Top Wizard Builds for Diablo Immortal in Season 31

The Wizard is the iconic magic and elemental spell caster in the Diablo series. Below are the top Diablo Immortal Wizard builds for Season 31.

Since the original Sorcerer from Diablo 1 and the Sorceress class from Diablo 2, the Wizard class has been unleashing fiery, electric, and icy spells against demons since the inception of the series. They remain the quintessential elemental magic user and a beloved choice among players. This character class is also returning in Diablo 4 as the Sorcerer.

This casting class redefined itself in Diablo 3 and now makes a comeback in Diablo Immortal – a game available on mobile and PC.

The key question is, with a variety of spells at their disposal, which Wizard build is most effective in Diablo Immortal for Season 31? In this article, we will explore the best Wizard builds in Diablo Immortal this season and guide you on how to create them.

Diablo Immortal wizard casts a spell as a demon attacks her from behind
Blizzard Entertainment

The Wizard embodies the classic elemental caster in Diablo Immortal.

Is the Wizard Right for Me?

The Wizard is your typical spell-slinger in Diablo Immortal, harnessing the might of fire, ice, and lightning to vanquish foes. They are fragile yet deadly at range, making them glass cannons vulnerable when enemies close in.

This character class forgoes traditional weapons like swords and shields in favor of wands or staffs. While they do wear armor, it is primarily light gear to maintain mobility and unleash powerful attacks from a distance.

If you typically favor magic users in most RPGs, then the Wizard class is a perfect choice for you.

Is the Wizard Good This Season?

In Season 31 of Diablo Immortal, the Wizard is rated reasonably well, earning an A rank in PVE and an A rank in PVP.

This ranking is respectable, establishing the Wizard as a viable option this season, though they fall slightly short of the coveted S Tier. Nonetheless, they remain superior to B Tier characters.

Keep in mind that this may change by the time the next season begins.

Here are the two best Wizard builds that inflict significant damage on Diablo’s monsters—and even against fellow heroes.

Best Diablo Immortal Wizard Build (Season 31)

The first recommendation is for the best PVE Wizard build in Diablo Immortal Season 31: the Firestorm Battlemage build, which utilizes a variety of elemental skills.

Here’s how to construct this build:


When leveling your Wizard for the Firestorm Battlemage build, prioritize points in Intelligence and Fortitude. Fortitude is critical for both defense and the ability to bypass enemy armor. It’s also important to significantly invest in Vitality to endure enemy attacks.

Willpower will enhance your Potency and increase Resistances, so give this stat special attention, especially as you progress to tougher levels. Strength is less crucial for this build, so feel free to deprioritize it.


For the Firestorm Battlemage build, begin with the Magic Missile skill and upgrade to Ice Missile as soon as possible. This powerful basic attack significantly damages enemies from a distance, and its freezing effect can buy you time to prepare stronger spells.

At level three, make sure to utilize Lightning Nova alongside Magic Missile. Then, add Teleport to your skill set at level 18 for quick escapes from detrimental engagements.

Once you reach level 20, incorporate Arcane Wind for decent damage and crowd control. Begin using Disintegrate at level 28 to diversify your approach.

At level 41, you can use Meteor as a devastating area attack on enemies, giving you the opportunity to recover and unleash it again quickly. Utilizing this alongside Teleport and Arcane Wind proves deadly for the Wizard.

Feel free to experiment with additional spells, but this combination yields the best results.


The gear selected can substantially enhance your Wizard’s effectiveness, so aim to find and equip the following items:

  • Head – Lyan’s Resonant Wisdom
  • Shoulders – Shoulders of the Cataclysm
  • Chest – Starcaller’s Drapery
  • Legs – Riftdancer’s Stride
  • Main Hand Weapon – Windshaper
  • Off-Hand Weapon – The Siphon

For rings, amulets, and other gear, pursue the Issatar Imbued set (the same as the Monk). This gear will boost numerous spells and increase your damage output.

Diablo Immortal players fighting a boss
Blizzard Entertainment

Wizards can unleash devastating fire, ice, and lightning spells against the minions of Diablo.

Diablo Immortal PVP Wizard Build

If you aim to dominate other players in Diablo Immortal’s PVP, consider adapting the prior build to a standard Battlemage setup instead.

In this build, maintain a similar progression but swap Arcane Wind with Scorch to enhance targeted damage. Employing Ice Armor will also bolster your defense against the tougher character classes found in Diablo Immortal.


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