Uncovering the Potential of BG3 Class Action: A Hidden Gem

Class Actions are unique abilities available to players based on their chosen Class in Baldur’s Gate 3. This often leads to many players overlooking the more unusual ways in which these actions can be used, such as creating a climbable ice cube.

The Ice Shaping ability is a Class Action available to Way of the Four Elements Monks. At first glance, it may appear to be a simple, random cube with limited utility. However, it remains in place for 10 turns and is described as “creating a climbable ice cube.”

If you have never played as a Monk before, particularly an Elements Monk, it is unlikely that you have encountered this specialized Action, and thus, you may be quite perplexed by its purpose.

The Redditor ‘gankfrombush’ shared their experience and questioned the purpose of this peculiar spell on Reddit. Surprisingly, several players were unaware of its existence due to its limited use by the Monk subclass. However, it was revealed that this spell has more practical applications than one would expect.

Is There a Purpose for this Ability? byu/gankfrombush inBaldursGate3

One player noted that the cube is surprisingly heavy, making it a useful tool for causing damage by dropping it on enemies. Additionally, it can be used as a makeshift barrier, used to extinguish fires, or used to block doorways.

In addition, its most effective applications are for reaching higher ground with ease and for triggering traps from a safer distance.

Obtaining high ground in Baldur’s Gate 3, particularly for spellcasters, can greatly benefit you. This can often be a challenge and may require several turns of limited movement, especially when facing an ambush. Luckily, utilizing the cube can provide a simpler route to reaching high ground.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is known for its abundance of traps, which can be difficult to navigate without setting them off. In these situations, the cube can be a valuable tool for triggering traps from a safe distance, protecting your character’s health while still allowing you to progress through the area unharmed.

Despite being an unusual spell-like action, players will always find a way to utilize all of the resources available to them. This can include successfully rescuing all of the Hag’s victims while also obtaining her Hair Boon, or even defeating a challenging boss with a clever strategy.

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