Using water bottles Oh My Girl used as prizes “University festival controversy, apology for ‘Immaturity’”

Recently on online communities, there were reports that members of Oh My Girl attended a festival at a university in Chungcheongnam-do. Following their performance, the host of the event caused controversy by offering water bottles used by the members as prizes for a talent show.

After delivering a 30-minute performance of their hit songs, Oh My Girl was followed by a talent show initiated by the festival host. The prizes for the show were the water bottles used by the members during their performance, which were then distributed to select audience members.

oh my girl

His behavior was deemed unsuitable by many.

The host expressed regret on the university student council’s SNS, stating, “I am sorry for handing out the water bottles that were previously used by Oh My Girl to the students at the conclusion of the festival. I had intended it to be a thoughtful act, but it ended up causing discomfort. The participants of the talent show were anticipating a different type of gift and were taken aback by the water bottles.”

oh my girl

The host took responsibility, stating, “I made a mistake and I apologize for my poor judgement. Please address any criticism towards me, rather than the students. The students featured in the video are being negatively impacted, therefore I kindly ask that the video not be circulated any further. I am deeply sorry for my immature behavior.”

The student council issued an apology, stating that the incident was not planned or coordinated with the school or performers. They expressed their sincere regret to Oh My Girl and their fans for the unexpected occurrence that took place after the performance. The council also acknowledged the negative impact on the university’s reputation as the organizer of the event and apologized to the students. They pledged to prevent similar incidents in the future and ensure better management of events.

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