Top Warzone Season 5 Perks: Understanding the Perk Package Meta

Based on the current perks meta in Warzone Season 5 Reloaded, we’ve identified the optimal perk package and ranked all available options. With no changes to the perks introduced by Raven Software in either Season 5 or the latest Reloaded update, the most effective perk combinations remain intact, and popular selections continue to dominate.

Below, you’ll discover our comprehensive rankings for the perks you should consider using in Warzone Season 5. Keep in mind that while any perk can shine in the right context, even ‘lower-tier’ perks can be advantageous when utilized appropriately.

Also, be aware that having the right loadout is vital to maximizing the effectiveness of Warzone’s best weapons. Here’s a look at the best perks in Warzone to guide your loadout choices.

Warzone Perks Tier List

TIER Perks
S Double Time, Sleight of Hand, Ghost, High Alert, Birdseye
A Resupply, Quick Fix, Tempered, Mountaineer, Irradiated
B Cold Blooded, Combat Scout, Scavenger
C Battle Hardened, Focus, Strong Arm, Shrapnel, Spotter, Mechanic, Payout, Survivor, Stalker, Primed, Escapist, Flex, Resolute

Best Perk Package in Warzone Season 5

  • Perk Slot 1: Double Time
  • Perk Slot 2: Irradiated
  • Perk Slot 3: Resupply
  • Perk Slot 4: Birdseye

This perk package offers a well-rounded advantage, enhancing players’ capabilities against their opponents. Double Time provides a crucial increase to Tac Sprint duration, which is especially beneficial when fleeing from foes or moving towards the next circle.

Additionally, Irradiated complements the PDS Field Upgrade, creating a temporary air bubble for players in the gas zone. This perk reduces gas damage by 20% and boosts movement speed by 10%, facilitating daring plays even when outside the circle.

No Warzone loadout is complete without Smoke Grenades for cover during rotations, and Resupply ensures tactical and lethal equipment is replenished every 50 seconds.

Finally, Birdseye enhances UAV effectiveness by extending their duration and coverage, exposing enemy positions even if they have Ghost equipped. This perk is invaluable during late-game scenarios and early matches, giving a clearer situational awareness.

Understanding Our Tiers

Here’s a concise breakdown of how each tier functions:

  • S: The best of the best
  • A: Very effective
  • B: Situationally beneficial
  • C: Best avoided unless you have a preference for them

Even perks rated in the C-tier may have merit in skilled hands. Player preferences based on distinct play styles can influence effectiveness. Nevertheless, all S-tier and A-tier perks are highly recommended for inclusion in any Warzone loadout for optimum performance.

Perk Meta Analysis

Among Warzone’s 27 perks, roughly half prove to be truly effective. Although some lower-ranked perks offer niche abilities, they often become situational and generally pale in comparison to superior choices.

Mountaineer gained popularity in Season 5 by increasing the height threshold before fall damage applies—from 13 to 34 meters post-update. This change initially allowed adventurers to leap from higher spots and surprise enemies. However, following a recent nerf, this perk reverted to its original values, remaining a solid pick, albeit with more appealing choices available in the Perk 1 and Perk 2 slots.

The most effective perks typically enhance health or mobility, unveil enemy positions, or obscure your location. Let’s dive into our detailed rankings.

S-Tier Perks in Warzone

Double Time

Perk description: Increases Tac Sprint while reducing cooldown time.

Double Time Perk
Image Source: Dexerto

Double Time earns the top spot due to the critical importance of time in combat. Whether you need to escape or reposition, increased movement speed can be a game changer.

Sleight of Hand

Perk description: Allows for faster reloading.

Sleight of Hand ranks high but is weapon-dependent; it has a more significant impact on firearms with slower baseline reload times. For example, it greatly benefits slow-loading LMGs compared to quicker SMGs.


Perk description: Prevents detection by enemy UAVs and other radar sources while moving.

UAV spamming is commonplace in Warzone, with players frequently investing in Killstreaks to gain intel on opposing teams. Coordinated teams equipped with Ghost will minimize the chances of being ambushed.

High Alert

Perk description: Triggers vision pulses when spotted by enemies outside your field of view.

Since gunfights in Warzone conclude rapidly, gaining the first shot is essential. High Alert allows players to quickly determine enemy positions and engage swiftly.


Perk description: UAV Killstreaks, Portable Radars, or UAV Towers will indicate the direction of nearby enemies and detect players equipped with Ghost; UAV scans will last longer and cover more area.

Birdseye directly counteracts Ghost by allowing player location detection via UAVs regardless of the perk’s effects. Additionally, Birdseye enhances UAV utility through extended scan distances and durations.

A-Tier Perks in Warzone

Quick Fix

Perk description: Health regeneration begins immediately after a kill or when plating.

