Updated Anime Vanguards Tier List for September 2024

If you want to discover the top units in Anime Vanguards and understand why they are essential without spending hours testing or watching gameplay videos, our Anime Vanguards tier list is perfect for you. Let’s jump right into it!

Anime Vanguards Unit Tier List

Anime Vanguards tier list of all units
Image Source: Kitawari & TierMaker via Twinfinite

The units listed in our Anime Vanguards tier list above are ranked based on various factors, particularly their overall utility and DPS. For a closer look at each unit’s ranking, continue reading.

S+ Tier Anime Vanguard Units

  • Igros (Elite Knight) — When paired with Evo SJW, Evo Igros is the most powerful secret in Anime Vanguards, gaining incredible buffs from SJW, while also enhancing SJW himself! He is full AoE, immune to stun, and boasts impressive stats.
  • Alocard (Vampire King) — Evo Alocard is the strongest bleed unit in the game. With full AoE, exceptional range, rapid SPA, and high base damage, he’s a top choice.
  • Song Jinwu (Monarch) — Evo SJW stands out as the best mythic in Anime Vanguards, capable of summoning units, delivering amazing DPS, and boasting top-tier synergy with Igris.
  • Cha-In (Blade Dancer) — Evo Cha-In ranks as the second-best mythic in the game. She can dodge and counter enemy attacks, has enhanced crit, and excellent DPS and range.
  • Sosuke (Storm) — Evo Sosuke serves as a solid support mythic, providing stuns and increased damage to enemies, though his stun duration is relatively short.
  • Obita (Awakened) — Evo Obita offers solid DPS and burn damage but lacks utility compared to SJW or Cha-In. Nevertheless, he excels as a pure DPS option.
  • Haruka Rin (Dancer) — Haruka Evo receives a passive that extends the range of other units nearby, making her buffs effective across multiple units.
  • Sprintwagon — Sprintwagon is currently the only farming unit in the game, making him invaluable on any team.

S Tier Anime Vanguard Units

  • Alocard — Even in non-evo form, Alocard is robust with bleed effects, full AoE, and impressive range, potentially making him the best non-evo unit.
  • Igros — Non-evo Igros is a strong choice as a stat stick; however, evolving him greatly enhances his capabilities.
  • Vogita Super (Awakened) — Evo Vogita Super, alongside Noruto, is among the least effective evo mythics. While his DPS is decent, he lacks standout passives.
  • Noruto (Six Tails) — Evo Naruto is not the best Evo mythic, but his solid raw stats earn him a place in your roster.
  • Cha-In — Cha-In is perhaps the finest non-evo mythic, thanks to her crit passive and cone AoE attack, ideal for any game mode.
  • Song Jinwu — Non-evo Song Jinwu possesses average stats, but his passive is beneficial. Important for OP evolution, he is worth considering.
  • Haruka Rin — Non-evo Haruka Rin might underwhelm on her own, yet when buffing strong units, she significantly increases their DPS.

A Tier Anime Vanguard Units

  • Sosuke (Hebi) — Sosuke ranks high among non-evo mythics with excellent SPA, damage, and range, while his passive greatly boosts his DPS.
  • Obita — Despite a somewhat weak passive for a mythic, Obita’s high base stats make him a decent non-evo unit.
  • Vogita Super — Vogita Super features a passive that lowers his SPA when only Vogita units are present, making him useful as a starter and \(shield breaker\) in challenges, though still not as effective as SJW or Cha-In.
  • Noruto (Sage) — Proper placement of Noruto (Sage) is crucial to activate his passive, which still yields mediocre results compared to his peers.
  • Agony — As one of the best supports, Agony has full AoE upon placement and knockback abilities; however, significant investment is needed to reduce his SPA.
  • Itochi — With the strongest burn among sub-mythic units, Itochi also boasts solid DPS.
  • Alligator — Alligator stands out as a strong epic support unit, applying a near-permanent 50% slow debuff on enemies, especially effective against bosses.

B Tier Anime Vanguard Units

  • Kinaru — Kinaru provides a passive that can seem debuffing but is advantageous against specific story bosses, coupled with decent overall DPS.
  • Goi — All legendaries have their merit, with Goi excelling as a pure DPS unit, enhancing damage with more enemies in range while dodging attacks.
  • Roku (Dark) — Roku (Dark) serves well as a legendary with a passive that can execute non-boss enemies, proving useful even without upgrades in higher difficulties.
  • Grim Wow — Grim Wow is a top legendary option for dealing with bosses, thanks to his useful passive, though his range and DPS may not impress.
  • Kinnua — Kinnua stuns and knockbacks enemies with his attacks, offering a slight edge over Kokashi but falling short of Alligator.
  • Kokashi — Kokashi presents solid damage and stun capabilities, although the stun duration is relatively brief.

C Tier Anime Vanguard Units

  • Genas — Genas provides solid burn damage and has a passive for quicker attacks, ranking above Pickleo but below other epic units in utility.
  • Pickleo — Pickleo is a reliable Epic DPS option until you secure a legendary.
  • Inosake — While Inosake has a decent passive, his DPS does not compete with options like Alligator or Kinnua.
  • Genitsu — Considered among the worst epic units, Genitsu lacks sufficient DPS and utility to stand against Kokashi or Kinnua.
  • Gaari — Gaari features a line AoE attack with relatively low damage, ranking among the less favorable epic units.
  • Shinzi — Widely regarded as the least effective epic unit, it’s best to avoid using Shinzi.

D Tier Anime Vanguard Units

  • Roku — Roku is a strong choice among rare units for early gameplay, boasting decent DPS and an attack-boosting passive.
  • Sosuke — With a solid burn ability, Sosuke is effective even at zero upgrades.
  • Rukio — Rukio likely has the highest DPS among rare units, albeit limited by a small attack AoE.
  • Noruto — As a rare unit, Noruto holds good statistics for the early game, making him a reliable choice.
  • Luffo — Luffo shares similarities with Ichiga, albeit trading damage for increased range on his passive, enhancing functionality.
  • Ichiga — With a weak attack and unimpressive passive offering a mere 20% DMG increase, Ichiga falls short.
  • Sanjo — Sanjo ranks low, with both poor stats and passive abilities.
  • Jon — Jon is arguably the worst rare unit available, best avoided.
  • Joe — While Joe has a decent passive, there are superior rare units to consider.
  • Vogita — Vogita remains mediocre even among rare units, with other options proving more effective.

That concludes our tier list of units in Anime Vanguards. To discover which towers are currently meta in other popular games, including Five Nights TD, Anime Defenders, and Anime Royale, check out the Roblox section at Twinfinite.


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