Lee Da-hae and Se7en’s Lavish Wedding Anniversary Surprises Everyone, Exceeds Expectations of Their Intimate Wedding

Lee Da-hae, Shim Jin-hwa, and Lee Su-ji were featured as guest mentors on Channel A’s “Men’s Life These Days: Groom’s Class”on June 12th.

During the broadcast, Lee Da-hae shared details of her first wedding anniversary celebration with her husband Se7en.

Shim Jin-hwa shared that Lee Da-hae and Se7en had a big party to celebrate their first wedding anniversary, which she found cute. Kim Dong-wan chimed in, saying he also saw the party and initially thought it was a wedding.

A video capturing the first anniversary celebration of Lee Da-hae and Se7en was recently released. Shim Jin-hwa’s comment, “It’s more extravagant than their intimate wedding,”elicited laughter from those present.

lee da home

Lee Da-hae then clarified the reason behind their extravagant celebration for their first wedding anniversary, stating, “Our friends were the ones who organized it for us.”

Despite the MCs showering Se7en with compliments for his stunning appearance, Lee Da-hae also shared her adoration for her husband by saying, “Every time I lay my eyes on him, I am reminded of how handsome he is.”

Meanwhile, Kim Dong-wan shared a personal story about the time when Lee Da-hae captured the full attention of every member of Shinhwa.

He was amazed by Da-hae and mentioned that it is rare for singers and actors to cross paths. He recalled their unexpected meeting at a year-end awards ceremony and was struck by how effortlessly she greeted them. He even questioned if he should bow to her when she greeted them.

Kim Dong-wan remembered the experience and added, “Even though it was our first meeting, she greeted us like old friends. We were impressed by her warmth and after the awards ceremony, my group members and I (Shinhwa) couldn’t help but comment to each other, ‘Isn’t Lee Da-hae just lovely?’”

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