Ultimate Guide to Unlocking All Weapons in Satisfactory

In Satisfactory, players encounter a variety of hostile creatures such as hogs, spitters, crabs, and splitters that can be defeated using five different types of weapons. In this guide, I will show you how to acquire all weapons in Satisfactory, complete with crafting recipes for all ammunition types.

Satisfactory: How to Acquire All Weapons


The Xeno-Zapper is the default melee weapon in Satisfactory, featuring a very limited range and minimal damage of just five points. Fortunately, you receive this weapon for free upon exiting the drop-pod. If you wish to craft additional Xeno-Zappers, you can do so at the Equipment Workshop using the following materials:

  • 10x Iron Rod
  • 2x Reinforced Iron Plate
  • 15x Cable
  • 50x Wire


For a more effective option, consider crafting the Xeno-Basher, which is a direct upgrade from the Xeno-Zapper. It offers nearly double the damage at nine points, a longer range of four meters, and includes a stagger ability. You can unlock the Xeno-Basher at Tier 3 within the Enhanced Asset Security chain. To craft it, you will need:

  • 2x Xeno-Zapper
  • 5x Modular Frame
  • 25x Iron Rod
  • 500x Wire
Xeno-Basher weapon in Satisfactory
Image via Coffee Stain

Rebar Gun

The first firearm available in Satisfactory is the Rebar Gun, which can be unlocked by progressing through the MAM Alien Organisms Research branch. The Rebar Gun supports four types of ammunition: Iron Rebar, Stun Rebar, Shatter Rebar, and Explosive Rebar. Each type of ammo can be crafted at the Equipment Workshop once they are unlocked.

Rebar Gun/Iron Rebar (MAM Alien Organisms Research)

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 25x Rotor
    • 50x Reinforced Iron Plate
    • 500x Screw
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 6x Reinforced Iron Plate
    • 16x Iron Rod
    • 100x Screw

Note that crafting a single Iron Rebar requires only 1x Iron Rod.

Stun Rebar (MAM Caterium Research)

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 10x Iron Rebar
    • 50x Quickwire
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 1x Iron Rebar
    • 5x Quickwire

Shatter Rebar (MAM Quartz Research)

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 150x Iron Rebar
    • 30x Quartz Crystal
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 2x Iron Rebar
    • 3x Quartz Crystal

Explosive Rebar (MAM Sulfur Research)

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 200x Iron Rebar
    • 200x Steel Beam
    • 200x Smokeless Powder
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 2x Iron Rebar
    • 2x Smokeless Powder
    • 2x Steel Pipe

Damage Output

  • Iron Rebar: 15
  • Stun Rebar: 5 + 5 seconds stun
  • Shatter Rebar: 15 x 2
  • Explosive Rebar: 50 explosion
Rebar gun in Satisfactory
Image via Coffee Stain


While not as powerful as the Rebar Gun, the Rifle offers a semi-automatic firing mode that enhances overall damage output but consumes more ammunition. Currently, there are three types of ammo compatible with the Rifle: Rifle Ammo, Homing Rifle Ammo, and Turbo Rifle Ammo. All can be crafted at the Equipment Workshop, with the exception of Homing Rifle Ammo, which is unlocked in the MAM Caterium Research chain.

Rifle Weapon

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 50x Smokeless Powder
    • 100x Motor
    • 200x Rubber
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 2x Motor
    • 10x Rubber
    • 25x Steel Pipe
    • 250x Screw

Rifle Ammo

This ammunition unlocks automatically when you obtain the Rifle.

  • Crafting recipe:
    • 3x Copper Sheet
    • 2x Smokeless Powder

Homing Rifle Ammo

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 500x Rifle Ammo
    • 10x High-Speed Connector
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 20x Rifle Ammo
    • 1x High-Speed Connector

Turbo Rifle Ammo

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 1000x Rifle Ammo
    • 50x Packaged Turbofuel
    • 100x Aluminum Casing
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 25x Rifle Ammo
    • 3x Aluminum Casing
    • 3x Packaged Turbofuel

Damage Output

  • Rifle Ammo: 5
  • Homing Rifle Ammo: 6 + Homing effect
  • Turbo Rifle Ammo: 4 + High fire rate
Nobelisk detonator in Satisfactory
Image via Coffee Stain

Nobelisk Detonator

For those who enjoy explosive weaponry, the Nobelisk Detonator activates Nobelisk explosives. There are five types of Nobelisk available in Satisfactory: Nobelisk, Gas Nobelisk, Pulse Nobelisk, Cluster Nobelisk, and Nuke Nobelisk. All can be crafted at the Equipment Workshop but require different MAM chains for unlocking.

Nobelisk Detonator (MAM Sulfur Research)

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 50x Black Powder
    • 100x Steel Pipe
    • 200x Cable
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 1x Object Scanner
    • 10x Steel Beam
    • 50x Cable

Nobelisk (MAM Sulfur Research)

This ammunition automatically unlocks when you acquire the Nobelisk Detonator.

  • Crafting recipe:
    • 2x Black Powder
    • 2x Steel Pipe

Gas Nobelisk (MAM Mycelia Research)

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 10x Nobelisk
    • 100x Mycelia
    • 200x Biomass
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 1x Nobelisk
    • 10x Biomass

Pulse Nobelisk (MAM Quartz Research)

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 5x Crystal Oscillator
    • 100x Nobelisk
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 5x Nobelisk
    • 1x Crystal Oscillator

Cluster Nobelisk (MAM Sulfur Research)

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 100x Smokeless Powder
    • 200x Nobel risk
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 3x Nobelisk
    • 4x Smokeless Powder

Nuke Nobelisk (MAM Sulfur Research)

  • Unlock recipe:
    • 500x Nobelisk
    • 10x Encased Uranium Cell
    • 100x AI Limiter
  • Crafting recipe:
    • 5x Nobelisk
    • 20x Encased Uranium Cell
    • 10x Smokeless Powder
    • 6x AI Limiter

Damage Output

  • Nobelisk: 50 explosion
  • Gas Nobelisk: 5 poison damage per second for 30 seconds
  • Pulse Nobelisk: 5 explosion with knockback
  • Cluster Nobelisk: 50 explosion plus 5 secondary explosions of 25
  • Nuke Nobelisk: 150 explosion plus radiation damage for 30 seconds


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