Valorant Players Call for True Solo Queue from Riot Games

Valorant players are urging Riot Games to add a solo queue feature to competitive play in order to address issues with smurfing and boosted players.

Despite Riot’s continued efforts to tackle the issue of smurfs, which has been plaguing Valorant since its release more than four years ago, the problem still persists. Raising the minimum level for competitive play to 20 and making adjustments to rank disparities in lobbies were some of the measures taken by Riot, but they have not been able to fully resolve the problem.

It is currently believed by players that a viable solution, which has already been successful in Riot’s other game, League of Legends, may be available.

Valorant could potentially benefit from implementing a similar system to League of Legends, which has successfully incorporated competitive queues for different lobby types. One such queue is the solo queue, where solo players are matched together, effectively preventing any attempts to boost or disrupt the game.

This game needs a true solo queue byu/Skayio inVALORANT

Valorant currently does not have the same queue filtering system as League of Legends. In the competitive queue, players are only filtered if they are in a group of five, in order to maintain balance in the game. However, aside from this one filter, there is no restriction on trios or duos playing with solo players, which is seen as the main issue in the current competitive scene.

“It is unclear why Valorant does not already implement this feature. It can be frustrating to be matched with a team that consists of a 3-stack or 2 duos. A full solo queue option would encourage players to communicate and work together more effectively,”stated a commenter on Reddit.

The transfer of the solo queue aspect from League of Legends to Valorant was largely supported by the community, though some concerns remain about its potential impact on the game in the future.

“I agree with the competitive aspect, however, I believe Riot has learned from their experience with League that the success of their games heavily relies on players being able to play with friends. Whenever they have made changes to the skill range for queuing with friends in the past, it has often been met with backlash from the community as it restricts their ability to play with their friends,”stated another.

Although playing with friends is often the main appeal of games, there is also a valid argument for why a solo queue may be beneficial for individuals who wish to progress without the uncertainty of their team composition.

Given that Riot has already implemented this practice with League of Legends, it is possible that a similar approach could be implemented in the future.

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