Chris Olsen, a popular TikTok creator, recently shared a harrowing experience of escaping a stabbing incident while riding the subway in New York City. The shocking events unfolded on New Year’s Day when two men were reportedly stabbed in the back, as detailed by the local news outlet ABC7.
Witnesses described a chaotic scene as passengers fled in panic when the attack occurred, with police and EMS quickly responding to assist the injured. Among those affected was Olsen, who recorded his reaction and insights following the traumatic experience.
A Narrow Escape on the Subway
In his video, Olsen conveyed the gravity of the moment, stating, “We just basically witnessed a stabbing and almost died on the subway ourselves.” Accompanied by his friend Kara, he recounted their escalating anxiety as people began shouting on the train. Initially, he tried to reassure Kara that such outbursts were common on the subway, until she revealed that one of the individuals involved had brandished a large knife.
Olsen described how the attacker started advancing toward another passenger, prompting him to instinctively search for an escape route. He attempted to access the emergency door between train cars, which was locked at the time. Fortunately, a few minutes later, the train came to a halt, allowing the conductor to unlock the door. After what felt like an eternity, approximately 20 minutes later, the train finally reached the next station, where they could safely depart.
The reactions to Olsen’s story flooded social media, with many users expressing their shock and relief at his safety. Comments included sentiments like, “I’ve seen 3 news reports about it now. I’m so thankful you both are okay. That’s so scary,” and “Oh gosh, I’m so happy both of you are safe.”
This unsettling subway incident is not an isolated case of viral stories emerging from TikTok. Recently, another creator, known as Leakendad, made headlines for calling the police when he discovered an unexplained cabin lurking in the woods behind his house. Such tales capture the attention of viewers and highlight the unexpected nature of daily life.
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