Upcoming Nerf for Destiny 2’s Fan-Favorite Exotic Will Limit Fun Factor

Despite players’ positive reception of the Exotic Auto Rifle, the developers of Destiny 2 have announced plans to nerf Choir of One in a future update.

On August 27, Bungie launched Echoes Act 3, giving Destiny 2 players the chance to take part in the concluding installment of the Episode 1 story.

Upon finishing the Encore exotic mission in Act 3, users have the ability to create Choir of One, an Exotic Auto Rifle designed specifically for Void builds and Titan mains. Its unique features make it an ideal choice for these playstyles.

Despite its special ammunition and impressive damage capabilities, the weapon left players in a state of shock and awe. Shooting from the hip essentially transformed the Auto Rifle into a shotgun, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

According to recent posts on social media by the Destiny 2 Team, the Exotic weapon will receive nerfs once Episode 2 releases on October 8. These adjustments will target specific bugs that affect the gun’s ammo reserves and damage.

Currently, the Destiny 2 team has confirmed that Choir of One has a larger ammo reserve than originally planned and that hip-fire projectiles are dealing more damage than intended when boosted by Divinity.

An inquiry on Reddit prompted a Bungie developer to reveal that the current number of reserves is “around 400 or more,”which should ideally be closer to 200.

The team stated in their original post that players should simply focus on having a “fun time”since the new changes will not be implemented until October 8.

The Countdown feature added to the Choir of One in-game domination has received a lukewarm response from the Destiny 2 community.

One player expressed their frustration on Twitter/X replies, saying, “Don’t take all the fun out of the game.”

Another player on Reddit pleaded with Bungie, writing, “Please nerf the guns before releasing them. It’s disheartening to receive a new and exciting weapon only for it to be taken away.”

Despite the understanding that ironing out the glitches is necessary, there is still concern that the ammo reserves may be significantly impacted.

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