Twitch Streamer’s Unique Broadcasting Setup: A Rotating Crate

A Twitch streamer was trapped inside a rotating crate during his broadcast, causing him to continuously spin back and forth. He was unable to escape until time eventually ran out.

The Twitch account belonging to ‘DeadBlossomJesse’ is well-known for hosting “special events”every two weeks.

Nevertheless, his most recent stunt took it to the next level as he live-streamed from within a spinning crate that was securely sealed and beyond Jesse’s control.

The peculiar stream served as the location for a Subathon – an extended event where viewer contributions could extend a timer’s countdown and compel Jesse to continuously livestream from within the crate.

During the start of the Subathon, Jesse proudly displayed his set-up, which included buckets of ice, a designated sleeping area, spare clothing, “air holes”, and a tube acting as his makeshift toilet.

Afterwards, he nailed the door shut and began his imprisonment in the crate, stating firmly, “We won’t be leaving here until the stream is over.”

On Jesse’s first day, he was spun around a few times while in the crate. However, he managed to make it through without any major injuries and even slept “pretty ok”despite being covered in “splinters, bruises, and scrapes.”

On the second day, the crate made some even more intense turns. With just two hours remaining on the timer, Jesse declared that he was now “free-spinning”as the crate spun rapidly once again.

Struggling to keep up with the spins, Jesse tumbled among his belongings in the crate and fell. As laughter erupted and the chat shared their amusement, one person watching from the other end of the stream commented, “That one looked bad.”

The Subathon concluded after three days in the box, as Jesse ended the stream by answering questions and revealing that he had personally constructed the spinning crate contraption.

He proceeded to express his gratitude to two of his close friends who had contributed “some of the most intense spins”during the entire broadcast; “They nearly gave me a heart attack… but I’m certain that those spins looked phenomenal and we all had a blast.”

In other Subathons, streamers have also pushed boundaries, such as ‘ExtraEmily’ spending 24 hours taped to a wall and ‘ShaktyG’ challenging himself to repeat the word “Kick”one million times in 233 hours.

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