Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12: Khun and Wangnan Team Up as Baam Assembles a New Squad

Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12, titled “A New Trial,”premiered on Sunday, September 22, 2024, at 11 PM JST. In this episode, Baam’s former allies discover that the Slayer Candidate, Viole, has set his sights on Khun. Simultaneously, Khun’s companions, Ran and Novick, reveal that they escaped the Hand of Arlen explosion by hiding in Xia’s golem.

Baam decides to collaborate with Xia and Cassano for the Workshop Battle, provided that Khun’s allies are included in their team, ensuring their safety. Later, it becomes clear that Khun survived the destruction, thanks to Wangnan and others.

Together, they also rescue Edin Dan. In the concluding scenes, Khun and Dan ally with Wangnan and Baam’s group, following Hwaryun’s suggestion that winning the Workshop Battle will bring Baam back to their side.

Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12: Rak reappears while Khun confirms Viole is actually Baam

Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12 Opening Events: Baam’s Old Comrades Return as Baam Joins a New Team for the Workshop Battle

The episode opens with Wangnan, Akraptor, Yihwa, and Prince arriving at the ruins of the Hand of Arlen, uncertain of what happened there. News reports announce Khun as either missing, injured, or potentially dead, with FUG allegedly responsible for the incident.

Baam’s friends watch the broadcast, which claims that the casualties were sacrifices made for the emergence of a new Slayer Candidate, Viole, likely serving as a warning to Regulars participating in the Workshop Battle. Elsewhere, Rak learns about Khun’s supposed death and sets out to uncover the truth.

Rak reappears in Tower of God season 2 episode 12 (Image via The Answer Studio)
Rak reappears in Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12 (Image via The Answer Studio)

Meanwhile, inside the golem, Ran and Novick have escaped the Hand of Arlen’s collapse, speculating that Khun may still be trapped inside. Xia outlines her plan to dominate and defeat all other Rankers in the Workshop Battle.

Consequently, Ran and Novick prepare to confront her and Cassano. However, Baam interjects, proposing a deal: he will join Xia’s team for the Workshop Battle if Ran and Novick are included as well.

Baam's friends get the news about Khun and Viole (Image via The Answer Studio)
Baam’s friends learn about Khun and Viole (Image via The Answer Studio)

With no alternative, Xia reluctantly agrees. Though Novick is apprehensive, Baam reassures them that Khun is still alive. Ran, recalling Baam’s desperate actions during the explosion, decides to trust him, leading Baam to form a new team consisting of Xia, Cassano, Ran, and Novick.

Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12: Khun Survives the Collapse While He and Wangnan’s Team Rescue Dan

Wangnan and Khun in this episode (Image via The Answer Studio)
Wangnan and Khun in this episode (Image via The Answer Studio)

In Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12, Khun attempts to understand the connection between Baam and Viole, questioning if they could be the same person. He wakes up to banter between Yihwa and Wangnan.

Suspicious, Khun confronts them, demanding to know their identities and motives. Yihwa asks if Khun is acquainted with Viole, prompting him to consider if they are working with FUG.

After confirming they are not affiliated with FUG, Khun learns that they followed Baam’s Pocket in search of him and Kang, but found him instead. He takes the Pocket from them and they join him to check on his team.

Hwaryun reunites with Khun (Image via The Answer Studio)
Hwaryun reunites with Khun (Image via The Answer Studio)

They proceed to Khun’s base on the 29th Floor, where they discover Gyetang dead and Dan seriously injured. They take Dan for medical treatment. After learning that he will survive, Wangnan reassures Khun that Viole is not responsible for the chaos.

Khun, already suspecting Viole’s innocence, believes Rachel may be to blame. Outside the hospital, he notes that Viole’s Pocket is identical to the A-Rank Pocket Yuri bestowed upon Baam.

Connecting the dots, Khun realizes that Viole possesses abilities akin to Baam’s, concluding that Viole must indeed be Baam. He ponders why Baam is with FUG instead of reuniting with his friends.

Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12 Closing Events: Hwaryun Confirms Viole’s Identity as Baam as Khun and Dan Join Wangnan’s Team

Rachel stabs Dan (Image via The Answer Studio)
Rachel as she stabs Dan (Image via The Answer Studio)

In the final moments of Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12, Khun encounters Hwaryun, who confirms that Viole is indeed the 25th Baam. She explains her role as a Guide, revealing that she became a Regular for a job previously.

She also discloses her alliance with FUG, stating they intend to use Baam, as an Irregular, to eliminate Jahad. They staged his death and reincarnated him as the Slayer Candidate Jue Viole Grace, with her serving as his guide.

Ran, Baam, and Cassano in Tower of God season 2 episode 12 (Image via The Answer Studio)
Ran, Baam, and Cassano in Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12 (Image via The Answer Studio)

Angered, Khun attempts to strike her but is effortlessly countered. When he inquires about Baam’s whereabouts, she admits she is uncertain, as only a few Slayer Candidates and FUG elders orchestrated this plan to seize control of Baam and to place him within a team of their making.

She mentions that a High Ranker (Jinsung) secured Baam some freedom, and as such, following the Hand of Arlen incident, she was given a choice: Baam would join either the FUG team or his original team, depending on who triumphed in the Workshop battle.

Khun in Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12 (Image via The Answer Studio)
Khun in Tower of God Season 2 Episode 12 (Image via The Answer Studio)

Thus, she urges Khun to join Wangnan’s team, encouraging him to help them win and secure Baam’s return. Initially resistant, Khun is swayed when Dan, now awake, implores him to assist in the Workshop battle to prove himself to Rachel.

The episode concludes with Khun accepting Hwaryun’s proposal to join Wangnan’s team in their quest for victory.


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