Ultimate Guide to the Best Deadlock Seven Build: Features, Abilities & Essential Items

<p>Seven is one of the top caster characters in Deadlock, boasting a powerful ultimate that can eliminate the entire enemy team when executed well. Here’s essential information to maximize your effectiveness with this hero.</p>

<p>Although Deadlock emphasizes aiming and gunplay more than many other MOBAs, there are several caster characters available. Seven is one of these and has straightforward abilities that are easy to understand.</p>

<p>Consider using Seven if you find aiming challenging but prefer to avoid melee combat. His kit relies more on game knowledge than pure mechanical skill, particularly regarding item purchases for optimal performance.</p>

<p>If you’re interested in characters requiring significant mechanical skill, give Vindicta a try, but be aware that she might not be as beginner-friendly as advertised. Conversely, Seven stands out as an excellent starter character, though he can be challenging to master against experienced opponents.</p>

<p>Below is the optimal build for Seven in Deadlock, including item recommendations, timing for purchases, and which abilities to prioritize leveling up first.</p>

Is Seven effective in Deadlock?

<p>Seven currently holds an A-Tier ranking on our Deadlock tier list despite experiencing multiple nerfs in recent patches, and he excels for different reasons than when he was first introduced.</p>

<p>He has transitioned from being primarily an ultimate-focused character to a formidable damage dealer by maximizing his third ability, making him a reliable mixed damage carry with excellent poke, camp clearing, and wave clearing capabilities. However, he remains vulnerable to diving attacks, so he will require support from teammates to excel.</p>

Seven’s abilities explained: What should you prioritize leveling?

Ability Description Level Up Bonuses
Lightning Ball (1) Launch a ball of lightning that moves straight, damaging all targets within its radius. +1: +1 Charge
+2: +40% movement slow
+5: +70 DPS
Static Charge (2) Charge an enemy hero, stunning and damaging foes in the radius after a brief duration. +1: -19 second cooldown
+2: +8 meter radius
+5: +1.1 second stun duration
Power Surge (3) Empower your weapon with a shock effect, causing your shots to inflict shock damage. This damage bounces to nearby enemies once for each burst shot. +1: Shock damage applies -15% spirit resistance for 8 seconds
+2: -16 second cooldown
+5: +12 shock damage, improved spirit scaling, and +3 max jumps
Storm Cloud (4) Channel an expanding storm cloud that damages all enemies in its radius; enemies outside line of sight are unaffected. +1: +35% bullet resistance while channeling Storm Cloud
+2: +7 second channel time and +10 meter radius
+5: +75 DPS

<p>Initially known as an ultimate-focused character, Seven’s gameplay has evolved significantly. High-level players have now adopted a new approach centered on his third ability, Power Surge. Here’s an updated ability leveling guide for Seven:</p>

Seven ability order in Deadlock

<p>If you struggle with chasing down targets, consider investing in an extra +2 for Lightning Ball after maxing your third ability. Otherwise, follow this outlined path for optimal performance.</p>

Best build for Seven: Items explained

<p>Items will be categorized into four sections: Early Game, Mid Game, Late Game/Luxury Buys, and Situational Items.</p>

<p>The first three sections provide a general guideline for purchases at each gameplay phase, though it is acceptable to transition to late-game items if you’re ahead. Situational items are tailored for countering specific mechanics.</p>

<p>For a character like Seven, counter-building is crucial. As you compete against increasingly skilled opponents, they will learn how to counter your abilities. Be prepared to adjust your build based on the heroes you face, so pay close attention to the last section.</p>

<p>Here’s what you should prioritize purchasing to enhance your chances of victory:</p>

Early Game Items

Seven early game items in Deadlock build

Weapon Items:

  • High-Velocity Mag: Ideal for providing a bullet shield and enhancing bullet velocity, essential for hitting shots while your third ability is active.
  • Monster Rounds: A versatile option that also works effectively against jungle camps.

Vitality Items:

  • Enduring Spirit: Offers excellent bonus health and lifesteal, especially beneficial if you’re having difficulty in lane.
  • Extra Stamina: Prioritize this over Sprint Boots early unless you’re significantly ahead and seeking mobility.
  • Healing Rite: Vital unless you’re dominating the early game; you’ll want the added healing and movement speed to facilitate rotations.

Mystic Items:

  • Extra Charge: Provides fantastic early-game value with your first ability for additional poke and wave clearing.
  • Extra Spirit: This can be upgraded to Boundless Spirit later, so it makes sense to obtain early.
  • Mystic Reach: Expanding the area of effect enhances most of Seven’s abilities, making it a wise purchase.

