Valorant Discussion: Why Vyse’s Ultimate Ability May Not Be as Overpowered as it Seems

Valorant players have acquired access to Vyse and have concluded that, although her Ultimate may appear overpowered, it is actually underwhelming in general.

Despite being the newest Agent in Valorant, Vyse possesses a unique Ultimate ability called Steel Garden. This powerful ability has the potential to disable the enemy’s use of their primary weapons for a duration of 10 seconds. This makes it a formidable tool in the hands of skilled players, who can potentially secure a victory in a round if utilized effectively.

Despite this, players have continued to brainstorm strategies for countering it. One such approach is to invest in stronger secondary weapons, such as Sheriffs, in order to minimize the effects of Steel Garden, as skilled marksmen can still effectively defend themselves against rifles.

Despite this, some have contested this tactic and argue that there are simpler methods to handle Vyse’s ultimate. In a Reddit discussion, several players debated that the ultimate is not excessively powerful and is being overly praised.

cover art featuring Vyse in Valorant.
Riot Games

Vyse is a Sentinel and Initiator hybrid.

One Reddit user commented, “Buying strong secondary weapons to counter Vyse’s Ultimate just seems pointless to me. It only disables your primary weapon for 10 seconds, during which you can easily use your utility to delay.”

“While it is still a good ultimate for pressuring the enemy team to use their utilities, it is not overly dominant and does not require you to constantly purchase a pistol every round when the opponent has their ultimate available.”

Some players also proposed the idea of teams fleeing after being hit with the ability, and then regrouping to fight once its effect has worn off.

Another user reminded others that the game already has ultimates that can secure victory for the entire team, a fact that is often overlooked.

While Steel Garden may seem to be an overpowered ability for a tactical shooter on paper, Riot Games has consistently designed abilities in Valorant that require teams to retreat or exercise caution in order to have a chance at winning the round.

Despite its appearance as a “win now”capability, Vyse’s Ultimate has been well-received by players upon its release as it is seen as more balanced than expected. This does not necessarily mean that Vyse lacks any potentially overpowered abilities, but rather that players are currently drawn to the most eye-catching aspect of her capabilities.

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