Truth About Chinese Gamer Fat Cat’s Suicide Revealed

Shocking truth

Recently, the police released their findings from the investigation into the suicide of Chinese gamer Fat Cat. According to the report, Fat Cat had been in a relationship with Tan Zhu for two years, during which they frequently exchanged money. In their chat records, Tan Zhu displayed genuine affection and concern for Fat Cat, corroborating his sister’s claims that their relationship was based on mutual love and not financial gain.

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Upon discovering the unexpected truth, one netizen expressed their shock by stating, “I was left speechless after reading the latest report about Fat Cat. The plot twist completely caught me off guard and I felt completely betrayed! It’s hard to believe that Fat Cat’s sister fabricated the entire story in order to redirect netizens’ criticism towards Tan Zhu.”

During the investigation, it was revealed that Fat Cat’s sister had accused Tan Zhu of extorting money from her brother and pressuring him to death. This story had led everyone, including myself, to believe that Tan Zhu was a gold-digger and only Fat Cat was sincere in their relationship. However, the police’s report showed that the truth was completely different. It was even discovered that Tan Zhu had met with Fat Cat’s family, making it hard to believe that they had only met twice in the two years they were together. Ultimately, Fat Cat’s sister’s actions were driven by lies, as she ended up taking her own life. It’s worth noting that when someone tries to deceive the public, they should be prepared for the possibility

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The authorities verified that Fat Cat’s sister orchestrated a campaign to incite public backlash against Tan Zhu. She deliberately handpicked a few messages from her brother’s chat records, manipulated them, and fabricated a fictitious tale of unrequited love where Tan Zhu was cast as the antagonist. To stir up further controversy, Fat Cat’s sister went as far as creating multiple fake accounts to inundate the comments section and divulge Tan Zhu’s personal details.

Fat Cat’s sister also purposely turned on a live broadcast, crying and complaining, in an attempt to gain sympathy from netizens.

Fat Cat’s sister fabricated the entire story due to her dissatisfaction with the amount of money that Tan Zhu had returned to the family. This also resulted in her gaining fame as her social media followers skyrocketed from 200,000 to 2 million.

A lesson for netizens

Upon the release of the final results of the Fat Cat investigation, it was evident that those who were most astonished were the ones who had previously criticized and condemned Tan Zhu during the initial stages of the issue. These individuals had been completely misled by false information and had not taken the time to thoroughly consider the facts. The rapid spread of information on the internet often leads to distortion, and the freedom for netizens to express their thoughts and emotions opens the door for deception. Those who cannot maintain a level-headed approach while bombarded with daily news are susceptible to being deceived.

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In Fat Cat’s situation, the tragic story that his sister shared was so moving that it quickly spread among the public. As a result, individuals must carefully evaluate information before posting emotional responses online, as malicious individuals may exploit these reactions to harm innocent individuals.

This incident serves as a powerful reminder for netizens to take responsibility for their words online, in order to prevent causing harm to others.

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