Unlocking Frostpunk 2 Research Institute: Top Ideas for Initial Research

Frostpunk 2 challenges its Steward to ensure the survival of a near-frostbitten community while leading it toward prosperity through research and innovation.

Once you’ve established your initial districts and secured a few coal deposits, the game directs you to construct a Research Institute. This signals a shift in focus from mere survival to Civilization-like progression, unlocking an Idea Tree for further exploration.

Striking a balance between this new mechanic and ensuring a steady supply of Heatstamps, Prefabs, and Cores can feel almost impossible; although your now-deceased Captain would have likely managed it well – at least, that’s what the New Londoners would claim.

How to Unlock the Research Institute

Unlocking the Research Institute in Frostpunk 2
How to research ideas in Frostpunk 2

You can build a Research Institute quite early in Chapter 1 of Frostpunk 2. Unlike with Districts, select the second circle in the lower right corner of the screen, which is designated for constructing Buildings. Alternatively, you can hit N.

Constructing a Research Institute requires 400 Workforce, 100 Heatstamps, and 50 Prefabs, so ensure you have these resources on hand. Additionally, you’ll need 400 Workforce and 20 Heat to keep the Institute operational.

After selecting the Research Institute building, position it in the Central District of your city.

The Research Institute enables you to delve into Ideas from the Idea Tree, providing passive buffs, such as increasing Coal output while reducing Workforce needs, and essential buildings like Hospitals to mitigate Disease. You can even build additional Research Institutes to boost the speed at which Ideas are researched.

To initiate research on an idea, locate a large circle in the lower right corner or press R. This will bring up the Idea Tree panel, enabling you to invest your resources into new Ideas.

Best Heating Ideas to Research

Heat is arguably the most critical factor, particularly if you wish to keep your population alive during the frigid winter months. Here are the Heating ideas I researched that significantly aided me in the early game:

Coal Mines

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You’ll need Coal to survive the cold and thrive, making this your top priority.

While there are some coal deposits nearby, they won’t last long. This should be the first solution you explore. Let’s look at the alternatives:

Dust Coal Mine Blasting Coal Mine
The Dust Coal Mine yields 150 Coal, requires 400 Workforce, slightly increases Disease, and raises the Materials demand by 20. The Blasting Coal Mine yields 180 Coal for just 300 Workforce, but significantly increases Squalor and raises Materials demand by 60.

Both options boost Coal output, the goal of researching this idea. The best option depends on the settlement you aim to create. You can mitigate Squalor and cure Disease by constructing Hospitals. I opted for the Dust Coal Mine since, in the early game, my access to Materials Extraction Sites was limited, making the 60 Materials demand daunting.

When you get the chance to unlock Advanced Coal Mines, ensure you do so. You’ll want as much coal as possible.

Housing Insulation and Heat Dispatcher

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Without Heat, everyone will freeze to death.

It’s crucial to not only provide Heat but also to conserve and distribute it more effectively. The Housing Insulation idea reduces the base Heat demand from housing districts, while the Heat Dispatcher optimizes heat distribution. For the latter, there are two options:

Heat Dispatcher Actuated Heat Dispatcher
Utilizing engineering teams to monitor and optimize district heating, this grants 20 Heat Demand but requires 400 Workforce. Automated actuators streamline district heating, resulting in 40 Heat Demand with just 200 Workforce, yet it increases Squalor.

While gaining 20 Heat Demand is beneficial, 400 Workforce may be excessive for a Heat Dispatcher. Therefore, I chose to research the Actuated Heat Dispatcher, albeit this required constructing Hospitals to manage Disease.

Generator Upgrade 1 and Melting Deep Deposits

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Your Generator can’t run on Oil, but you can change that.

Once you Transfer Oil to New London, the Generator requires an upgrade to process this new fuel type: hence, the first Generator Upgrade. This research unlocks the Melt Deep Deposits idea, arguably the best Idea in Frostpunk 2.

The coal you mine must serve a purpose, even if your Generator now runs on oil. Regardless of the option chosen, this Idea grants access to vast deposits with endless resources, so scarcity becomes a non-issue.

Best Resources Ideas to Research

Worker Shifts: Weather-Adjusted Shifts/Machine-Centric Shifts

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Workers are human, so ensure you look after them.

Honestly, I find Machine-Centric Shifts the most efficient and productive option here. However, in the early game, with a pressing need for more Heat, you can’t afford to lose Workforce to Disease.

