Ever since karma was introduced in the Boruto manga, the Hidden Leaf Village has viewed the protagonist as a potential danger, fearing that he may succumb to Momoshiki’s control. This concern escalated when Momoshiki initially possessed Boruto’s body. As a result, the protagonist has been locked in a constant battle with the Otsutsuki for control over his own body.
Despite their efforts, the characters were unable to rid themselves of the karma or slow down the Otsutsukification process. The merging of the Otsutsuki’s data with his hosts’ proved to be an insurmountable obstacle, ultimately leading the protagonist to become an Otsutsuki. Realistically, there is no known method to separate the host from the Otsutsuki. However, one Boruto fan came up with a plausible theory.
Note: The following article may reveal spoilers from the Boruto manga.
Uzumaki Clan’s Dead Demon Consuming Seal: A Solution for Boruto’s Separation from Momoshiki
@Marcelpi3, a Boruto fan on X, put forth a theory that the Uzumaki clan’s Dead Demon Consuming Seal could potentially be used to defeat Momoshiki Otsutsuki. This is due to the fact that the sealing technique allows the user to harness the strength of a demon in order to extract a soul from their intended target.
After extracting the soul, it is possible for the user to separate Boruto’s soul from Momoshiki’s and specifically target the Otsutsuki’s soul in order to seal it away. Although some may believe it to be impossible to solely target Momoshiki’s soul, the Naruto anime has hinted at the possibility of this happening.
The jutsu has been employed twice in the anime, first by Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi in his battle against Orochimaru and then by Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze.
Despite Hiruzen Sarutobi’s use of the technique, his physical limitations prevented him from fully sealing Orochimaru’s soul. Therefore, he was only able to target a portion of Orochimaru, specifically his hands, for the sealing. As a result, Orochimaru’s hands were sealed and Hiruzen’s arms were left paralyzed.
In the midst of this, Minato Namikaze employed the sealing technique to divide Kurama’s yin and yang. Immediately afterwards, he contained the yang aspect within Naruto and the yin aspect within himself.
This confirms that the user of the Dead Demon Consuming Seal has the ability to specifically target and seal away their desired target. Unless Boruto and Momoshiki’s souls were fused, there was a high likelihood of successfully targeting and sealing away Momoshiki’s soul.
Despite its effectiveness, the main drawback of this theory is that the sealing technique significantly depletes the chakra and life force of its user. This was evident in the anime, as both Minato and Hiruzen perished shortly after utilizing the jutsu.
Therefore, in order for the protagonist to distance himself from Momoshiki Otsutsuki, he must be willing to sacrifice someone. Additionally, someone must be willing to sacrifice themselves in order to assist him. Furthermore, the jutsu poses an issue as it can only be executed by a select few individuals.
Luckily, among them was Orochimaru, who not only possessed the ability to use the jutsu but also had the option to save himself by switching bodies. Hence, if the protagonist desires assistance with the technique, he need not search beyond the Sannin.
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