In 2025, fans can look forward to a brand-new anime featuring Hell Teacher Nube! Originally appearing in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 1993, this popular series created by Sho Makura and Takeshi Okano, also known as Jigoku Sensei Nube in Japanese, is making a comeback.
To celebrate the release of Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube, the team has unveiled the first teaser video and poster. We urge you to stay updated for more information and express your anticipation for the comeback of Hell Teacher Nube with other fans. Currently, there is no information about the production studio, staff, voice cast, or streaming platform.
The English title for Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube was revealed in a teaser visual and promotional video on the official Twitter account for the project. The visual video below showcases the same title.
◤In 2025, fear will be engulfing Japan──”Hell Teacher Nube” will be made into a new anime! ◢The legendary super popular occult comic, which was serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump” and boasts a total of 29 million copies in circulation, will be made into a new anime in 2025! / 8gYPhLHepX
— Official website for the anime “Hell Teacher Nube” (@nube_ani) July 21, 2024
◤ In 2025, fear will be engulfed throughout Japan ── “Hell Teacher Nube” to be made into a new anime! ◢ The legendary super popular occult comic series, serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump” , has sold a total of 29 million copies. A new anime adaptation is scheduled for 2025!
The teaser visual provides us with our initial look at the anime.
About the Series
The announcement was also accompanied by English comments from Makura and Okano, which were shared on the anime’s official website.
Makura stated:
I am thrilled that we are getting a new anime adaptation in this Reiwa (modern) era. With the changing times and advancements in digital animation, the setting has been updated, and the students of Class 5-3 have been given a modern update. Please look forward to a completely new look while retaining all the charm of Nube.”
Sho Makura (Story)
Okano remarked:
The anime adaptation is finally happening! BANZAI! I can finally share the news! This project has been in the works for years, and it was tough keeping it a secret. But now, I can shout it out loud! I’m so happy! Yay! I can’t wait!
Takeshi Okano (Art)
About Hell Teacher Nube
The anime’s official website includes a description of the story in English on its announcement video.
The story follows Meisuke Nueno, aka “Nube,” a psychic teacher with a demon hand, as he battles evil spirits and monsters to protect his students in this saga that employs elements of Japanese mythology and folklore to tell a fan-pleasing action story.
Known for its occult and horror elements on school ghost stories and urban legends, Nube captivated readers across generations with his heroic efforts to save his students from supernatural threats.
Official Website
Makura and Okano’s experience with the initial 31-volume manga, which was published from 1993 to 1999 in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, serves as evidence of the lasting impact of Jigoku Sensei Nube. Having sold more than 29 million copies and undergoing a re-release in 2006 in 20 volumes, the manga has a rich and deeply ingrained history.
The impact of the original manga has reached far and wide, leading to the creation of a television anime series in 1996-1997, a video anime series in 1998-1999, and three anime films in 1996 and 1997. The franchise’s diversity is further demonstrated through a live-action series adaptation in 2014, highlighting the extensive influence of Jigoku Sensei Nube.
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