Ultimate Atlantean Strategy for Age of Mythology Retold

To achieve victory in Age of Mythology Retold, it is crucial to follow the optimal build order for the Atlantean Pantheon and advance through each Age swiftly.

The mobility and economic flexibility of Atlantean in AoM Retold is unmatched, offering numerous benefits that allow for effortless gameplay. This is made possible by the villagers’ ability to skip drop-off points, a one-of-a-kind Favor system, God Powers that prioritize economic growth, and automatic military upgrades upon advancing.

By simply clicking a button, you can transform individual human units into Heroes. Additionally, all buildings and units will have a heightened line of sight, allowing for close monitoring of the map and enemy movements.

This is the optimal build order for Atlanteans, which outlines the objectives for each age and the recommended sequence for creating villagers, military units, and buildings as you progress through each age.

Archaic Age

The objective is to develop a robust economy and rapidly progress to the Classical Age.

Archaic Age for Atlantean Pantheon in Age of Mythology.
World’s Edge / dexerto

Mastering your build order in the Archaic Age is vital to your success.

Among the four Pantheons available, the Atlanteans have the most straightforward Archaic Age build order. The key difference for Atlanteans at this stage is their three starter Oracles, which serve as both scouts and passive Favor generators from the start of the match. Apart from that, the build order is relatively standard.

The most effective Atlantean build order for the Archaic Age is outlined below.

  1. Disperse your 3 Oracles to provide visibility to surrounding regions and keep watch for any Relics.
  2. Assign 2 beginner villagers to gather Food.
  3. Direct one villager to gather Gold by mining.
  4. Direct one villager to gather Wood.
  5. Construct a house.
  6. Direct two villagers to gather Food.
  7. Command 2 villagers to gather Wood.
  8. Direct two villagers to gather Gold.
  9. Direct one villager to gather Wood.
  10. Build Temple
  11. Advance to Classical Age

In order to ensure that your Oracles continue to produce Favor, make sure they are not placed too close to each other, as this will prevent the overlapping of their vision areas.

Classical Age

Objective: Initiate military manufacturing and sustain economic progress.

Classical Age for Atlantean Pantheon in Age of Mythology.
World’s Edge / dexerto

Build on your economic growth by also spawning Oracles to produce Favor.

As you progress into this Age, your villagers are evenly distributed among the resources, with 4 on Food, 4 on Wood, 3 on Gold, and 3 on Favor. It is important to maintain this balance throughout the game. Focus on increasing your collection levels, especially for Favor compared to other Pantheons, and begin building your army.

The following is the most optimal build order for the Classical Age in Atlantean civilization:

  • Direct two villagers to gather Food.
  • Purchase 2 Oracles.
  • Establish an Economic Guild in order to enhance resource efficiency.
  • Two villagers should be ordered to collect Wood.
  • Construct Barracks and Opposing Barracks.
  • Construct three houses.
  • Please place an order for 15 military units, consisting of 5 Murmillo, 5 Turma, and 5 Cheiroballista.
  • Construct an Armory.
  • Progress to the Heroic Age.

The Atlanteans have a unique advantage in the Classical Age as they are able to produce Siege units much earlier than other Pantheons. This is made possible by the Cheiroballista, one of their strongest units known for its effectiveness against infantry, and can be easily summoned from the Counter Barracks.

By selecting the Minor God Rheia and advancing to the Heroic Age, you will have the added benefit of generating Favor passively from Town Centers through the investment in her Horns of Consecration technology. This is a modification made in Retold, as the only way to earn Favor in the original game was through Atlantean Town Centers.

Heroic Age

Objective: Enhance your army by recruiting more powerful units, improving efficiency and military technology, and conducting reconnaissance in neighboring areas for valuable resources, relics, and potential adversaries.

Heroic Age for Atlantean Pantheon in Age of Mythology.
World’s Edge / dexerto

You will need to build a Fortress to advance in the Heroic Age.

The following is considered the top Atlantean build order for the Heroic Age:

  • Have a total of 25 villagers, with 10 on Food, 8 on Wood, and 7 on Gold.
  • Improve farming, mining, and woodcutting.
  • Purchase 3 Oracles.
  • Build 4 houses (max)
  • Scout the region using some of your military units and gather Relics.
  • Increase your military units to approximately 30 units.
  • Convert 5-10 human military units into Heroes.
  • Build another Town Center if possible to increase the Population Cap.
    • Note: If you advanced with Rheia then you will want to build as many Town Centers as you can nearby to generate passive Favor.
  • Request 3 Donkey Caravans to regularly transport goods between your two Town Centers and generate Gold.
  • Request 3 Llama Caravans.
  • Construct a fortress.
  • Progress to the Mythic Age.

Ancient Greece: The Mythic Age

Objective: Achieve superiority and engage in combat against adversaries or work towards reaching the ultimate Wonder Era.

Atlantean Mythic Age in Age of Mythology Retold.
World’s Edge / dexerto

The crucial era for really gaining dominance over the map is the Mythic Age.

To maintain a strong resource economy, it is important to anticipate the depletion of nearby resources. If your opponents have not yet attacked, it is likely that they will soon do so. The top priority should be to swiftly construct a large and well-rounded army, consisting of Myth units, regular soldiers, cavalry, Siege units, and, most importantly, a Titan.

This is the top Atlantean build order for the Mythic Age:

  1. Command 2 Oracles to achieve the maximum quantity of 10.
  2. Improve farming, mining, and woodcutting.
  3. Expand your military infrastructure by constructing additional buildings for the units you frequently utilize in order to increase efficiency.
  4. Increase your army size by two-fold to approximately 50-80 units in total.
  5. Transform 10-25 human military units into Heroes.
  6. Explore the Town Center to uncover the Secrets of the Titans.
  7. When you have accumulated enough Favor, construct a Titan gate.
  8. Construct a Wonder.

To build a Wonder, you will need to have 5,000 Gold, 5,000 Food, and 5,000 Gold in your possession. Once completed, the Wonder Age will be unlocked automatically. If acquiring the necessary resources proves difficult, consider utilizing your Market to trade for them and expedite the construction process.

Wonder Age

Objective: Optimize the potential of your army and eliminate all adversaries using its advantages.

Wonder Age for Atlantean Pantheon in Age of Mythology.
World’s Edge / dexerto

The Wonder will provide some superior benefits to help you wipe out your enemies.

Within Retold, the Atlanteans experience significant advantages upon reaching the Wonder Age. This is due to the fact that it enhances the strength of their Mythic units and greatly increases their Favor generation. As a result, players can effectively transform a large number of human military units into Heroes and further strengthen their most powerful Mythic units.

If you have come this far, your next step is to use your entire army to attack any remaining opponents. However, it is important to ensure that your infrastructure is still intact and that you have essential military buildings nearby to quickly deploy reinforcements.

Build orders may need to be altered based on the actions of your opponent, the deity you have selected, and unexpected circumstances that may arise while competing against more skilled online players or AI opponents on a higher difficulty level.

From the first two stages, the predetermined build order will be adhered to, but as of Stage 3, it will begin to fluctuate due to adversary attacks and other unforeseen situations.

We have also included top build order guides for all other civilizations in Age of Mythology Retold, such as the Greeks, Norse, and Egyptians.

You can also access a comprehensive list of all available cheats and learn how to use them during your matches.

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