Weather-Adjusted Worker Shifts address both issues with one Idea. Nonetheless, consider researching Machine-Centric Shifts later to decrease the Workforce requirement.

Sawmills – Mechanised Sawmills

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Materials can be sourced from wood.

If you realize your Materials supply is lacking, you have a choice between Mechanised Sawmills or Untreated Sawmills to increase your wood output. Personally, I find Untreated Sawmills demand too much Workforce for too little output, and people are already struggling with illness. The Mechanised Sawmill requires less Workforce and delivers higher output. If you can counteract Squalor and provide sufficient Heat, Mechanised is preferred.

Filtration Towers – Moss Filtration Tower

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The solution to Squalor.

With all the Squalor generated from the Generator and your machines, it could overwhelm your entire population unless addressed. The Moss Filtration Tower significantly decreases Squalor and even provides the ability to quickly reduce it, though at the cost of easily treatable injuries. This option requires 400 Workforce and 20 Heat compared to 300 for the Ventilation Tower.

Best Frostland Ideas to Research

Don’t worry about exploring this tree until you unlock exploration. Once you begin searching for your first oil supply, consider investing in the following Ideas in Frostpunk 2:

Scout’s Headquarters – Survivalist Headquarters

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Time to explore, but do it quickly.

This Idea reduces the exploration time required to access new areas in the game. Given the urgency to find new fuel supplies before your current Coal deposits deplete, this Idea can be a game-changer.

The Survivalist Headquarters fully cuts down exploration time at the cost of 400 Workforce, whereas Scout’s only marginally decreases it for the same amount. You might not win over the Colonists with this choice, but survival is the primary goal.

Harvester Hangar – Gleaning Harvester Hangar

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An additional food supply.

Researching this Idea grants access to more food from the Frostland, meaning your food supply won’t solely depend on the Food Districts set up in New London. Personally, I opted for the Gleaning Harvester Hangar to gain a 20% increase in Harvesting Energy, versus the 10% offered by the regular version.

Best City Ideas to Research

Housing Block – Housing Block

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Need extra shelter? Build a Housing Block.

Your population is likely to grow in Frostpunk 2 – unless they are all succumbing to Cold or Disease. You won’t be able to construct enough suitable Housing Districts to accommodate every citizen arriving in New London. A practical solution to slightly increase housing is the Housing Block, which provides 10 extra Shelter per block; you can place them in virtually any district.

As I preferred to avoid losing Heatstamps or introducing another Disease factor, I did not choose the Dense Housing Block or the Subsidized Housing Block.

Work Compensation – Both Choices

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If you require a Faith boost, opt for Equal Pay.

Work Compensation serves merely to enhance whichever aspect needs a boost in your gameplay. If you’re low on Trust, select Equal Pay. If efficiency is your focus, choose Efficiency Bonuses.

Best Society Ideas to Research

Hospitals – Recovery Hospital

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Disease continues to rise, and there’s only one effective remedy.

By incorporating a Hospital, you can effectively reduce Disease, ensuring your population remains active and productive. The Recovery Hospital offers the greatest Disease reduction but requires readiness to provide 40 Heat Demand. Moreover, this upgrade also increases the Population, a benefit if you’re prepared to house them. More people translate to more Workforce, provided you can offer adequate shelter.

Watchtower – Patrol Watchtower

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Prevent crime under the watchful eye of the Watchtower.

While Watchtowers are effective, Patrol Watchtowers increase the number of Guards patrolling your city. The Random Searches feature is excellent for reducing Crime, though it may cause tensions to rise, so be prepared.

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The best Hubs in Frostpunk 2.

A few hubs can significantly enhance the quality of life in New London:

  • Emergency Medical Hub: For 20 Heat and 25 Materials, this hub helps reduce Disease in the surrounding area.
  • Maintenance Hub: For 100 Workforce and 20 Heat, the demand for Materials in nearby areas decreases.
  • Surveillance Hub: For 20 Heat and 25 Materials, this hub aids in Crime reduction nearby.
  • Rail Hub: For 100 Workforce, 40 Heat, and 50 Materials, this increases Efficiency in neighboring Extraction, Industrial, or Food Districts, but only if built in close proximity.

That sums up everything you need to know about the Research Institute and the Idea Tree in Frostpunk 2. Remember that Factions may not always align with your choices, so it’s wise to be aware of both your allies and adversaries.


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