The inaugural season of Marvel Rivals has officially commenced, introducing players to new characters, maps, and an array of costumes to collect. Among these is the coveted Invisible Woman Blood Shield costume, which players can acquire for free. Here’s a detailed guide on how to obtain it.
Unlocking the Invisible Woman Blood Shield Skin in Marvel Rivals
To unlock the Invisible Woman Blood Shield costume, players must achieve at least a Gold Tier III rank in Competitive matchmaking. This costume is exclusive to Competitive mode and cannot be obtained through Quick Match, Practice vs. AI, Custom Game, or Arcade modes.
When opting for Competitive mode, it is important to note that all team members need to be level 10 or higher. Moreover, the mode is limited to either PC or console players, as cross-platform gameplay between PC and consoles is not supported.
Players will commence their journey in Competitive at the Bronze Tier III rank and must progress through various ranks: Bronze Tier III to I, Silver Tier III to I, and finally reaching Gold. Each rank consists of three tiers, requiring players to accumulate 100 points to advance. Winning matches will earn points, while losses may result in point deductions.
While players can continue in the Competitive mode beyond Gold Tier III, it is not a requirement for those solely focused on obtaining the skin. Gold-ranked players will not lose their rank if they choose not to engage further.
Availability of the Invisible Woman Blood Shield Skin
Players who reach Gold Tier III and above will need to be patient until the conclusion of Season 1 on April 11 to claim the Invisible Woman Blood Shield costume. The Competitive season will wrap up at this time, and players’ final rankings will delineate the rewards they obtain. In the interim, players can focus on completing challenges to earn the Thor Reborn from Ragnarok costume.
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