Two members of Hello Venus got married in a short time! Alice Song Zhuxi got married with her baby in her belly

(Cover image source: IG@hv_alice)

Alice Song, who is from the girl group Hello Venus and has performed in “One Day Death Comes to My Doorstep”, got married to her outsider boyfriend on the 21st and will be a mother.

(Photo source: IG@hv_alice)
(Photo source: IG@hv_alice)

On the 6th of this month, some media were the first to report that Alice was about to get married. The agency A2Z Entertainment quickly confirmed that Alice also personally posted a post and uploaded multiple wedding photos to announce the good news. She sweetly described her marriage partner: “The person I admire, no matter what. She has always been by my side and had a good influence on me. She is a delicate and warm person, and now she is a very grateful and precious person to me.”Soon, on the 10th, there was news that she was pregnant with a baby..

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