Quick Fix Perk
Image Source: Dexerto

For aggressive playstyles, Quick Fix is a must-have; the perk allows players to recover health instantaneously after engaging opponents, enabling them to tackle multiple enemies consecutively without needing time to recuperate.


Perk description: Tactical and lethal equipment recharges every 50 seconds.

It’s essential for any Warzone squad to field at least one player equipped with Smoke Grenades, as these tactical items provide crucial cover during rotations. Limited initial supplies make Resupply beneficial for continual access.


Perk description: Allows players to fill armor with just two plates instead of three.

Finding armor plates can be a challenge, especially during persistent firefights. Tempered mitigates the need for frequent re-arming by reducing the number required to reach full protection.


Perk description: Survive falls from greater heights without fatal damage.

As mentioned, Mountaineer previously received a nerf that capped lethal fall height back to the original. Still, the perk’s ability to withstand falls from 26 meters instead of 13 remains advantageous.


Perk description: Facilitates equipping armor plates, boosts movement speed, and lessens gas damage effects while in the gas zone (20% less damage and 10% faster movement).

With the reintroduction of the PDS Field Upgrade in Season 2, Irradiated gained significant value, enabling players to effectively execute strategies in hazardous areas while surviving longer outside the safe zone.

B-Tier Perks in Warzone

Cold Blooded

Perk description: Undetectable by thermal optics, Tactical Cameras, and Recon Drones; does not trigger High Alert or Combat Scout.

Cold Blooded Perk
Image Source: Dexerto

Stealth plays an essential role in Warzone, and Cold Blooded renders you invisible to several detection tools. However, many of the devices that this perk counters are not universally prevalent except for High Alert and Combat Scout.

Combat Scout

Perk description: Tracking enemy targets briefly when hit by your bullets, with the marking duration increasing with distance (only one enemy can be marked at a time).

Marking enemies simplifies targeting through smoke or understanding their movements while in cover.


Perk description: Collect ammunition, armor plates, and cash from fallen foes.

While Scavenger provides useful bonuses, it may not be worthwhile for players who engage minimally in combat during matches.


Perk description: Reduces flinch when aiming down sights and extends hold breath time.

Focus is invaluable for snipers; however, its limited application restricts its ranking to B-tier.

C-Tier Perks in Warzone

Battle Hardened

Perk description: Reduces the effects of enemy Stun, Flash, EMP, Gas Grenades, and Frangible effects while being immune to Snapshot Grenades, Guardians, and Shock Sticks.

Strong Arm

Strong Arm Perk
Image Source: Dexerto

Perk description: Throws equipment further and visualizes the throw trajectory.

While not ineffective, Strong Arm’s limited effectiveness compared to more versatile first and second-slot options places it firmly on the lower tier.


Perk description: Explosive damage delays health regeneration, slows movements, and interrupts tactical sprinting for enemies.

Though potentially powerful, Shrapnel’s utility is infrequent, making it situationally useful.


Perk description: Identifies enemy equipment and killstreaks behind walls; highlights them while aiming down sights. Capable of hacking Claymores, Proximity Mines, C4, and Trophy Systems.

Although hacking enemy equipment is valuable, it is often simpler to destroy them outright.


Mechanic Perk
Image Source: Dexerto

Perk description: Improves vehicle repair times, boosts fuel speed, and decreases fuel consumption in non-aircraft vehicles.

While beneficial during certain game phases, dedicating a perk slot to vehicle benefits is usually an underwhelming choice.


Perk description: Contracts provide higher cash returns, and UAV Tower costs are reduced.

Payout could occupy a higher tier, but competitive advantages in third Perk slots create drawbacks compared to other powerful options.


Perk description: Faster revive times, reduced health regeneration delays, lower cash losses upon death, and automatic pings on enemies that down you.

While the boost to revives and health regeneration is great, there are still more desirable third Perk options available.


Stalker Perk
Image Source: Dexerto

Perk description: Increases strafe and aim-down-sight movement speeds.

Even though higher mobility benefits sound promising, they often fail to justify the use of this perk.


Perk description: Enhances accuracy and reduces aiming time while jumping.

Jump shooting rarely yields significant benefits due to inherent movement penalties, making this perk infrequently useful.


Perk description: Increases speed while downed, prone, or crouching, and improves movement speed by 20%.

Escapist may appeal to players who prefer to utilize stealth mechanics; however, its overall utility is likely limited for most gamers.


Perk description: Delays triggered explosives during sprinting, detects nearby enemy equipment, and decreases combat noise.

Despite its underrated value, Flex is overshadowed by superior options available in the fourth Perk slot.


Perk description: Grants a short-term augmented movement speed when hit by gunfire.

While it could excel in alternate slots, options like High Alert, Ghost, and Birdseye offer markedly better benefits.


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