Unlocking and Utilizing Overclocking in Satisfactory: A Comprehensive Guide

Overclocking is an essential feature in Satisfactory that significantly boosts production efficiency in your factories. However, understanding how to unlock and utilize it can be quite challenging.

You may have noticed the option to unlock this feature while playing or perhaps heard about it through online discussions. Regardless of how you came across it, mastering Overclocking is vital for optimizing assembly lines, including Coal Power Plants and Smart Plating factories.

In this guide, we will explain the mechanics of Overclocking, its advantages, and the best scenarios for its application in your Satisfactory 1.0 factories.

What is Overclocking?

The primary goal of Overclocking is to enhance the production speed of your machines. In tandem with Overclocking, you also have the option to Underclock, which reduces the operational speed.

You can adjust the clock speed of any device between 1% and 250%. The default production speed is set at 100%. Any adjustment above this is considered Overclocking, while any adjustment below is Underclocking. If one of your production lines is lagging, implementing Overclocking could be beneficial.

How to Unlock Overclocking

Overclocking in MAM Satisfactory
Image Source: dexerto

To gain the ability to Overclock or Underclock your machines, you must research the Power Slug Research chain within the MAM (Molecular Analysis Machine).

After completing the research on Blue Power Slugs, one of your next available research projects will be Overclock Production. Below are the materials required for this research:

  • x1 Power Shard
  • x50 Iron Plate
  • x50 Wire
Power Shard recipe Satisfactory
Image Source: dexerto

You can create Iron Plates and Wires by hand using Iron and Copper Ingots, respectively. Furthermore, you can craft Power Shards using Blue, Yellow, or Purple Power Slugs.

The crafting recipe for Power Shards is available from your research on Blue Power Slugs, while Yellow and Purple variants will be unlocked in the same research chain within the MAM.

Blue Power Slugs Satisfactory
Image Source: dexerto

You can find Blue Power Slugs scattered throughout the open world. Once you gather them, you can utilize a Craft Bench to create Power Shards, which are crucial for Overclocking, so be sure to collect as many slugs as you can.

We recommend unlocking Slug Scanning in the research chain as it enables you to locate these slugs in the wild more easily.

How to Overclock a Machine

Overclocking in Satisfactory
Image Source: dexerto

Many machines and buildings support Overclocking, including Smelters, Constructors, and Assemblers. To Overclock a machine, interact with it. At the bottom of your screen, a section will appear for adjusting the clock speed.

To Overclock, you will need Power Shards, which can be manually inserted from your inventory into the machine. You can adjust the clock speed in various ways:

  • Drag the slider
  • Input a percentage or formula
  • Specify a target production rate

Keep in mind that higher clock speeds require more power. Ensure you have sufficient power supply to Overclock your machines; otherwise, you may face a Fuse Break.

To increase the speed, drag the slider to the right, and to decrease it, move the slider to the left. This is the simplest method to modify the clock speed.

Best Machines to Overclock or Underclock

Satisfactory machinery
Image Source: dexerto

The most beneficial buildings to Overclock are your Miners and Generators.

Overclocking your Miners or Extractors can significantly boost your resource acquisition rate. This is particularly effective when mining from Non-Pure Ore Nodes and Oil Nodes. The less pure the node, the slower the extraction, but Overclocking can help overcome that limitation.

Additionally, Overclocking your Generators can enhance the amount of power generated for your power grid. However, adjusting a Generator’s clock speed will alter fuel consumption without affecting energy output.

When considering Underclocking, the ideal time to slow down a machine is when it operates too quickly within an assembly line where other units are slower.

To prevent resource backlogs, you might consider Underclocking machines such as Smelters or Constructors that are outpacing Assemblers or Manufacturers.


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