<p>Vindicta is one of the few long-range specialists in Deadlock, making her an excellent choice for eliminating enemies at a distance. However, to maximize her potential and ensure your survival, you’ll need to utilize the right build.
As far as carry potential goes, Vindicta boasts some of the highest damage output in Deadlock. Her ability to stay out of reach of opponents can be incredibly frustrating for them, but don’t let the distance lull you into a false sense of security.
This guide will detail not only effective strategies for playing Vindicta but also the tactics your opponents are likely to employ to counter you. While she is one of the easiest characters to shut down in Deadlock, she can simultaneously be one of the most formidable carries.
With the player count steadily rising, more gamers will learn how to effectively counter your tactics.
Below is the optimal build for Vindicta in Deadlock, including recommended items and a strategy for maximizing her abilities.
Is Revenge Effective in Deadlock?
Currently, Vindicta ranks at B-Tier on our Deadlock tier list, teetering on C-Tier. She is not inherently bad, but there are inherent risks. The combination of her limited mobility and lack of self-peeling capabilities, coupled with her dependency on gaining souls from kills via her ultimate, means various factors can impede her performance.
In capable hands and with the right team composition, she can perform well, but numerous things must align for her to shine in a match. Other heroes may be simpler and more effective choices.
Understanding Vindicta’s Abilities: What Should You Prioritize?
Ability | Description | Level Up Bonuses |
Stake | Throw a stake that tethers enemies to the spot where it lands, restricting their movement to the length of the tether. | +1: +0.75 Tether duration+2: -20 second cooldown+5: Tethered enemies are also disarmed |
Flight | Leap into the air and fly. While airborne, your weapon inflicts bonus spirit damage. | +1: +50% base ammo while flying+2: -15 second cooldown+5: +12 spirit damage per bullet |
Crow Familiar | Your crow familiar delivers impact damage and inflicts a bleed effect, dealing damage based on a percentage of the target’s current health per second. | +1: Crow ricochets up to 2 times toward other enemies within 15 meters+2: -17 second cooldown+5: +3% bleed and reduces healing by -40% |
Assassinate | Fire a powerful shot using your scoped rifle over long distances. Deals only partial damage until fully charged after 1 second of aiming. Inflicts bonus damage to enemies below 50% health. Scoring a kill with Assassinate grants 250 bonus souls. | +1: -20 second cooldown+2: +140 bonus damage+5: +600 souls per Assassination |
Assassinate is Vindicta’s primary ability. It features multiple charges, making it ideal for pairing with Quicksilver Reload. The execution damage targets low health enemies, and the consistent bonus souls per kill can significantly distinguish her presence in the game. Early in Deadlock, kills may not yield high rewards, but as the game progresses, they become more impactful, allowing Vindicta to start snowballing early.
Follow this ability progression path:

Optimal Items for Revenge
The recommended items for Vindicta are categorized into four sections: early-game, mid-game, late-game luxury items, and situational options.
The first three sections are fairly straightforward, although it can be beneficial to purchase a late-game item early on if you have a stockpile of souls. In some cases, this is advisable. The variable nature of Vindicta’s Assassinate makes outlining her build path slightly more complex compared to other heroes.
No single build is absolutely correct for any character in Deadlock, but this guide will provide an excellent starting point.
Early Game Items

Weapon Items:
- Monster Rounds: Ideal for new players or for those who plan on eliminating jungle camps. Rarely a bad purchase.
- High-Velocity Mag: Beneficial for added bullet speed, making ranged attacks much easier.
- Headshot Booster: A solid choice if you seek early damage; easily builds into Headhunter.
Vitality Items:
- Extra Health: Given Vindicta’s low durability, investing in this against aggressive opponents is advisable.
- Extra Stamina: Crucial to obtain early, especially since Vindicta can now dash while flying; upgrade this in mid-late game.
- Sprint Boots: Essential for map mobility; upgrade this early in mid-late game if facing heavy slows.
- Healing Rite: Great for initial lane struggles; its effectiveness declines later in the game.
Spirit Items:
- Extra Charge: The primary Spirit item you will want early on; wait until you acquire your ultimate to get it.
Mid Game Items

Weapon Items:
- Sharpshooter: Since you’ll be engaging at long range most of the time, this item is highly recommended. Feel free to start with Long Range and transition into this later.
- Headhunter: An excellent purchase if your aim is reliable. Lifesteal isn’t typically as effective due to her mixed damage, so the basic healing is beneficial for trades.
- Pristine Emblem: Wear down enemies with weapon shots, then finish them off with Assassinate for effective farming of ultimate kills.
- Active Reload: Maximizes your damage potential while airborne; essential for maintaining ammo supply.
Vitality Items:
- Combat Barrier: Offers bonus shield and weapon damage, making it a valuable buy.
- Enchanter’s Barrier: Provides similar benefits for Spirit damage and protections.
- Note: This is a good time to upgrade your Sprint and Stamina items.
Spirit Items:
- Quicksilver Reload: Useful for replenishing ammo quickly; pair it with your ultimate.
- Improved Spirit: Boosts your overall spirit damage effectively as you approach late game.
Late Game/Luxury Items

Weapon Items:
- Crippling Headshot: Provides significant bonus damage against any target by reducing both Spirit and Weapon resistances.
- Lucky Shot: A gamble worth taking, offering extra damage akin to critical hits.
- Glass Cannon: A risky investment for those well ahead; it can greatly amplify your damage but leaves you vulnerable.
Vitality Items:
- Soul Rebirth: Revives you after a short duration post-death; ideal when you’re a primary carry target.
- Leech: The ultimate lifesteal item for Vindicta, complementing her mixed Spirit and Weapon damage.
Spirit Items:
- Ethereal Shift: Usually a situational choice, it becomes essential on Vindicta to protect against heavy dives.
- Mystic Slow: Since your bullets apply spirit damage, this item compensates for limited Weapon Item slots.
- Improved Burst: Pairs excellently with Assassinate, enabling you to execute most heroes around 30% health.
- Boundless Spirit: The ultimate in luxury items, offering a plethora of beneficial stats for Vindicta.
Situational Items

Weapon Items:
- Silencer: A valuable choice against ability-reliant heroes; useful for countering foes dashing toward or away from you.
- Warp Stone: Adds an extra mobility option, particularly beneficial for Vindicta’s stamina issues—but be cautious regarding your Weapon Item slots.
Vitality Items:
- Veil Walker: Excellent for quick shield refreshes, crucial if facing consistent harassment.
- Debuff Remover: Offers powerful cleansing capabilities against characters with heavy DoTs or long-lasting crowd control like Mo & Krill.
- Reactive Barrier: Provides excellent value against divers equipped with heavy crowd control.
- Fortitude: Grants strong out-of-combat healing, particularly advantageous if you’re lagging behind in the match.
Spirit Items:
- Curse: Your ally against primary carries diving you; it can buy you time to mitigate their aggression.
- Silence Glyph: Cheaper than Silencer, and effective against individual enemies.
- Knockdown: A suitable purchase against divers or channeled abilities from characters like Seven and Mo & Krill.
- Rapid Recharge: Only necessary if you frequently utilize your ultimate.
That’s the strategy for building and playing Vindicta effectively in Deadlock!
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