Ultimate Guide to Defeating Gigantamax Kingler in Pokemon Go: Weaknesses and Top Counters

Ultimate Guide to Defeating Gigantamax Kingler in Pokemon Go: Weaknesses and Top Counters

A thrilling Max Battle Day is on the horizon for Pokémon Go enthusiasts, featuring the much-anticipated Gigantamax Kingler. In this guide, we’ll explore how to effectively tackle its weaknesses and increase your chances of encountering its Shiny variant.

As Niantic’s mobile game continues to evolve, more Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokémon are being introduced. Recently added to the roster were the Dynamax forms of the Legendary Birds, along with the Gigantamax versions of Toxtricity and Lapras. Now, the beloved crab, Kingler, is stepping into the spotlight, ready for its Max Battle Day. Discover Kingler’s vulnerabilities and perfect strategies to counter it with our expert advice.

Understanding Gigantamax Kingler’s Weaknesses

Gigantamax Kingler, classified as a pure Water-type Pokémon, has specific weaknesses that trainers can exploit. It is particularly vulnerable to Electric and Grass-type moves. Consequently, this narrows down players’ options for assembling their battle teams since Max Battles restrict participation to only Dynamax and Gigantamax Pokémon.

In contrast, Kingler benefits from resistances to Fire, Ice, Steel, and additional Water-type attacks, making those kinds of moves ineffective. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for successful battle strategy.

Top Counters to Defeat Gigantamax Kingler

Fortunately for trainers, there are suitable choices among Electric and Grass-type Pokémon to help bring down G-Max Kingler, despite the novelty of Dynamax and Gigantamax creatures. Below is a table of the most effective counters:

Venusaur (Dynamax or Gigantamax) Vine Whip & Frenzy Plant / G-Max Vine Lash
Toxtricity (Dynamax or Gigantamax) Spark & Wild Charge / G-Max Stun Shock
Rillaboom (Dynamax) Razor Leaf & Grass Knot
Zapdos (Dynamax) Thunder Shock & Thunderbolt
Greedent (Dynamax) Bullet Seed & Trailblaze

The optimal strategies revolve around using Dynamax/Gigantamax Venusaur, Dynamax Rillaboom, and Dynamax/Gigantamax Toxtricity. While Dynamax Zapdos is also a good option, it was added recently, meaning most trainers might not have reached its full potential yet.

If you don’t have access to these top picks, consider using their pre-evolved forms or the remaining choices from the list. Forming a larger group of trainers can further enhance your chances against Gigantamax Kingler.

Details About Obtaining Gigantamax Kingler

The Max Battle Day dedicated to Gigantamax Kingler will occur on Saturday, February 1, 2025, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM local time. During this window, trainers will face G-Max Kingler as a 6-Star Max Battle boss.

Importantly, Max Battles require in-person participation, rendering Remote Raid Passes invalid. Additionally, these dynamic battles will not be held in standard Gyms, but instead, at designated Power Spots.

pokemon go gigantamax kingler max battle raid day

Joining a Max Battle requires an investment of 800 Max Particles, which are collectible daily from Power Spots. If you do not manage to defeat the Max Battle boss, the Max Particles will be refunded, enabling you to attempt the battle again.

Keep in mind that these unique Pokémon cannot be caught in their Gigantamax forms. However, once you defeat Gigantamax Kingler, you will have the opportunity to catch a standard Kingler with the potential to possess its Gigantamax ability.

Gigantamax Kingler’s Combat Power (CP)

As with all Raid Bosses, the CP for Gigantamax Kingler during the Max Battle will differ from the CP of the Kingler you capture post-battle. Additionally, external conditions such as weather can influence this CP.

Max Battle Boss CP TBD
CP range upon capture 1540 – 1616
Rain weather CP range 1925 – 2020
Kingler max CP (Level 50) 3198

Stats and Moves for Gigantamax Kingler

As a pure Water-type, Gigantamax Kingler boasts the following stats:

240 181 146 3198

Available Fast Moves

  • Mud Shot (Ground)
  • Metal Claw (Steel)
  • Bubble (Water/STAB)

Available Charged Moves

  • Vise Grip (Normal)
  • X-Scissor (Bug)
  • Water Pulse (Water/STAB)
  • Crabhammer (Water/STAB)
  • Razor Shell (Water/STAB)
  • G-Max Foam Burst (Water/STAB)

Shiny Variant of Gigantamax Kingler

Excitingly, Shiny Gigantamax Kingler will also make its debut on the same day. This special variant can be recognized by its distinctive green coloring, replacing the usual light orange hue.

pokemon go shiny gigantamax kingler

To increase your chances of finding the Shiny variant, players should participate in multiple Max Battles against Gigantamax Kingler. However, be mindful that the odds of encountering a Shiny Pokémon remain relatively low, and there is no guaranteed method to secure one.

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