Ultimate Deadlock Seven Build Guide: Top Abilities and Essential Items

Seven is one of Deadlock’s premier caster characters, featuring a game-changing ultimate that can potentially eliminate the entire enemy team when used effectively. Here’s everything you need to know to maximize your experience with this hero.

While Deadlock emphasizes aiming and gunplay more than many other MOBAs, there are still several caster characters, with Seven being a notable option. His abilities are fairly straightforward, making him a great choice for players.

If aiming is a challenge for you but you prefer to keep your distance, Seven may be the perfect pick. His kit relies more on game knowledge rather than pure mechanical skill, especially concerning the correct item purchases.

Alternatively, consider Vindicta if you seek a character that demands more mechanical skill; however, be aware that she might not be as beginner-friendly as advertised. In contrast, Seven stands out as one of the best starter characters, although facing experienced players can be tough.

Below is the optimal build for Seven in Deadlock, detailing which items to acquire, the timing for their purchase, and the abilities you should prioritize leveling.

Seven’s Best Abilities in Deadlock

Here’s the recommended starting and max path for Seven’s abilities. While it’s possible to play without focusing on his ultimate, maximizing it is generally the most effective strategy. Without investment, his ultimate can feel lackluster, but Seven becomes a formidable presence once it is fully leveled.

  • Ability Starting Path: 1>3>2
    • If facing aggressive characters like Abrams and Warden, taking ability 2 early can be beneficial.
  • Ability Max Path: 1 point in 1>max 4>1 point in 2>max 3>max 2>max 1
    • Seven’s ability order may differ from other characters due to the significant value he gains from the first point in certain abilities. However, maxing his ultimate as soon as possible is your best option in most scenarios.

It’s advisable to invest in Lightning Ball early for harassment, followed by a point in Static Charge to reduce cooldowns after maximizing your ultimate, and then focus on maxing Power Surge.

Power Surge is Seven’s hidden gem ability, providing substantial bonus damage and area of effect (AoE) hitting capabilities if you land your shots. Activate Power Surge right before Static Charge‘s stun is about to trigger to maximize damage output.

When using Storm Cloud, aim for elevation in open areas and unleash its power. There are strategies to optimize this ultimate, but they depend on having the right items or coordination with teammates.

Seven’s Abilities Explained

If you’re not well-acquainted with Seven’s kit in Deadlock, here is an overview:

  • 1: Lightning Ball
    • Launch a ball of lightning that travels straight, damaging all targets in its range. It slows down while damaging and will stop upon hitting terrain.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: +40% movement slow
      • Level 3: +70 DPS
  • 2: Static Charge
    • Apply a static charge to a target enemy hero, stunning and damaging enemies within range after a brief delay.
      • Level 1: -20 second cooldown
      • Level 2: +7 meter radius
      • Level 3: +1.1 second stun duration
  • 3: Power Surge
    • Enhance your weapon with a shock effect, causing bullets to deal shock damage to the target, which can bounce to nearby enemies. This effect occurs once per burst shot.
      • Level 1: Shock damage applies -15% spirit resist for 8 seconds
      • Level 2: -16 second cooldown
      • Level 3: +12 shock damage, improved spirit scaling, and +3 max jumps
  • 4: Storm Cloud
    • Channel an enlarging storm cloud around you that deals damage to all enemies within range. Enemies out of line of sight do not receive damage.
      • Level 1: +35% bullet resist while channeling Storm Cloud
      • Level 2: +7 second channel time and +10 meter radius
      • Level 3: +75 DPS

Best Build on Seven: Deadlock Items Explained

Items are categorized into four sections: Early Game, Mid Game, Late Game/Luxury Buys, and Situational Purchases.

The first three sections outline recommended purchases at each stage of the game, though it’s acceptable to jump to late-game items if you have a lead. Situational items are crucial for countering specific mechanics.

For a character like Seven, adapting your build is vital. As you face stronger opponents, they will likely know how to counter you. Therefore, remain vigilant for adjustments based on your matchup.

Here’s the optimal purchase list for securing victory:

Early Game Items


Since Seven is primarily a caster, avoid weapon damage unless you’re focusing on a hybrid build while maxing ability 3. The only weapon damage items recommended for early game are High-Velocity Mag for enhanced bullet velocity and shield, along with Monster Rounds for improved camp clearing.