Mid Game Items

Seven mid game items in Deadlock build

Weapon Items:

  • Soul Shredder Bullets: These synergize excellently with Seven’s third ability, boosting overall damage effectively for the cost.
  • Fleetfoot: Essential for accelerating this build and pursuing enemies.
  • Tesla Bullets: A necessary option for early jungle clearing; if you’re ahead, consider this investment early.

Vitality Items:

  • Spirit Lifesteal: Provides excellent sustainability for its cost, keeping you alive during trades and while jungling.
  • Enduring Speed: Though Extra Stamina is great early, Enduring Speed is more beneficial in the mid-game for efficient farming and rotations.

Mystic Items:

  • Surge of Power: An absolute must-have for Seven; its synergy with his third ability’s duration provides a significant power boost.
  • Improved Spirit: If you have the souls available, this is a worthy investment as Boundless Spirit greatly benefits late-game, and Improved Spirit offers a solid mid-game power surge.
  • Mystic Vulnerability: Effective for penetrating enemy protections.

Late Game/Luxury

Seven late game items in Deadlock build

Weapon Items:

  • Burst Fire: Offers substantial value for Seven, allowing you to burst down targets effectively, particularly since most of his damage is spirit-based rather than weapon-based.
  • Titanic Magazine: Provides useful ammo sustainability, though it’s not essential and is considered a luxury item.
  • Spiritual Overflow: If you’re heavily fed, this can be a valuable addition. Opt for other spirit damage items initially if your item slots are limited.

Vitality Items:

  • Leech: Offers the best sustain, enabling you to deal a mix of bullet and spirit damage, while making you more resilient during your ultimate.
  • Improved Bullet Armor: Effective against weapon damage.
  • Improved Spirit Armor: Effective against mystic damage.
    • Note: Prioritize these options if you consistently face one type of damage but aim to focus on offensive items when possible for maximum effectiveness.
  • Majestic Leap: Essential for positioning correctly to unleash your ultimate ability.

Mystic Items:

  • Boundless Spirit: A crucial late-game item offering desirable stats with a straightforward upgrade path; it may be costly but is well worth it.
  • Escalating Exposure: Excellent whether you enhance your ultimate or your third ability, easily upgraded from Mystic Vulnerability.
  • Superior Duration: Recommended for use with your ultimate, as the uptime of your third ability compared to its cooldown should leave minimal downtime at this game stage.
  • Superior Cooldown: Best applied to your ultimate due to similar reasons as mentioned above.
  • Mystic Slow: Very effective against agile enemies; choose this if securing kills becomes difficult.

Situational Items

<p>Since these items are situational, here’s a breakdown of when you should buy each and what they counter:</p>

Weapon Items:

  • Warp Stone: Ideal for quick escapes; purchase if you find yourself being dived and need a retreat option.
  • Kinetic Dash: May be worth considering over Fleetfoot if you excel at timing and appreciate the additional burst of mobility.

Vitality Items:

  • Divine Barrier: A lifesaver if you’re falling behind; can be activated before using your ultimate for increased tank stats.
  • Debuff Remover: Effective against numerous situations, from Infernus’ burns to Pocket’s ultimate; use it if you struggle against damage-over-time effects or annoying soft crowd control.
  • Metal Skin: Your best option against heavy bullet damage, excellent as a counter against Haze.
  • Unstoppable: Recommended if you experience frequent crowd control, especially during your ultimate.
  • Healbane: Seven’s best option for countering healing. Affordable and effective in negating the healing capabilities of the entire enemy team; especially useful against characters like Abrams.

Mystic Items:

  • Decay: If you need a robust anti-heal option and Healbane is insufficient, this is a great choice.
  • Slowing Hex: Highly effective if you’re getting dove early or if locking down a target before your second ability triggers is challenging.
  • Ethereal Shift: If you find yourself being burst down rapidly, consider this item as a means of survival.
  • Knockdown: Pairs well with your second ability’s stun to maintain enemy crowd control long enough for you to deal significant burst damage. Consider this option if you often find yourself targeted by divers.
  • Silence Glyph: Particularly helpful against ability-reliant heroes like Pocket and Lash.
  • Refresher: Effective if you’re struggling with a lengthy cooldown on your ultimate; opponents will often not expect two uses in a single fight.
  • Curse: The ultimate item to ensure a tough match for a particular enemy; choose this against a fed opponent to try to bring them down.
  • Mystic Reverb: Particularly entertaining on your ultimate but more generally effective on your third ability; which ability to enhance depends on personal preference.

Seven is one of the more accessible characters in Deadlock; however, don’t be discouraged if your initial matches don’t go as planned. With ongoing practice, you will improve.


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