Understanding the College Football 25 RPO: A Guide to the Run-Pass Option

Mastering Run-pass option plays in College Football 25 can elevate your offensive game to another level, although it may require skill and patience. However, the benefits of mastering RPO make the learning curve well worth it.

A RPO play involves the quarterback making a decision to either hand the ball off to the running back or pass, based on the defensive formations and reactions of defenders after the snap. When done correctly, this play can surprise the defense and result in gaining yards effortlessly.

Despite having a wide array of RPO options in College Football 25, the quarterback must make the right read to avoid giving the defense an opportunity to capitalize on any mistakes and potentially turn the ball over. It is ultimately the responsibility of the players to make the correct decisions on the field.

Using RPO Plays in College Football 25


To execute an RPO play, refrain from pressing any buttons after snapping the ball if you intend to have the running back carry the ball. Alternatively, if you prefer the quarterback to retain the ball and search for a potential throw, hold down X on PlayStation or A on Xbox as the running back moves towards the handoff.

To ensure making the right decision, it is important to observe the reactions of the linebackers. If the middle or outside linebackers charge towards the running back, it may be a sign to pass. However, if they fall back to defend the pass, it would be wise to hand the ball off and take advantage of the opening they create.

The linebackers are crucial defensive players to keep an eye on, but it is also important for players to be aware of the actions of the cornerbacks. The majority of RPO plays involve quick passes to the outside, often to the flat. There is a constant risk that cornerbacks could intercept these passes and score a pick-six, making it essential for players to be vigilant.

It is advisable to practice RPO plays in the open practice game mode before implementing them in a real game. Once you have mastered this technique, defending against it becomes extremely challenging.

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