Update on the case of TikToker Daniel Larson

TikToker Daniel Larson will continue to be incarcerated throughout his ongoing case following allegations that he made threats to detonate multiple government buildings, including the White House.

On May 1, 2024, Daniel Larson, a well-known TikToker, was apprehended and faced multiple charges of “Use or Threatened use of explosive material”for reportedly making threats to detonate explosive devices at the White House, FBI headquarters, and various government buildings in Colorado.

On May 10, 2024, a detention hearing was held in which the United States requested Larson to be held in custody until the conclusion of his trial. The judge granted this request and provided justification for his decision in an Order of Detention.

According to the statement, Mr. Larson has been struggling with mental health issues and has been living on the streets for several years. His lawyer mentioned that he earns some income from his online activities and may also receive social security benefits. Additionally, he is currently unemployed and lacks a permanent residence.

The article continues to state that it remained uncertain if Larson intended to carry out his threats, yet they resulted in considerable damage. The judge remarked, “The non-profit center had to be evacuated and its operations were disrupted for several hours.”

The judge reiterated that Larson had been instructed to stop making threats to the FBI, but disregarded the directive and persisted in doing so.

“Furthermore, the United States stated that Mr. Larson’s behavior appears to be getting more severe, with recent statements indicating that he has a history of incarceration and has acquired knowledge on making explosives.”

The judge noted that Larson has four outstanding warrants for not appearing in court and has also neglected to complete a requested mental health evaluation. Taking all of this into consideration, the judge concluded that releasing Larson would not guarantee the safety of the community or ensure his appearance at trial, thus he would remain in custody.

Currently, the TikToker is being detained at Clear Creek County Jail in Colorado.

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