TWICE’s Nayeon Reveals She’d Be Happy If Ex Reaches Out For Transit Love

On June 19, the video titled “[SELF-ON KODE] NAYEON doppelgangers?ㅣTWICE NAYEON & LEE NAYEON”was released on the YouTube channel “KODE”.

The video showcased a conversation between TWICE’s Nayeon, who had recently made a solo comeback, and announcer Lee Nayeon, a participant in TVING’s “Transit Love 2” . The two communicated through a messenger app, concealing their identities.

twice nayeon

During their conversation, Lee Nayeon inquired about TWICE Nayeon’s preferred dating program if she ever had the opportunity to join one. In response, TWICE’s Nayeon mentioned that she finds “Single’s Inferno”entertaining, but feels that she needs to work on her physical fitness before considering joining due to the attractive physiques of the show’s participants.

“Lee Nayeon concurred, stating, “I agree, everyone there possesses an exceptional physique.”

During a conversation with TWICE’s Nayeon, Lee Nayeon inquired about her favorite dating program. The female idol then revealed that she enjoys watching “Transit Love”, a show that features ex-lovers. Interestingly, Lee Nayeon had previously appeared on the same show.

Upon hearing this, Lee Nayeon posed a question to TWICE’s Nayeon, asking her thoughts on potentially appearing on ‘Transit Love’ and what she would do if her ex-boyfriend reached out to invite her. In response, the female idol openly shared, “I believe I would feel positive about it. Perhaps I would even think, ‘Was I the most attractive?’”

The source of this information is from Nate, which can be accessed through the link

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