Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy: Makoto Meets Hibiki and Tomoki Confronts Sofia Bulga in Season 2 Episode 21

Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy: Makoto Meets Hibiki and Tomoki Confronts Sofia Bulga in Season 2 Episode 21

The 21st episode of season 2 of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy, titled The Heroes Fight Bravely, was broadcasted on Monday, May 27, 2024, at 11 pm JST. In this recent episode, Mio engages in a difficult fight against Left, the mutant Mildie dragon, while Sofia challenges Gritonia’s hero, Tomoki, and exposes his strongest attacks.

Upon arriving in Limia, Makoto finds that Sofia and Lancer have already set off to defeat him. However, he soon joins forces with the people of Limia, including their hero Hibiki, who he rescues from an attack by Io. Upon seeing Hibiki, Makoto realizes her true identity from their previous world.

Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 Episode 21: Makoto Saves Hibiki from Io and Discovers her True Identity

Opening Events of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 Episode 21: Mio Battles Left as Sofia Bulga and Lancer Join the Fight

The 21st episode of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy’s second season opens with a quick summary of the previous episode, where the goddess tasks Makoto with aiding the hero in defeating the demons and reclaiming Fort Stellar in Limia. In the meantime, at Makoto’s command, the demizens launch an attack on the demons in an effort to reclaim Kaleneon.

The next part of the episode centers on the demizen army’s intense battle against the demons in Kaleneon. The spotlight is on Mio as she confronts Left, the mutant Mildie dragon. Mio faces a challenge in dealing with Left’s reflective abilities. In her attempt to defeat him, she gets inspired by guns and fires a magic bullet at Left, but his reflective power causes the bullet to rebound back at Mio.

Despite being injured, Mio manages to heal herself and is captivated by the attack, choosing to continue using it by firing multiple bullets simultaneously at Left.

Mio's own attack hits her as Left reflects it (Image via J.C. Staff)
Mio’s own attack hits her as Left reflects it (Image via J.C. Staff)

The episode features a brief moment where Tomoe remarks on Mio’s ongoing battle, displaying her annoyance with having to fight weaker enemies while Mio takes on a more formidable opponent. As the fight draws to a close, Tomoe creates a barrier and mentions that the demon reinforcements will be held up due to ongoing conflicts in Limia and Gritonia.

The episode begins with a rewind, as time rewinds and the demon army marches towards the royal capital. Rona remarks on the start of the battle, and shortly after, Sofia Bulga and Lancer arrive. Sofia playfully teases Rona for her sly tactics, but also reminds her that they are partners, not underlings. Lancer inquires about Rona’s findings.

Despite sharing information about Gritonia’s hero, Tomoki, and his abilities and various fighting styles during both day and night, Rona stresses that their main focus remains on Limia’s hero, Hibiki. Lancer also informs her that Princess Lily has returned and has taken command of the imperial army.

Upon hearing the news, Rona suggests that they depart at once and make their way to Fort Stellar. Despite this, Sofia remains, insisting on her and Lancer’s determination to confront Gritonia’s hero in battle.

Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy: Season 2 Episode 21 – Tomoki Confronts Sofia, Lancer Regains Greater Dragon Powers

Lancer regains his powers in this episode (Image via J.C. Staff)
Lancer regains his powers in this episode (Image via J.C. Staff)

In episode 21 of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2, Tomoki and his followers join the battle against the demons. Lancer is informed by Sofia that she intends to fight the hero with all her might in preparation for facing “the Devil,”likely referring to Makoto. Sofia then confronts Tomoki, declaring herself as the vice-general of the demon army and issuing a challenge to him.

Despite Tomoki’s failed attempt to use his Devil Eye, the fight commences when Sofia injures their dragon. Despite being trapped, Sofia boldly challenges them to attack her. However, their combined attack proves to be ineffective against her, as she comments that it is not powerful enough to create a lake, similar to Makoto’s attack that formed Star Lake.

In the meantime, Lancer triumphs over the hyuman soldiers and absorbs their mana, enabling him to develop physically and regain his abilities as a greater dragon.

Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy: Tomoki and Makoto’s Epic Battle in Limia

Tomoki using his ultimate move (Image via J.C. Staff)
Tomoki using his ultimate move (Image via J.C. Staff)

During episode 21 of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2, Tomoki attempts to attack Sofia, but she easily overpowers him and his companions. In order to ensure the safety of his followers, Tomoki strikes a deal with Sofia: he will reveal his strongest move in exchange for her sending his wounded companions back to the capital. Lancer then appears and follows Sofia’s instructions by teleporting Tomoki’s followers away.

After using his ultimate move, the evil flame, Tomoki unleashes an enormous blast. However, Sofia and Lancer emerge unharmed while Tomoki falls unconscious. Sofia comments on the severity of Tomoki’s attack, comparing it to the Devil’s arrow and noting its detrimental effect on the user’s life force. She concludes that such a brute-force move is unsuitable for a hero.

Sofia is beating up Tomoki (Image via J.C. Staff)
Sofia is beating up Tomoki (Image via J.C. Staff)

Sofia recounts the details of their altercation to Rona. When Rona inquires about Tomoki’s fate, Sofia fibs and claims he managed to escape. As they deliberate taking a break, something startles Sofia, leaving Rona perplexed.

As they gaze into the distance, they catch a glimpse of the goddess’ light in the sky. Lancer identifies it as ‘him,’ alluding to Makoto. With this knowledge, they devise a plan to travel to Limia and defeat him, seeking retribution for their previous encounter. However, this unexpected turn of events causes frustration for Rona, potentially disrupting their carefully laid out plans.

The story then shifts back to the current moment, as Makoto and Shiki reach Limia. In order to keep their true identities hidden, Shiki suggests that Makoto use an item prepared by Mio.

Closing Events of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 Episode 21: Makoto’s Encounter with Hibiki and Revelation of Her True Identity

In the final moments of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy season 2 episode 21, the attention turns to Hibiki and her companions as they plan their retreat amidst their battle against the demon army. Hibiki voices her worry for Ilumgand’s well-being, leading them to prioritize the recapture of the capital and withdraw troops from Fort Stellar.

Despite their efforts, Hibiki and her party are intercepted by Demon General Io, thwarting their attempt to escape. Despite engaging in battle, Hibiki and her party are unable to defeat Io with their attacks proving ineffective. However, their situation takes a turn when Makoto arrives in a hero suit designed by Mio and recognizes Hibiki’s true identity from their past world, ultimately saving her.

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