Top Starting Map Location for Satisfactory 1.0

The starting location of your journey in Satisfactory 1.0 is essential for building a successful factory. With various options available, which map area stands out as the best for players?

Aside from occasional launch crashes and Plugin SML error notifications, the primary challenge for most Satisfactory players involves selecting the optimal starting area.

Satisfactory features one expansive map divided into four distinct starting areas, each offering unique advantages and disadvantages. Let’s delve into the best beginning location on the Satisfactory 1.0 map.

Which Starting Map Area Should You Choose in Satisfactory?

Players can initiate their game in one of four areas: Grass Fields, Rocky Desert, Northern Forest, and Dune Desert. Among these, the optimal choice for starting in Satisfactory 1.0 is the Rocky Desert.

While each area has its own merits, the Rocky Desert stands out for its advantages, and we will explain its benefits in comparison to the other locations.

1. Rocky Desert

Satisfactory Rocky Desert
Coffee Stain Studios

Despite its uninviting name, the Rocky Desert is the premier spot for starting a successful factory in Satisfactory. It offers ample flat space, ideal for constructing stable foundations for your machinery.

While it may appear barren, the area has abundant flora to create leaves for Biomass, essential for fueling your operations. Furthermore, the Rocky Desert provides a balanced variety of resource types, especially Pure Ore Nodes.

This starting location has much to offer, making it a solid choice for either your first experience or subsequent attempts at Satisfactory.

2. Grass Fields

Satisfactory Grass Fields
Coffee Stain Studios

Many newcomers to Satisfactory are likely to gravitate towards the Grass Fields due to its recommendation for beginners. While it’s a pleasant setting for learning the tutorial, it lacks the expansive flat areas found in the Rocky Desert.

There are useful nearby resources such as Iron for Screws and Copper for Copper Sheets, but it falls short when seeking rarer resource types abundant in other locations.

While suitable for newcomers going through the tutorial, players should consider starting fresh in the Rocky Desert as they progress.

3. Northern Forest

Satisfactory Northern Forest
Coffee Stain Studios

The Northern Forest is better suited for seasoned players, but it may not be the best choice for effective factory construction. The area offers very few flat plains, making it difficult to find clear spaces for your factory layout.

Although there is an abundance of Leaves and Wood for Biomass creation and a diverse range of resources, those who prefer organized factory setups might struggle here.

Consider this location as a temporary change after exploring the previous two areas, but many players often return to the more accommodating Rocky Desert.

4. Dune Desert

Satisfactory Dune Desert
Coffee Stain Studios

Starting a new Satisfactory game in the Dune Desert is not advisable for either new or experienced players. Although the area provides extensive flat space, collecting sufficient resources can prove challenging.

This region is notably difficult, despite the many mining opportunities, as it lacks the flora needed for Biomass creation, presenting a significant hurdle for powering your factory.

While the Dune Desert offers space, it lacks in resource diversity, leading to the necessity of long journeys to gather essentials.

This overview of the best and worst starting locations in Satisfactory 1.0 should help you make an informed decision on where to begin your factory journey!


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