Enduring Spirit is your top early game tank item, thanks to spirit life steal, allowing you to heal significantly from using Lightning Ball on minion waves. Opt for Extra Stamina over Sprint Boots as it helps you stay in lane and scale rather than making early rotations.

Healing Rite is essential unless you dominate the early game.

Extra Charge should be acquired early for more Lightning Ball charges, while Extra Spirit and Mystic Reach provide excellent boosts to spirit damage.

Mid Game Items

Weapon damage items remain a lower priority, but Warp Stone and Pristine Emblem are viable options if facing limitations in Flex Slots. Warp Stone offers great mobility, while Pristine Emblem provides significant value for weapon damage boosts in specific scenarios.

Enduring Speed is advisable at this stage; you may not need to rotate much early on, but it’s beneficial as the game progresses. Majestic Leap is crucial for gaining elevation for your ult, and Spirit Lifesteal, Bullet Armor, and Spirit Armor are solid choices for survivability, starting with Spirit Lifesteal.

It’s ideal to possess multiple Mystic items on Seven, and many of these should be upgrades of those bought early. However, Flex Slots can be challenging to manage. Prioritize buying Mystic items in this order: Superior Cooldown > Mystic Vulnerability > Superior Duration > Improved Spirit > Improved Reach. Aim to acquire all of these eventually, acknowledging your limited item slots.

For item effects related to specific abilities, such as Superior Cooldown or Duration, equip them to your ultimate.

Late Game/Luxury


Several weapon damage items scale well into the late game, particularly Spiritual Overflow. When paired with Power Surge, you can achieve substantial damage via your gun without heavily investing in weapon damage. Additionally, Crippling Headshot excels at shredding defenses, affecting both Spirit and Bullet armor.

Unstoppable is critical against competent opponents when heavily investing in your ultimate. Activate it before channeling your ult for maximum effectiveness, as six seconds is sufficient for Seven to potentially wipe a team.

Leech is advantageous against significant anti-heal gameplay or when needing extra sustain, but you may consider it over Unstoppable if avoiding crowd control is a priority. However, as you face better players, expect them to counter your ultimate more effectively.

Boundless Spirit is worth acquiring early for Seven compared to other characters, as he benefits greatly from bonus spirit power. Additionally, Escalating Exposure is crucial due to Seven’s consistent tick damage, while Mystic Reverb and Diviner’s Kevlar help make his ultimate more formidable.

Combining Reverb’s slow effect with Kevlar’s tank stats forces enemies to vacate the area affected by your ultimate, a strategy that can secure victory during critical moments like Mid Boss fights or lane engagements.

Situational Items


Situational items vary based on your needs countering specific threats. Here’s a breakdown of each item, including when to buy:

  • Healbane: Seven’s premier option against healing. This affordable item can limit the healing of the enemy team, making it ideal against healing-heavy characters like Abrams.
  • Divine Barrier: A lifesaver if you fall behind, providing additional tankiness when activated before ulting.
  • Metal Skin: Essential against heavy bullet damage. Activate before your ult to mitigate incoming damage while maximizing your ultimate’s effect, although keep in mind you remain vulnerable to spirit damage and melee attacks.
  • Veil Walker: A fantastic option if you struggle to remain out of combat long enough to execute Majestic Leap. The spirit and bullet shielding makes it an excellent alternative to Diviner’s Kevlar when facing resource limitations.
  • Rescue Beam: Typically, your teammates should acquire this item. However, if someone else purchases it, it can facilitate game-winning plays when dragged into the enemy team during your ult’s execution.
  • Knockdown: Pairs well with Static Charge’s stun to prolong crowd control on enemies, enabling you to execute them with your burst damage.
  • Surge of Power: A great addition if you are frequently targeted, enhancing your escape or pursuit options after maxing Power Surge. This item is unique in that it should not be equipped to your ultimate.
  • Mystic Slow: Exceptional for self-peeling and chasing, making it a worthy investment against evasive characters like Mo & Krill.

Seven is among the easier characters to play in the game, but don’t lose hope if your first few matches don’t go as planned. With practice, you’ll surely improve.

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