Ultimate Guide to Pokemon Go Xerneas Raids: Best Counters and Weaknesses

Ultimate Guide to Pokemon Go Xerneas Raids: Best Counters and Weaknesses

The revered Fairy-type Pokémon, Xerneas, is set to make a spectacular return to 5-Star Raids in Pokémon Go. To capture this majestic creature, players should prepare with effective counter strategies.

Dubbed the Life Pokémon, Xerneas first graced the Pokémon world in 2013 with the launch of Pokémon X & Y on the Nintendo 3DS and made its debut in Pokémon Go during the Luminous Legends X event in May 2021. For those who may have missed previous opportunities or seek another chance at a Shiny variant, the Legendary Xerneas will reappear alongside its counterpart, Yveltal.

In this guide, you will find essential information on Xerneas, including its weaknesses, ideal counters, strategies for capturing it, and its complete move set.

Xerneas’ Weaknesses in Pokémon Go

As a pure Fairy-type Pokémon, Xerneas has specific vulnerabilities to watch out for. It is particularly weak against Steel and Poison-type attacks. Thus, when heading into battle, selecting Pokémon that can deliver these moves will give you a competitive edge.

Conversely, be cautious of Xerneas’ resistances. Avoid employing Bug, Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-type moves, as they are ineffective against this Legendary Pokémon’s defenses. Moreover, note that Xerneas gains enhanced power in Cloudy weather, creating an even tougher challenge unless you’re looking for an exhilarating fight.

Top Counters to Xerneas

Here is a comprehensive list of Pokémon that excel in countering Xerneas during battles:

Pokémon Best Move Set
Mega Gengar Hex & Sludge Bomb
Mega Beedrill Poison Jab & Sludge Bomb
Shadow Metagross Bullet Punch & Meteor Mash
Shadow Excadrill Metal Claw & Iron Head
Dusk Mane Necrozma Metal Claw & Sunsteel Strike
Dawn Wings Necrozma Metal Claw & Moongeist Beam
I’m tired. Poison Jab & Sludge Bomb
Aggron Iron Tail & Heavy Slam
Melmetal Thunder Shock & Double Iron Bash
Scizor Bullet Punch & Iron Head

This selection includes a diverse range of Mega Evolutions, Legendary Pokémon, shadows, and commonly available Pokémon, ensuring all trainers can find suitable options to dominate Xerneas.

If you lack any of the specific counters or alternate forms listed, simply prioritize your most robust Steel and Poison-type Pokémon. Ensure your team is adequately leveled and equipped with compatible movesets to enhance your success.

Securing a Xerneas in Pokémon Go

To obtain Xerneas, players must participate in 5-Star Raid battles and emerge victorious. Following a successful battle, trainers will have a chance to catch Xerneas using Premier Balls, which are awarded based on performance during the raid.

This stunning Pokémon is set to return for trainers during the concluding weeks of the Dual Destiny season, with availability from February 17, 2025, to February 24, 2025, alongside Yveltal. Additionally, these Pokémon will be present during a Raid Hour on February 19, 2025, and will feature Mega Garchomp in Mega Raids.

Xerneas appearing in Pokemon Go Raids

When you engage Xerneas, employing Golden Razz Berries and successfully landing Excellent Curveball Throws will significantly boost your odds of capturing it.

Xerneas CP in Pokémon Go

Xerneas’ CP varies during Raid battles compared to its captured form, and specific weather conditions can affect this CP:

Raid Boss CP 45, 899
Captured CP Range 2073 – 2160
Cloudy Weather CP Range 2591 – 2701
Xerneas Max CP (Level 50) 4275

Xerneas Statistics & Moves

As a Fairy-type Pokémon, Xerneas is characterized by the following stats:

Attack Defense Stamina CP
250 185 246 4275

Fast Moves

  • Tackle (Normal)
  • Zen Headbutt (Psychic)
  • Geomancy (Fairy/STAB)

Charged Moves

  • Megahorn (Bug)
  • Thunder (Electric)
  • Moonblast (Fairy/STAB)
  • Close Combat (Fighting)
  • Giga Impact (Normal)

Is Shiny Xerneas Available?

Indeed, Xerneas can be Shiny in Pokémon Go, with its shimmering variant first becoming available in October 2022.

Shiny Xerneas in Pokémon Go

Shiny Xerneas is distinguishable by its light blue upper body and its silver legs, torso, and tail, as opposed to the usual deep blue and black coloration. While the odds of encountering a Shiny variant are higher in Legendary Raid Boss encounters compared to wild spawns, they remain relatively low, with no guaranteed method to alter these odds. Trainers can enhance their chances solely by battling Xerneas repeatedly, seeking that elusive Shiny form.

This comprehensive guide equips you with everything you need to know to conquer Xerneas in Pokémon Go Raid battles. Best of luck, trainers!

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