The creator of the popular Japanese manga series, Kujima Utaeba Ie Hororo, Akira Konno, has revealed that an anime adaptation is currently in the works. However, specific information such as the voice actors, production team, animation studio, and release date have yet to be disclosed.
Today, May 10th, the 5th volume of the manga was released!! At the same time, we have an announcement! It has been decided that “Kujima Sings, the House Will Fall Apart” will be made into an anime!! Thanks to everyone who has supported us…!! Thank you so much!!
— Akira Konno (@conno_33) May 10, 2024
Kujima Utaeba Ie Horroro – Kujima Utaeba Ie Horroro (Official Music Video )
“In the fall of his first year of junior high school, Arata Kouda encountered a strange thing. In this home comedy, a mysterious creature named “Kujima” brings new life to the Konohda family, where the atmosphere is slightly tense due to the concern for the eldest son, a ronin student who is preparing for the entrance examinations! By the way, the creature, who calls himself Kuzima, speaks normal language and eats the same food as humans (or insects). Did he come from outer space, or did he…!”
In addition to the announcement of the anime adaptation, Shogakukan revealed that the manga, which was serialized in Shogakukan’s Monthly Shonen Sunday (Gessan) from September 2021 to April 2024, had its final fifth volume released in Japan on May 10, 2024 by Konno, as reported by Natalie.
The story begins with Arata Kōda, a first-year middle school student, encountering a peculiar and slender bird-like being named Kujima during the autumn season. This creature possesses the ability to communicate and consume food just like a human. With a strong desire for Japanese cuisine, Kujima ends up taking shelter with the Kōda family in their home until the arrival of spring.
Kujima Utaeba Ie Hororo has already established itself as a prominent manga in the industry. It was recognized as one of the top contenders for the 2022 Next Manga Award in the print manga category, ranking 18th out of 50 nominees. In the 2023 edition of Takarajimasha’s Kono Manga ga Sugoi! list for best manga targeted towards male readers, it stood proudly in the twelfth spot, alongside Fool Night and Nippon Sangoku.
As the anime adaptation of Kujima Utaeba Ie Hororo approaches, we can sense your anticipation. While certain aspects remain undisclosed, we guarantee to keep you informed with the most recent developments. Keep an eye out for updates!
About Kujima Utaeba Ie Hororo
During his first year of junior high school in the fall, Arata Kouda had a peculiar encounter. In this domestic comedy, a mysterious being known as “Kujima”brings a new dynamic to the Konohda household, which is slightly strained due to the eldest son’s preparation for the entrance exams as a ronin student. Interestingly, this creature, who introduces himself as Kujima, communicates in a human-like language and consumes the same food as humans (or insects). The question remains, did he come from another planet, or perhaps…!
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