Twitch Takes Action Against Alinity’s Account, Sending Her to Copyright School

Despite already receiving a ban on Twitch, Alinity has now been hit with yet another one. This time, in addition to the punishment for a previous DMCA strike, the content creator must complete “copyright school”in order to regain access to her account.

Natalia ‘Alinity’ Mogollon is well-acquainted with receiving bans on Twitch. Known for her controversial actions, such as participating in the ‘topless meta’, the popular streamer has been banned multiple times. However, her most recent ban comes with a special condition.

On April 23, while streaming reality TV with her community, Alinity suddenly disappeared from the platform, according to several viewers who were watching the live chat. It was later revealed that she had been hit with a Digital Millennium Copyright (DMCA) strike, and she received a distinctive email in her inbox that immediately caught her attention.

The email subject line read, “Attend Copyright School to Resolve Your Copyright Strike.”It was revealed that Alinity could manually reinstate her Twitch account this time, but the condition was that she must participate in the platform’s virtual copyright lessons.

Twitch streamers who have been affected by DMCA strikes can eliminate one red flag from their account by completing the platform’s Copyright School. According to the email, this program is designed to assist content creators in gaining a better understanding of copyright principles.

Similarly to driving school, the purpose of Copyright School is to assist conscientious streamers in understanding the regulations.

Anyone, regardless of being a streamer or not, has the ability to finish the seven training modules available on Twitch’s Creator Camp that cover copyright laws. Even Alinity can have her DMCA strike removed if she completes the course.

The introduction of the program states, “We acknowledge that errors can occur and aim to provide individuals with the necessary knowledge to learn from their mistakes and prevent them from happening in the future.”

Twitch Creator Camp Copyright Class module

An example of one of the modules on offer in the Copyright School program on Twitch.

In its entirety, the seven modules provide information on a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of copyright law to the potential repercussions of breaking the DMCA. Additionally, there are various tools and materials available to assist with developing positive habits in the future. The course concludes with a 13-question multiple-choice quiz to demonstrate comprehension of the approximately 28-minute lesson.

If Alinity chooses to take the time to process the information given by Twitch, the DMCA strike will be lifted and her account will be restored quickly. However, as of now, the account is still blocked.

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