Unlocking the Secret Store in R.E.P.O.: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unlocking the Secret Store in R.E.P.O.: A Step-by-Step Guide

Each time you complete a level in R. E.P. O., you and your teammates return to the Service Station, an essential in-game shop packed with useful items for your adventures. While this location serves as a great place to stock up on supplies for your next mission, there’s also a hidden store in R. E.P. O.that can only be accessed from the Service Station.

Discovering the Secret Store in R. E.P. O.

Upon your arrival at the Service Station, walk over to the section containing Health Packs and perform a jump while facing the ceiling. Begin interacting with the ceiling tiles; it may take a bit of effort, but eventually, you will find a tile that responds. By pulling on one end of this tile (a bit of wiggling may be required), you will create an opening to access the ceiling.

Diagram showing the specific tile to select in the Service Station
Image via Twinfinite

In the ideal scenario, a Feather Drone will be available in the Service Station. Activate it by pressing “E”to ascend into the ceiling space. If the Feather Drone is not present, you can use a Shockwave Mine to propel yourself upwards. This option will require some practice, but with the right timing, it’s completely feasible—just remember to jump as the mine detonates.

REPO Shockwave Mine
Image via Twinfinite

Alternatively, if you’re playing cooperatively, have your partner crouch using “Q, ” which allows you to lift them into the ceiling area. To maximize height, try jumping and using the mouse wheel to adjust your reach. Be resourceful and use the surrounding objects to assist in your ascent.

The items available for purchase in the Service Station are often randomized. If you find yourself playing solo and struggling with the Shockwave Mine technique, consider utilizing any nearby objects to boost your elevation. Should you find it too challenging to reach the ceiling indefinitely, rest assured that you can attempt this after completing another level—survival at R. E.P. O.means a return to the Service Station.

Items Available in the Secret Store of R. E.P. O.

If you manage to get into the secret room, take a moment to explore the skeleton-adorned area for intriguing items. You will usually have the option to select between two throwable weapons: the Duct Tape Grenade or the Human Grenade. Keep in mind that these items are not complimentary.

Interior of the REPO Secret Store
Image via Twinfinite

The Human Grenade, priced at $2, 000, offers precise explosions but less overall damage compared to standard grenades. In contrast, the Duct Tape Grenade (also $2, 000) consists of multiple Human Grenades attached together, resulting in higher damage output but reduced accuracy. These potent throwables can turn the tide in challenging situations, making the effort to access the secret store well worth it if your budget allows.

And that concludes the steps to reach the secret store room in R. E.P. O..

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