As dedicated fans know, the Boruto anime series, unlike its manga counterpart, is expansive and has adapted various light novels and side stories. However, it has not adequately showcased Hinata Hyuga’s impact on her son Boruto’s skills and academic achievements.
While Naruto Uzumaki struggled academically and in combat, Boruto emerges as a prodigy. He benefits from the significant chakra reserves of the Uzumaki clan and excels in academics and taijutsu, largely attributable to his mother, Hinata, and her Hyuga lineage. Despite this, the anime fails to give Hinata the recognition she rightfully deserves.
Boruto Anime Fails to Recognize Hinata Hyuga’s Role
The adaptation by Studio Pierrot often relied on filler episodes and side stories due to a lack of source material. During these times, the anime revealed various aspects of Boruto’s character, including his academic prowess portrayed in the early filler episodes that highlighted his time at the academy. Additionally, an episode featuring Hanabi Hyuga illustrated Boruto’s impressive taijutsu skills.
Regrettably, the tone of the anime credits Boruto’s abilities solely to his Hyuga heritage without acknowledging the pivotal role of Hinata. While inheriting Hyuga blood certainly contributed to his skills, it was Hinata’s guidance that made his talents flourish.
Hinata taught Boruto the Juken techniques at a young age. Juken is one of Konoha’s most powerful taijutsu styles, and Hinata is renowned for mastering it. Although using the full potential of the technique requires the Byakugan, it can still be effective on its own.
The anime also revealed through Hanabi that Boruto’s physical techniques rival those of an adult, underscoring the significance of Hinata’s training in his taijutsu proficiency.
Regarding academics, although not thoroughly explored, it’s clear that Hinata had a significant influence on Boruto’s studies. She encouraged him, which helped him become an outstanding student, culminating in perfect scores on class tests.
If Studio Pierrot could produce filler episodes on minor storylines unrelated to the main plot, they certainly could have created episodes focusing on Hinata and her relationship with Boruto. Such content could have provided deeper insights into their bond while showcasing the beloved character of Hinata.
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