Unreleased Baldur’s Gate 3 content features fish as the main hero

A committed Baldur’s Gate 3 player has discovered a set of end-game safeguards, including one that involves placing the destiny of the Forgotten Realms in the fins of a randomly chosen fish.

Larian Studios, the developers of Baldur’s Gate 3, have shown great attention to detail and foresight, as evidenced by the numerous findings made by players. In fact, one YouTuber was so curious about the extent of this detail that they decided to test what would happen if essential items were lost in locations that cannot be revisited.

In Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3, players are introduced to the Netherstones, which are powerful magical artifacts held by the Chosen of the Dead Three. Once Thorm is defeated and his Netherstone is obtained, Act 3 is dedicated to obtaining the remaining Netherstones.

The game emphasizes the importance of these items as they are crucial for defeating the final boss. The Emperor will even reprimand players who drop the Netherstones, instructing them to retrieve and safeguard them.

Proxy Gate Tactician showcases various failsafes discovered in a video that prevent players from getting stuck in a softlock if they lose the Netherstones. Some of these failsafes are quite surprising.

The content creator discovered exclusive dialogue and special interactions that are only triggered when the Netherstones are lost in specific locations.

One of the most intriguing aspects is the outcome if the Netherstones are lost at the Iron Throne, a submerged penitentiary that self-destructs after departure. Since it is impossible to revisit the location, the game has implemented safeguards to ensure players do not unintentionally render their save file unfinishable.

If this scenario occurs, you will be sent by the Emperor to the Lower City docks. Defeating and looting the Suhagin will enable you to retrieve the stones. Nevertheless, since this encounter is inevitable, Proxy Gate Tactician decided to test the outcome if it had already been completed before the Iron Throne.

As they discovered, this results in the Netherstones being obtained by a merchant in the same area who sells them for a few gold each. However, since the merchant, like the Suhagin, is a constant presence, the YouTuber attempted a different approach by killing him to test the outcome of removing both fail-safes.

The outcome is that a fish will randomly ingest the stones and then get carried to the shore where it may be plundered. This caused Proxy Gate Tactician to quip that the fish had “sacrificed itself to protect Faerun.”

It is equally astonishing that a completely distinctive event occurs if the stones are lost at the Steel Watch Foundry.

The city of Baldur's Gate in Baldur's Gate 3
Larian Studios

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are still finding secrets after thousands of hours of playtime.

Upon returning to the area, it becomes evident that the Netherstones have been stolen by kobold looters, and although they may not attack, they will attempt to flee. If they are successful in escaping, it will result in a game over. This specific encounter only occurs in this scenario, making it a unique occurrence.

Larian’s dedication to failsafes is evident in each of these sequences, as they feature distinct voice lines from the Emperor. This further emphasizes the amount of effort put into preventing unlikely scenarios, such as intentionally leaving the Netherstones behind despite numerous warnings.

Despite acknowledging that these are not “very extensive,”the Proxy Gate Tactician states that they have already invested 1,400 hours into the game.

It may come as a surprise, but reaching a four-digit playtime in Baldur’s Gate 3 is not the only discovery players have made. In fact, one player claims to have stumbled upon a charming hidden merchant after playing for over 1,000 hours.

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