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Unvaulted Fortnite item helps balance game against overpowered vehicles

Unvaulted Fortnite item helps balance game against overpowered vehicles

Epic Games have brought back Boogie Bombs to combat the overpowered vehicles in Chapter 5 Season 3, bringing a sense of relief to players.

Since the release of the Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 update, players have been discussing the excessive strength of the game’s vehicles, which can be attributed to the various weapon enhancements implemented by the developers.

Recently, Epic Games performed a hotfix that resulted in the unvaulting of Boogie Bombs and the implementation of some nerfs to vehicles on the island. Although these nerfs will decrease the dominance of vehicles to some degree, the Boogie Bomb has emerged as a significant counter to cars in Fortnite.

When thrown at a vehicle in the game, this bomb will eject the driver and make them dance for a brief moment. While the player affected by the Boogie Bomb will temporarily be unable to use weapons, they will still have the ability to move.

Gamers have been devising creative strategies for utilizing the Boogie Bomb in conjunction with the various weapons offered in Fortnite. For instance, in a video posted by @Chaos_ArtistFN on X, they hurled a Boogie Bomb at a vehicle before attacking the opponent with Nitro Fists, resulting in a swift defeat.

One player remarked, “That’s even more amusing than the dull car gimmick,”while another was surprised, stating, “I never expected Boogie Bombs to be the saving grace of a Fortnite season.”

According to dataminers, the developers are currently working on a Sniper that has the ability to inflict 3 times the normal damage on vehicles. Additionally, they are also considering bringing back the EMP Grenade, as mentioned in this tweet.

These two products are intended to serve as solutions for countering the vehicles introduced in Chapter 5 Season 3, potentially impacting the vehicle meta as the season continues.

It has been suggested by dataminers that a crossover between Pirates of the Caribbean and Fall Guys is currently in development and set to be released later this season.

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