Tower of God: Season 2, Episode 7 – Anime-original Scenes and The Disappointing Confrontation with Urek

As fans eagerly anticipated the release of season 2 episode 7 of Tower of God, they were filled with excitement to witness the highly anticipated showdown between Urek Mazino and Bam. However, the episode, which officially aired on Sunday, August 18, 2024, was ultimately disappointing as the encounter between the two characters turned out to be nothing more than a short skirmish.

In addition, Tower of God season 2 episode 7 includes two anime-original scenes in order to enhance the fight. Readers of the manhwa will most likely understand the significance of these scenes. However, for fans who have not read the manhwa, these directorial decisions aim to foreshadow future events and compensate for the underwhelming introduction of the Tower’s #2 active High Ranker.

Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review: Art style and animation shine through and a forced focus on the future

Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review (Image via The Answer Studio)
Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review (Image via The Answer Studio)

As mentioned earlier, a major highlight of Tower of God season 2 episode 7 is the inclusion of two anime-original scenes which occur after Bam’s battle with Urek.

Upon noticing a cut on his face, Urek recalls the moment when Bam must have struck him and envisions him surrounded by a massive red skeletal torso. Furthermore, Bam’s eyes become luminous, resembling those of the skeleton behind him, with red lightning bolts on either side.

Despite the unsettling nature of the scene, it serves as a reminder to fans about why Urek is in awe of Bam and why FUG sees him as a valuable asset. As an Irregular, Bam possesses monstrous abilities that have the potential to surpass even Jahad.

Despite the underwhelming confrontation with Urek and the limited showcasing of Bam’s abilities in the current season, this decision is particularly commendable as it compensates for these shortcomings. Although fans may still feel let down by the lackluster conflict, it serves as a promising initial effort towards redemption.

Tower of God’s seventh episode of season 2 continues to address this problem by immediately showing an injured Bam lying on the ground, barely conscious.

As he recalls the responsibility of saving his friends, a crimson ribcage and spine made of Shinsu suddenly materializes around him and heals him completely. This foreshadowing of Bam’s true powers and potential may be revealed in later parts of the series.

Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review (Image via The Answer Studio)
Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review (Image via The Answer Studio)

Nevertheless, the second scene should also be commended for effectively foreshadowing the reveal. By showing Bam’s deep desire to stop saying goodbye to his friends and his determination to become stronger for this purpose, the flashback effectively sets up the reveal.

Furthermore, this suggests that Bam’s affection for his companions is the source of his current abilities and will ultimately lead him to transform into the creature that Urek foresaw.

The Answer Studio’s art style and animation finally get a chance to shine in Tower of God season 2 episode 7, thanks to the first scene and the brief encounter with Urek.

The initial anime-exclusive sequence is filled with impressive animation and stays in the minds of viewers, showcasing the intricate details of the enormous skeleton. The blurred background adds to the overall effect, creating a sense of unease that enhances the otherwise basic and unoriginal art style.

The confrontation between Bam’s team and Urek also showcases notable moments, such as Kang Horyang’s transformation and Urek’s use of his Shinsu. This further adds to the intensity of the situation.

Additionally, it is important to note that the more subtle elements of the battle, such as Prince’s utilization of his lighthouse, remain consistent and are well-executed. While the overall fight may be lackluster, the art style truly shines and hints at potential for future encounters.

Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review (Image via The Answer Studio)
Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review (Image via The Answer Studio)

The anime-original scenes from Tower of God season 2 episode 7 hold a special significance, especially considering the series’ unofficial nickname as the One Piece of manhwa. These scenes are worth revisiting.

The series based on SIU’s popular webtoon, now turned into an anime, is one that demands viewers to stay invested for the long run. However, the slow pace of season 2 has not effectively conveyed this message to the audience. The addition of these scenes serves as a reminder of the vast unknowns and builds anticipation for what is yet to come.

The workshop battle, introduced by Hwaryun at the end of the episode and followed by a two-year timeskip, serves to reinforce this point even more.

Similarly, credit must be given to the episode for remaining faithful to its evident purpose until the very end. From the revelation of Urek’s true motive for being in Zygaena to the time skip, and all the events in between, it is evident that the show intends to compensate for its sluggish pace in these concluding episodes.

Despite this, Tower of God season 2 episode 7 performs adequately in other important aspects, but fails to stand out. One notable aspect among these satisfactory elements is Hikor Takashi’s portrayal of Urek Mazino through his voice acting.

The character’s portrayal in the episode effectively showcases their cocky attitude, leaving a positive and lasting impression on fans that aligns perfectly with the Urek depicted in the manhwa.

Tower of God: The Controversial Bam vs Mazino Fight in Season 2 Episode 7

Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review (Image via The Answer Studio)
Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review (Image via The Answer Studio)

Despite the positive aspects mentioned, there are valid concerns about the flaws in the latest installment. One particular disappointment is Bam’s encounter with Urek Mazino, which falls short in comparison to the rest of the fight. This is largely due to the high expectations set by the cliffhanger ending of the previous episode.

In reality, the conflict could have been avoided in Tower of God season 2 episode 7, and probably would have been if the season had been paced slightly faster as a whole.

This problem further exemplifies the main issue present in the second season so far – that Bam is no longer the central focus of his own show.

Despite Wangnan Ja being developed as season 2’s dual protagonist, the focus on his character is overwhelmingly disproportionate to the point where Bam may feel like an afterthought. As a result, the criticisms surrounding the Bam and Mazino fight bring attention to larger, persistent issues that are hopefully addressed after the timeskip.

Tower of God Season 2 Episode 7: Final Thoughts

Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review (Image via The Answer Studio)
Tower of God season 2 episode 7 review (Image via The Answer Studio)

Overall, the seventh episode of Tower of God season 2 does more good than harm and it would be unfair to criticize it too harshly. While it may not have met fans’ expectations, the directorial staff clearly had a specific focus and style in mind for the episode.

This strategy also highlighted the series’ key attributes, including its capacity for lasting storytelling and the intricacy of its world-building, power system, and other elements.

Similarly, the mishandling of Urek and Bam’s presumed first of many encounters is the only major issue, which could have been slightly extended to fully satisfy viewers. However, there are still positives to be found in this aspect. Although they may not completely rectify all the flaws, they do make up for a majority of them.

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