Tower of God season 2 episode 4: Voice acting steals the show as the Tower’s cruelty reappears

The fourth episode of Tower of God’s second season, which aired on Sunday, July 28, 2024, continued to explore The Trustworthy Room game. Fans were eagerly anticipating this episode due to the game’s harsh rules and nature. Throughout the episode, the focus remained on the game, shedding light on the brutal reality of the Tower.

The Trustworthy Room game in Tower of God season 2 episode 4 provided the perfect opportunity for the voice acting to shine, showcasing the tower’s merciless nature. Although the episode was not flawless, it offered a welcome deviation from the previous episodes of the second season, much to the satisfaction of fans.

Review of Tower of God Season 2 Episode 4: Voice Acting, Reintroduction to the Tower, and Character Development.

Tower of God season 2 episode 4 review (Image via The Answer Studio)
Tower of God season 2 episode 4 review (Image via The Answer Studio)

The emphasis on the Tower of God’s cruelty in season 2 episode 4 was one of the highlights of the release. It served as a reminder to fans that death is always a possibility in every test, and no one is safe from it while climbing towards the top floor. This serves as a constant reminder of the high stakes these characters face as they dedicate themselves to the climb.

This is best exemplified by the death of Nia at the hands of Kim Lurker in the episode, where it is revealed that Lurker had deceived, manipulated, and ultimately killed Nia for his own gain. This tragic scene serves as a poignant reminder that the pure-hearted individuals in the tower are often the ones who are taken advantage of, highlighting the harsh reality of climbing the tower. It is a subtle yet masterful way of reintroducing the true nature of the tower and its inhabitants.

In Tower of God season 2 episode 4, the Tower’s cruelty is once again highlighted, resulting in a standout performance from Yuma Uchida as Wangan Ja. His portrayal of Wangan’s grief over Nia’s death and rage towards Lurker is on par with Junya Enoki’s performance as Yuji Itadori in Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 after the Shibuya Massacre. It evokes a powerful and captivating reaction that resonates with viewers, almost as if they can feel it through their screens.

Tower of God season 2 episode 4 review (Image via The Answer Studio)
Tower of God season 2 episode 4 review (Image via The Answer Studio)

It is unfortunate that there is not much to highlight in terms of voice acting in this episode. However, this can be attributed to the fact that the episode is heavily focused on Wangnan. Despite this, Uchida delivers a powerful and impactful performance as Wangnan, making up for the lack of opportunities for other characters to showcase their vocal talents. With the season only a third of the way through, there will be ample chances for the rest of the cast to demonstrate their skills as well.

Despite the tragic loss of Nia, Wangnan experiences significant character growth in Tower of God season 2 episode 4. Similar to Yuji’s determination after the Shibuya Massacre, Wangnan perseveres and continues moving forward because he knows it is necessary. Even in his state of mourning, Wangnan demonstrates his strategic thinking by using the moment to devise a plan for victory, ultimately forming an alliance with Bam.

Although it may not be a significant milestone in Wangnan’s growth, it greatly highlights his fundamental beliefs and principles. He is a compassionate and empathetic individual who can set aside his personal struggles in pursuit of a greater objective, whether it benefits himself, others, or both. By joining forces with Bam, a renowned candidate of the FUG Slayer, it further showcases his determination to do whatever it takes to reach the top of the Tower and accomplish his aspirations.

Tower of God Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Disappointing Animation and Lack of Teasers

Despite receiving criticism for its new art style and aesthetic, the second season of Tower of God has maintained a consistent theme. However, episode 4 of season 2 serves as further confirmation that even in fight scenes, the new generic look does not offer any significant improvements. The animation in the final stages of Bam and Mule Love’s fight is lackluster and fails to provide any visually stimulating moments for viewers.

Despite the limited scope of the battle, The Answer Studio team could have compensated for this by slightly extending the fight scene. This would have been a challenging task, considering the pressure to fit everything into a 13-episode season. However, it would have been worth it to justify the studio and style change to loyal fans. Unfortunately, the new aesthetic continues to be frustrating and uninspired without any valid explanation for the sudden shift.

The second and final major drawback of Tower of God season 2 episode 4 is the introduction of Khun Aguero Agnes in the last few moments. While cliffhangers are usually exciting, this one was executed in a questionable manner. Instead of providing a hint or dialogue about Khun’s actions, the episode simply ends with a still image of him, leaving fans with no further explanation.

The decision to focus on Khun’s popularity as a character is certainly a unique one. However, the execution falls short by solely relying on his visage to create a compelling cliffhanger. This leaves fans with the understanding of Khun’s comeback, but offers nothing new to spark online discussions, praise, or controversy until the release of the fifth episode.

Tower of God Season 2 Episode 4: Final Thoughts

Despite some highlights, Tower of God season 2 episode 4 ultimately falls short for the series overall. The mishandling of Khun’s comeback is a prime example of this, along with a lack of commitment to showcasing the suitability of the new, generic art style for the series. While the voice acting and character development are commendable, the series must offer more to keep viewers invested in the upcoming weeks.

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