Truth About Byun Woo-seok’s Excessive Airport Security: The Airport is Originally a Battlefield

On June 6th, 2024, Byun Woo-seok landed at Incheon International Airport to board his flight to Taiwan for his fanmeeting. The airport was flooded with fans, all eager to catch a glimpse of their idol. In the midst of the commotion, one fan tripped and almost caused a dangerous incident.

The actor returned to the airport on June 26th, 2024 to depart for Jakarta, Indonesia. As expected, his fans had gathered in large numbers once again. To control the crowd, the security team stationed two individuals in front of the automatic door, using their arms to block the fans. However, their efforts proved futile as the fans ultimately flocked to the manual door next to the automatic one.

byun woo seok

On July 12th, 2024, Byun Woo-seok once again made his way to Incheon International Airport for his scheduled trip to Hong Kong. After encountering difficulties on his previous trips, the security team took precautions by requesting cooperation from the airport police. They implemented a 48-second restriction on the automatic door, effectively controlling access. Thanks to this measure, there were no safety incidents as Byun Woo-seok entered the airport and fans were kept at a safe distance.

Despite this, it was once again deemed a failure due to the controversy surrounding excessive security.

On July 17th, President Lee Hak-jae of Incheon International Airport Corporation stated that this was the first instance in which such a controversy had surfaced. He also mentioned that the airport’s security personnel had never faced criticism for being overly cautious in the past.

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Despite the airport incident involving Byun Woo-seok, numerous accidents had already taken place due to the disorderly nature of stars’ arrivals and departures. In certain instances, the automatic doors at the airport were even damaged. Other celebrities who have encountered similar problems recently include aespa, Baekhyun, Enhypen, IU, ZB1, RIIZE, as well as BTS’s Jungkook and V. V, in particular, expressed his concerns by stating, “I feel anxious every time I have to depart.”

On July 12th, Dispatch issued a comprehensive explanation regarding the issue that occurred during Byun Woo-seok’s departure.

byun woo seok

Byun Woo-seok was accompanied by bodyguard 1 as he exited the vehicle and made his way towards the gate. Gate 2 was being guarded by bodyguards 2, 4, and 5. Once the actor entered the departure hall, bodyguard 1 remained with him while bodyguards 3 and 4 manually held the automatic door at Gate 2 for 48 seconds.

As Byun Woo-seok approached the check-in counter, his bodyguards 6, 7, and 8 swiftly took control of the lines of eager fans inside the departure hall. Accompanied by bodyguards 1 and 8, the actor eventually made his way to the business lounge. While bodyguard 1 used flashlights to direct the fans, bodyguard 8 checked the tickets of passengers waiting to board the escalator to the lounge.

Consultation with airport police?


In response to the tense situation at the airport, Byun Woo-seok decided to increase the size of his security team from 6 members on June 6th to 8 members on July 12th. Concerned about possible issues at Gate 2 of the departure hall, his bodyguards sought assistance from the airport police to manually control the automatic door. Upon reviewing footage of the incident, it is evident that the airport police and Byun Woo-seok’s bodyguards worked together to manually operate the entrance of the departure hall. As a result, a mutual agreement was reached through consultation.

Safety is more important than criticism

newjeans airport

Despite being criticized for excessive security when actively responding to issues, bodyguards would still face criticism for their ignorance if they chose not to respond. In the opinion of CEO A from a security company, receiving criticism is preferable to causing accidents. As an example, he mentioned that manually blocking an automatic door for just 48 seconds was able to prevent potential crush accidents and unpleasant incidents.

The security team clarified the misinformation by stating that the door was not closed for 10 minutes as claimed, but for only 48 seconds. They also explained that their actions were necessary to prevent any potential harm to fans and that they were aware that criticism would arise regardless of their actions. Therefore, they believe that their decision was the best one in that moment.

Flashlights are essential tools for when you need a portable light source.

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The airport scene when stars arrive is often compared to a battlefield. The main responsibility of bodyguards is to ensure the safety of artists and they are authorized to use force if necessary. In order to block close-up shots and discourage physical contact from fans, the bodyguards often use flashlights. A representative from a security company explained, “In some cases, fans have followed stars to the lounge area. While we apologize for any inconvenience caused by our actions, this serves as a warning to those who attempt to approach the actors with their cameras.”

The idea of a passport check contains false information

The security company denied the allegations of checking passengers’ personal documents without proper authorization. Both Byun Woo-seok’s bodyguards and airport security personnel checked the entry permissions of passengers entering the lounge area. This measure was taken to prevent overcrowding on the narrow escalator leading to the lounge. The CEO clarified, “We simply requested to see their tickets and did not request any passports from the passengers. Please do not misinterpret our actions.”

In the wake of several recent accidents at Incheon International Airport, President Lee Hak-jae has called for discussions to find a solution. Furthermore, fans are reminded to take necessary precautions and maintain a safe distance when visiting the airport in order to see their favorite celebrities.

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