astral Horizon Shotgun


  • Impact: 80
  • Range: 24
  • Stability: 27
  • Handling: 28
  • Reload Speed: 33

Astral Horizon excels at securing the initial strike on a target due to its enhanced first shot bonus. Additionally, it offers superior handling, stability, and reload speed when facing an opponent in close proximity. Furthermore, acquiring Alacrity allows for a powerful boost when you are the final surviving member of your team or playing independently.

The weapon is a dependable choice that performs exceptionally well in close combat situations, which is often the scenario when wielding shotguns. Employing an aggressive playstyle is crucial in securing the initial hit and utilizing the buff to eliminate your opponent.

6. First In, Last Out

Destiny 2 First In, Last Out


  • Impact: 70
  • Range: 58
  • Stability: 40
  • Handling: 60
  • Reload Speed: 45

The First In, Last Out weapon is specifically designed to assist you when you are under attack. Even when it is not in use, the ammo will automatically refill as you sustain damage, providing you with improved handling. This makes it extremely effective against bosses, vehicles, and any Guardian who has activated their Super.

As a result, utilizing First In, Last Out during Destiny 2 gameplay can greatly increase your chances of success. This valuable weapon acts as a reliable shield, allowing you to withstand attacks from your adversaries. If an opponent approaches you, simply pull out this weapon and take them down with a powerful blast.

In Destiny 2: The Final Shape, there are various other weapons besides Shotguns that players can use. It is important to familiarize yourself with the top Hand Cannons, Auto Rifles, Swords, Machine Guns, and Linear Fusion Rifles.

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